Chapter 15

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"So you guys think that the girl who got killed 50 years ago by the creature is Moaning Myrtle?" I ask Harry and Ron

They both nod and look at me

"I know that in a few days the students that got attacked will tell us what the creature is but it wouldn't hurt to talk with her" the boy with glasses says

"Should I remember you that we can't go around the school without being accompanied by the professors?" I say

"We need to try"


As we walk through the corridors towards our History Of Magic class Lockhart starts saying that the first words that will come out of the mouth of those poor petrified beings will be 'it was Hagrid'

"I agree with you sir" says Harry

What the hell? What is he saying?

Soon I realize what he's doing and a few seconds later Lockhart goes away. As we're going towards Moaning Myrtle's bathroom someone calls us

"Potter! Weasley! Y/l/n! What are you doing?"

"We...we were visit"

"To visit Hermione" I finish Ron's sentence

"We haven't seen her for so long and we wanted to go to the infirmary to pay her a visit" Harry adds

Professor McGonagall looks at us and shows us a little smile

"For sure. Of course you can go. Tell Madame Pomfrey that I gave you permission" she says before going away

Having no choice, we go to the infirmary and sit on some chairs around Hermione's bed

"What are you looking at Harry?"

"There's something in Hermione's right hand. Try to take it"

With some difficulty we manage to take out the piece of paper that our friend had in her fist. As Ron looks around just in case Madame Pomfrey might come near us Harry and I start reading what it looks like to be a page from a book

"Ron! The creature in the chamber is a basilisk. That's why I heard that voice everywhere. Because I speak parseltongue"

He explains that the basilisk kills with his stare and that the muggleborns were petrified because they didn't look at the creature straight in the eyes

"But how can a basilisk go around like this? It's a giant snake...someone could have seen it"

"He went through the pipes" Harry says

"The entrance to the chamber of secrets! What if it is in a bathroom..."

"...Moaning Myrtle's bathroom"

"Ok, now that we have a clue on where the chamber of secrets might be what should we do?" I ask

"Let's go tell professor McGonagall"

We go in the teachers room and wait for our Transfiguration professor. Some minutes later we hear her voice saying that the students need to go back to their dorms

"What should we do?"

"Let's hide in that wardrobe. Let's hear what happened and then we'll tell what we found out"

After hearing that Ginny has been taken by the basilisk and that Lockhart will go save her we go back to our dorm

"I can't believe Ginny has been taken" I say in a sad tone

"You know what? I think we should go and tell Lockhart what we know. After all he'll go in the chamber and we can inform him about where we think it might be and that there's a basilisk" Harry says

Ron and I nod and we go to our DADA professor office. When we enter we see that it was almost completely dismantled. Two luggages were on the floor, one full of clothes and the other full of books

"Are you going somewhere?" I ask

He says that he needs to go because he received an urgent call. We find out that he didn't write his books and that he wanted to go away

Pointing our wands at him we take him to Moaning Myrtle's bathroom. We ask Myrtle how she died and she tells us that she saw two yellow eyes coming from the sink

We stand in front of it not knowing what to do

"Harry, say something in parseltongue"

He does just that and the sink starts moving and now there's only a large pipe. We look at each other and decide to go down there. After going down a sort of slipway I hit the wet ground and get up

We start walking through the tunnel until Lockhart trips on something. Rolling his eyes Ron goes to help him but the man suddenly stands up and steals his wand

"Your adventure ends here. Obliviate!"

Due to the fact that Ron's wand is broken the spell makes the blonde haired man fly backwards and hit the roof of the tunnel. Rocks start falling and I feel Ron wrapping one of his arms around my head to protect me

When everything stops I re-open my eyes and see a wall made of rocks

"Harry! Are you alright?" I ask


" go save Ginny, in the mean time we'll try to move some rocks so you can pass when you'll be back" Ron says

We start moving the rocks and after an hour or so we hear Harry's voice again

"Ron! Y/n!"

We help him and Ginny pass through the passage that we were able to open

"I'll explain everything when we're out of here...where's Lockhart?"

"In there" I point behind me in the direction we came from and Ron giggles

"Come see in what situation he's in. He lost his memory" the red haired boy says and I giggle too

We go back with Fawkes guiding us and the phoenix helps us go up the pipe. Soon we find ourselves in Moaning Myrtle's bathroom again. We get up, exit the bathroom and walk through the corridors towards professor McGonagall office

Harry knocks on the door and the door opens. Inside I see Ron's parents, professor McGonagall, the headmaster and Lauren

Wait...what is she doing here?

"Lauren? Why are you here?" I ask as she hugs me

"I-i had a feeling that you were in trouble so I came here to tell professor McGonagall. I arrived only 10 minutes ago and I was about to go to the Gryffindor tower to see if you were alright"

I smile and hug her tightly

"I'm so lucky to have a friend like you"

When Lauren lets me go Mrs Weasley hugs me

"Now we would like to know how you guys saved miss Ginny"


The few weeks separating us from summer vacations went by in a rush and I soon found myself on the Hogwarts Express with Lauren and the others

When we arrive at King's Cross we get out of the train and I soon see my dad. I run towards him and hug him tightly

"I heard what happened at Hogwarts. Thank god you're alright sweetheart" he kisses my forehead

I smile and kiss him on the cheek. I turn around and give all my friends one last hug. When it's Lauren's turn I hug her a little longer than the others

"See you in September nugget"

"See you in September Lolo"

And second year is done
Are you ready for third year aka The Prisoner Of Azkaban? I honestly am because lately the third book/movie has been one of my favourites
If you want vote and comment 👀
Love you lots 🌸
Ps. The next few updates might be slow because I'm currently translating a story 😊

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