Chapter 56

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I grab a few clothes and put them in one of my bags, when I'm done I go downstairs and look at my dad

"Do we really need to do it?"

"Yes...she'll be safer this way"

I nod and we both go to the kitchen, I see that mom is busy cooking something and my eyes start getting watery. I squeeze my dad's hand and nod at him


Ten minutes later she walks out of the front door and I let out a sob, my dad wraps his arms around my waist and I hug him tightly

"It's only temporary sweetheart. Once all of this is over I'll give her her memories back"

I nod and wipe away my tears, that night we arrive at Privet Drive and when I see the others I run towards them. I hug Harry and kiss him on the cheek, as I walk past him a pair of arms wrap around my waist and I blush

"Hey nugget"

I turn around to hug Lauren and after that we go to the living room, Moody explains the plan but Harry shakes his head

"Absolutely no!"

"Told you he would react like that" Hermione says

"I won't let you risk your lifes..."

" if it were the first time"

Two minutes later Harry finally gives a few strands of his hair to Moody and the ex-auror adds them to the Polyjuice potion. The others and I all drink it and I groan when it goes down my throat

It tastes like shit

We all put on other clothes and I giggle when I see that we're all identicals, we get put into couples and I go stand next to my dad when I hear that I got paired with him, he gets on the broom and I get behind him

"Good luck to everyone. See you in an hour at The Burrow"

I tightly wrap my arms around my dad's waist and we take off


I fall to the ground and groan, as my dad helps me get up and checks if I'm alright I see a mass of pink hair near the house


I run towards her and hug her tightly, she wraps her arms around my waist and I start relaxing a little

"Are you alright?"

I nod and she kisses me on the cheek, I go hug Harry, Ron and Hermione and look around

"Where's Lauren?" I ask

"Her dad and her haven't arrived yet"

I start pacing around and pray to whoever is up there to let them be alright, after I don't know how long I see them fall to the ground and my eyes start getting watery



We run towards each other and I launch myself in her arms, I wrap my legs around her waist and start crying as she holds me tightly

"I'm here nugget...I'm here" she whispers as she strokes my hair

I get off of her and we go inside the house, I stay close to her and lay my head on her shoulder

"Mad-eye is dead" Bill says

I start shaking again and Lauren tightens her grip on me, some time later Molly sends us to bed and she gestures for me and Lauren to follow her

"You'll sleep in here" she opens one of the doors

"Thank you Molly"

I blush when I see that there's only one bed but I quickly shake it off

It's not like we never slept together in the same bed

I change into my pajamas and lay down, when Lauren lays next to me I scoot closer to her and we cuddle

"Sleep nugget"

I nod and soon fall asleep in her arms


For the first time after three days I finally reunite with Harry, Ron and Hermione and we start talking about the Horcrux hunting

"What about you Y/n? What will your 'excuse' for not going to school be?"

"My sister will take the Polyjuice potion and make it look like I contracted an illness while we were on vacation" I say

I hope it will work

"We need to decide where to go"

We nod and I help Hermione choose a few books

"There's another problem. Let's say that we find all the will we destroy them?" I ask

"This book explains how to do it, we need to find something so devastating that the Horcrux can't repair itself"

"Like what?"

"I don't know"

When we're done choosing the books I decide to go back to my current bedroom and when I enter I see that Lauren is laying on the bed

"Where have you been nugget?"

"I was talking with the others" I smile

I lay next to her and we cuddle

Since Y/n will go Horcrux hunting with the Golden Trio Lauren will not appear for a few chapters (I plan on putting a Lauren pov in a chapter or two so give me some suggestions on what should happen)
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Love you lots 🌸

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