Chapter 65

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As I keep running through the corridors in search of Hermione, Ron and Harry I bump into someone

"I'm so sorry"

I gasp when I hear the familiar voice and when I look up my breath hitches, tears start sliding down my cheeks and I quickly hug Lauren

"I missed you so much"

"I missed you too nugget"

The green eyed girl holds me close to her and I start crying against her chest, a few minutes later I calm down and look up



"I need to tell you something" she says

I nod and look at her in the eyes

"I like-"

Before she can finish her sentence the shield that the professors created gets destroyed and all hell breaks loose, before Lauren and I can do anything a few Death Eaters surround us

I take out my wand and put my back against Lauren's, with my free hand I search hers and when I find it I interlock our fingers

"Ready to fight?"

"I'm so fucking ready" she says

I start firing spells at our enemies and manage to stunt a few of them, as I'm dueling with one I hear someone say


Lauren's screams of pain reach my ears and when I turn around I see her on the floor

"No!" I shout

"Levicorpus! Petrificus Totalus!"

I stunt the last two Death Eaters and kneel beside the green eyed girl

"A-are you alright?"


I help her sit up and she looks at me, I can't stop shaking and a few tears slide down my cheeks

"Hey, stop crying. I'm alright" she smiles

We share a quick hug and when we pull away I realize that our faces are so close, I look down at her lips

Fuck it

I bring my face close to hers and kiss her for the first time

Her lips are so soft

I cup her cheeks and feel her arms wrap around my waist, when we pull away I smile

"I wanted to do that for so long" I tell her

"Me too"

Without saying anything I place my lips on hers again and this time I run my fingers through her hair, I soon feel her hands on my butt and when she squeezes it I let out a little moan

"Alright, much as I want to keep kissing you we both know that we can't...there's a war going on" I say

"You're right"

We both get up and run away to a safer place


Hermione, Ron, Harry and I are in the Shrieking Shack listening to Voldemort and Snape talking

"You've been a good and faithful servant Severus...but only I can live forever"

"My Lord"

Someone falls to the ground

"Nagini, kill"

I hear as the snake attacks Severus and I bite my hand to stop myself from screaming out his name, after Voldemort leaves we go inside the room and I quickly kneel beside the man


I place my hands on his neck to try and stop the blood from coming out but it's no use, I let out a sob as I watch his skin getting paler

When he closes his eyes a few minutes later I start shaking and crying

"Y/n...let's go" I hear Hermione say

"Y-you guys go...I- I need a minute"

They nod and leave without saying another word, when I'm sure that they're completely gone I quickly grab the vial around my neck and open it, I pour the Phoenix tears over the snake's bite and watch as it slowly heals

You can't die Severus

I take out my wand and mutter a few healing spells, I place two fingers on his wrist to check for his pulse and when I find it I let out a sigh of relief

Thank god

The black haired man slowly opens his eyes and looks around, when his eyes land on me I show him a small smile and clean up the blood on his neck

"D-did you-"

"Shhh, don't talk" I tell him

I start thinking about Lauren, her smile, her beautiful eyes, our kiss and conjure a Patronus, I tell the creature to go to Madam Pomfrey and to take her here

"Come on professor, let's get you out of here"

By the time we're both out I see my Patronus coming towards us followed by the witch, when she sees Severus she stops in her tracks and looks at me

"Please help him, he's hurt...he needs to get taken to St. Mungo" I say

"Why should I help him?"

"Look...I know he did horrible things but we can't let him die"

Madam Pomfrey lets out a sigh and comes towards us, she wraps one of Severus' arms around her neck and looks at me

"I'll make sure they take care of better go back to the castle"

They disapparate and I quickly run towards the castle

The moment you all have been waiting for! From now on there'll be more kisses and Y/n and Lauren will start dating soon
If you want remember to vote and comment 👀
Love you lots 🌸

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