Chapter 70

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"What will you do for the Christmas holidays?" I ask Hermione

"I'll go to the Burrow, Ron said that I can bring my parents if I want. What about you? Will you go to the Jauregui's?"


We finish eating and go to our dorm, I grab the books I'll need for my classes and put them in my bag

"Ready to go?"

"Just a second"

She sprays some perfume on her neck and wrists and does the same to me, I let out a small giggle and look at her

"Thanks for the perfume. Is it a gift from Ron?"

"Yeah, he gave it to me for my birthday" she blushes

"He's so sweet"

Hermione smiles and we leave our dorm, we go to our first class and I go sit next to my girlfriend

"Good morning princess"

"Good morning baby"

I place my lips on hers and we share a quick kiss

"Did you put on perfume?" Lauren asks me


"I like it, it smells good on you"

I blush and cover my cheeks with my hair to hide it

"Don't do that, I like it when you blush because of my compliments" she says

I blush more and in that moment professor Slughorn enters the classroom


I finish packing my things and wait for Hermione, when she's done we grab our luggages and walk towards the exit of the castle, when I see my grandma I go hug her

"Have fun during the holidays sweetheart"

I nod and go to one of the carriages, soon we arrive at the train station and get on the train

"Here, this one is empty"

We sit down and I look at the door every now and then, when I see Lauren and her siblings I smile and stand up

"Come sit here"

They nod and enter the compartment, a few hours later we arrive in London and I see Lauren's parents and my sister

"Shay!" I hug her

We all go to the Jauregui's house and I go upstairs

"Where are you going?"

" my room?" I say

"Nope, you'll stay with me in mine"

I blush and look at Lauren

"Y-you're joking, right?"

"I'm not joking, come"

She grabs my hand and takes me to her room, I lay down on the bed and start cuddling with my girlfriend

"Can we go visit Tonks and Lupin one of these days? I haven't seen them and Teddy in a long time"

"Sure, we can go next week"

I smile and lay my head on Lauren's chest


"Say hi to them for us"

This is what I hear before we disapparate, I knock on the front door and wait

"Lauren, Y/n. Hi"

"Hi Remus, it's so good to see you" I hug him

"Where's my godson?" I ask

"He's upstairs playing with Dora"

I nod and go upstairs, I hear noises coming from one of the rooms and see an open door, when I arrive in the room I'm greeted with the sight of Teddy changing his hair colour as he laughs at Nymphadora making funny faces

"Look at my sweet little boy"

"Hey there"

I hug Tonks and pick up Teddy

"Look at you, you're growing up so fast"

I boop his nose and he lets out a small giggle, I kiss him on the cheek and look at him

"Let's go see aunt Lauren" I say in a baby voice

I go downstairs and when I don't see Lauren and Remus I furrow my eyebrows

Where are they?

Teddy touches my cheek so I turn my head and look at him

"You wanna play?"


I put the cups full of tea on a tray and go to the living room, I stop in my tracks when I see Y/n playing with Teddy

She's so cute

A warm feeling starts spreading into my chest and I can't help but keep watching them, my girlfriend notices me and smiles

"Look Teddy, it's aunt Lauren"

I put the tray on the coffee table and kiss the boy on the cheek

"Hey little man"

An hour or so later we go back home and go to my room, I stroke Y/n's hair and hold her close to me

"You know, I loved watching you and Teddy play together" I say


"Yeah, it made me realize something"

"Can I know what it is?"

"In the future...I want to have a family with you" I tell her

She blushes and bites her lip, she looks at me and shows me a small smile

"I want to have a family with you too Lauren"

I smile and place my lips on hers

I loved writing this chapter
If you want remember to vote and comment 👀
Love you lots 🌸

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