Chapter 21

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*Christmas eve*


"Good morning sweetie" Clara says as soon as I enter the kitchen

I smile and sit next to Taylor who had one of the school ties in her hand

"I can't wait to go to Hogwarts! Lauren and Chris always say that it's amazing there and mom and dad always tell me stories of when they were students"

"Just wait till you're eleven and you'll experience all of that" her mom says

"Y/n, you're a Gryffindor right?" Taylor asks me

"Yeah I am. How do you know?"

"Lauren told us. She talks about you all the time she's at home and in the letters she sends...Y/n did this yesterday, Y/n helped me study for a test, Y/n is so cute etc"

I blush when I hear the last statement

Lauren thinks I'm cute? Why is my heart beating so fast?

"Is everything alright nugget?" a voice startells me

I turn around and find Lauren's face a few inches from mine. I gulp and open my mouth to say something but words don't come out so I just close it again

"Your face is all red. Are you sure you don't have a fever?"

She places her hand on my forehead and her face gets even closer to mine. Her breath hits my lips and I blush even more. I look at her and when our eyes meet I get this sudden urge to kiss her. I look down at her lips and bite my bottom lip

They look so kissable

Ok, I need to back up before I do something stupid

"Breakfast is ready" Clara's voice interrupts our staring contest

Lauren goes to sit on a chair without saying anything. We all start eating and I can't help but compliment Clara on her cooking skills again

"You're an amazing cook" I tell her smiling

"Thank you Y/n, you're so sweet"


After dinner I follow Lauren's family when they all start going towards the backyard. I help Lauren's grandfather as I see that he has a little trouble walking by himself

"Thank you so much Y/n"

"It's no problem really" I say smiling

"Lauren told me a lot about you, she said that you're her best friend"

"Yes and she is mine"

"One of the very few times I've seen a Gryffindor and a Slytherin getting along"

"Yeah...that doesn't happen often" I giggle

We sit next to each other and keep talking until he gets called and goes to talk to someone else. Music starts playing and I recognize a very popular muggle song

"I love this song!" Lauren comes towards me

"Come dance with me" she offers me her hand

Smiling I take it and follow her to the dance floor. We start dancing and having fun and soon Taylor, Chris and some other members of the family join too

"I didn't know your family liked muggle songs" I say

"Like my dad already said, the Jauregui's are nothing like the other pure blood families" she giggles

In between dances and playing games midnight finally arrives. Fireworks light up the sky and everyone screams

"Merry Christmas!"

"Come with me, I want go give you my present"

I follow her inside the house and towards her bedroom

"I'm gonna grab mine too" I enter the guest room and grab my gift for Lauren

I go to her room and enter. We sit on her bed and we exchange presents. I open mine and she does the same, inside my package I find the latest book from my favourite author and a necklace

"Thank you so much Lauren. This book came out only a week ago and the author is pretty famous, how did you get it?"

"There's another surprise for you, open the book"

I do as told and find a note written by the author dedicated to me. I stare at it wide eyed and then look at Lauren

"What? H-how did you?"

"He's friends with my mom and when I found out that his book was coming out a week before Christmas I asked my mom if she could talk to him. When he found out that you're a fan of his he decided to write the note"

After that I hug her with a smile on my face

"You're amazing" I say

"I know"

We both giggle and I look up at her

We're so close and I blush at our faces proximity

I start to lean in and kiss the corner of her mouth as I feel my heart beating like crazy inside my chest

I pull back and when I look at her in the eyes I remember the conversation I had with Hermione before I left Hogwarts a few days ago


"'re going to Lauren's house for the holidays?"

"Yeah and I can't wait" I reply smiling

"I think she likes you" she suddenly says

"And I think that you feel the same" she adds

"W-what? I don't like Lauren" I say not looking at her

"If you say so..."


Crap, Hermione was right

I like Lauren

I liked writing this chapter
Btw...I already have some ideas for the chapter of the Yule Ball that will happen when I'll start writing about the fourth year and I need to ask a question...Brad or Zayn? 👀
I hope you liked this chapter
Love yoy lots 🌸

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