Chapter 39

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I arrive in the Great Hall and sit at the Gryffindor table for breakfast. As I eat I watch my grandma give the students the new timetables

"Look at today! History of magic, double Potions, Divination and double Defense Against the Dark Arts" Ron groans

"Thank god I don't take Divination anymore" I say

After breakfast we go to our first lesson and I sit at a desk. The day goes by slowly and it's finally time for our last lesson of the day

I sit down and sigh as I lean my head on my hand. I cover my mouth to stifle a yawn and place my wand on the desk

Professor Umbridge starts talking and when she tells us to read the first chapter of the book I roll my eyes. I take it out and start reading the first few sentences but as I keep going I end up just pretending

"Would you like to ask me something about the chapter?"

I look up and turn my face to see who she's talking to

"No, I have a question about the goals of this course...because there's nothing written about the use of defensive spells" Hermione says

"Well, it's because you won't need to use them"

"We won't use magic?"

Soon everyone starts protesting about that and I patiently wait for the lesson to end. After another agonizing hour the bell finally rings and I get up to leave the classroom


The next week passes by really slowly and on Friday I find myself running through the corridors to arrive on time for my last class of the day

"Why are you in the corridors miss Y/l/n?" I hear a voice

I stop running and turn around to find professor Umbridge staring at me

"Would you mind telling me why you're not in class?"

"I was actually-" I try to say

"It's not a good idea to skip class"

"But I was going to-"

"I might have to talk to your head of house about this-"

"Professor Umbridge, I swear I was going to class. I'm just late" I stop her mid-sentence

"Detention miss Y/l/n"

"What? Why?"

"For interrupting me, see you in my office tonight at 5pm"

She walks away and I groan as I resume my walk towards the classroom. At 5pm I go to Umbridge's office and sit down on a chair

"Now, I want you to write down a few sentences for me"

I reach for my bag to grab my quill but she says that I will use one of hers. She hands me one and I take it

"I want you to write I must not talk back"

"How many times?"

"Oh, for how many times it takes for the message to sink in"

"Ok, but you didn't give me the ink"

"You won't need that miss Y/l/n"

I furrow my eyebrows but start writing nonetheless. I gasp when I feel pain coming from my right hand and when I look at it I see the words I must not talk back engraved on the back of it

I bite my lip as I keep writing the sentence and after I don't know how long professor Umbridge tells me to stop

"I think that's enough, I hope you learned your lesson miss Y/l/n"

With shaking hands I grab my bag and leave her office. As I keep walking I let out a sob and clench my right hand

Fuck, it hurts like hell

Tears start streaming down my face and I soon bump into someone. I look up and see my grandma smiling at me but when she sees that I'm crying a look of concern makes its way on her face

"What happened dear?"

"I-it's nothing"

"You're shaking and tell me what happened"

I try to hide my right hand but she soon takes it in hers and looks at the words

"What's this Y/n?"

"I already told you grandma, it's nothing" I insist

"Tell me who did this to you"

"I can't...if I tell'll get in trouble"

"Why would I get in trou- Dolores"

I look down and try to not make eye contact with her

"She is the one who did this to you, right?"


She takes my left hand and we walk through the corridors. I try to stop my grandma but I soon find myself in professor Umbridge's office for the second time that day

"Do you need something Minerva?"

"Yes. I would like to know what happened to her hand"

"I don't know what you're talking about"

"Don't play dumb Dolores" my grandma says

"Professor McGonagall...I swear it's nothing-" I try to say

"And how did that sentence appear on your hand?" she asks me

"Listen here Dolores. I don't care that you work for the Ministry of Magic...if you do something to my granddaughter again I'll make sure to make your stay here at Hogwarts a living hell and I won't care if I get in trouble. Are we clear?"

I see professor Umbridge nod and we leave her office. Instead of going to the Gryffindor tower we soon reach the dungeons

"Where are we going?"

"To see Severus, I'm sure he has a potion to heal your hand"

She knocks on a door and a few seconds later I see professor Snape

"What is it Minerva?" he asks

"Show him your hand dear"

I do as told and watch as the man takes my hand in his to take a better look

"Do you have something to heal it?"

"Yeah, I should have a few potions"

An hour or so later I finally go back to my dorm and change into my pajamas

Careful to not put pressure on the bandage on my hand I slip under the blanket and soon fall asleep

I had this idea of Y/n having detention with Umbridge and here it is
If you want remember to vote and comment 👀
Love you lots 🌸

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