Chapter 13

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After what happened at the Dueling Club and with the attack at both Nearly Headless Nick and a Hufflepuff boy named Justin everyone has been calling Harry the "Heir of Slytherin" but I don't believe it

I know he will never hurt anyone, let alone petrify them


We're in Moaning Myrtle's bathroom to stir the Polyjuice Potion

"I think that only us 4 plus Malfoy, his two friends and that girl Lauren will stay here for Christmas this year" Ron says

"I prefer it this way, at least no one will avoid me" Harry says sadly

"Don't worry this will change when Malfoy will confess that he's the heir of Slytherin"

"The potion is almost ready. One of this days we will bring out the truth" Hermione says looking at us


*Christmas day*

I wake up to Hermione shaking me. I open my eyes and stretch my arms

"What Mione? Is something wrong?"

"Let's go wake the boys up, the potion is ready"

I get up, get dressed and follow my friend to the boys dormitory

"Wake up boys!"

"Hermione, Y/n what are you doing here?"

"We came to say that the potion is ready"

At this Harry jolts up and looks at her

"Are you sure?"

"100%. If we still want to do it I think we should take it tonight"

The guys nod and as I sit on Harry's bed we decide to open our presents. We pass the morning playing games and talking with each other. At lunch time we leave the Gryffindor tower and go towards the Great Hall. It was decorated with lots of Christmas trees and all sort of things

After lunch Hermione tells us the plan we'll need for tonight

"We need a piece of the people we are going to transform into. You should do it with Crabbe and Goyle since they're Malfoy's best friends and also we have to make sure that the real ones don't see you two"

"I already thought about it" Hermione adds without giving us the time to reply

She shows us two chocolate pastries

"I filled them with a sleeping potion, Crabbe and Goyle just need to eat them. When they're asleep you guys will take their hair and hide them somewhere"

"And who will you and Y/n be?" Harry asks

"I'll be Millicent Bulstrode and Y/n will be her friend Lauren"

"Wait if you're going to be Lauren we'll need to put her to sleep too right?" Ron asks

"And I don't think her and Malfoy are friends" Harry adds

"Well...we're not that close but I can say that he trusts me" Lauren makes her appearance

The boys look at me like I've grown a second head

"You told her?"

"She's not stupid like Crabbe and Goyle and wouldn't fall for that simple trap"


That night we find ourselves in Moaning Myrtle's bathroom ready to take the potion

I go inside one of the stalls and drink it and after changing clothes I exit. The first thing I notice is Lauren looking at me wide eyed

"Holy fuck, it almost feels like I have a twin"

I stare at myself in the mirror and see that I'm basically a copy of Lauren. I have her green eyes, her hair and her body

A few seconds later Harry and Ron, or should I say Crabbe and Goyle, come out of the stalls

"Hermione we need to go"

"I...I don't think I will come, go without me" she says

"But Mione..."

"No...really...I don't think I will come. Hurry up, you're loosing time!"

We stare at each other and, after telling Lauren to look after our friend, leave the bathroom and go to the dungeons

At some point we meet Ron's brother, Percy, and a few seconds later we hear Malfoy's voice. He takes us to the Slytherin common room and we sit on one of the couches

"Wait for me here"

He comes back a few seconds later and shows us an article about Ron's father

"Well? Isn't it funny?"

Malfoy starts talking about it but soon the conversation changes to what's happening around school and muggle borns

"Potter...friend of mudbloods...and to think that people believe that he's the heir of Slytherin. I would like to know who it is...I could help him"

"Speaking of Potter and his friends...I still can't believe you're friends with Y/l/n. What's gotten into you Lauren?" he adds looking at me

"I'm friends with her because she's nice to me and we share the same interests"

"Whatever" Malfoy rolls his eyes

Some time later I notice that Ron's hair are returning to their normal red color and I see that Harry and I are slowly returning back to normal too. We stand up and with an excuse leave the Slytherin common room

We go back to Moaning Myrtle's bathroom and find Lauren in front of the stall Hermione went in

"Did something happen?"

Hermione comes out of the stall and we see that she transformed into a cat

"I...I think we need to take you to Madame Pomfrey"

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