Chapter 11

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"Now finish brewing your potions and then I will take a look at them" Snape says

Everyone does as told and finishes their potions. I wait patiently as I watch our professor going around the classroom inspecting our works

Let's hope I did alright

When it's finally my turn I look up at the always emotionless face of our professor as he takes a look at my potion

"You did a decent job miss Y/l/n...5 points to Gryffindor" he says with his usual monotone voice

I look to my left and notice Harry and Ron staring at me wide eyed. Professor Snape really gave 5 points to Gryffindor? Is the world coming to an end?

Lauren touches my shoulder and when I turn my body towards her I find her smiling at me with one hand up in the air. I high five her and smile too

(A few days later)

Harry enters the Gryffindor common room and looks at us with a little smile on his face

"So...I kind of did something"

He tells us about his meeting with Nearly Headless Nick and that the latter invited him and our little group to celebrate the five-hundreth anniversary of his death on Halloween night

"And I said yes for all of us" he finishes

"What? But I really wanted to go to the Halloween party with Lauren"

Hermione giggles and I give her a questioning look

"Are you sure you don't like her my dear friend?" she asks me

At that question I stop moving and stare at Hermione wide eyed as I feel myself starting to blush like crazy

"W-what do you mean?"

"I're always with Lauren and when you're with us you talk about her most of the time like she's the most important thing in your life...that's why I asked"

I start thinking about it. It's true that I talk about her when I'm with the trio and that I spend time with her but I don't like her...I! I don't like her! I'm 100% sure about it, we're just friends

"You're wrong Mione, we're just friends. Nothing more, nothing less" I tell her

After that we talk about other things until it's time for dinner

(Halloween night)

When we're all ready we exit the Gryffindor tower and start walking towards the dungeons where the party is being held

Ten minutes later we enter one of the rooms and get greeted by the Hogwarts ghosts chatting amongst each other. We search Nearly Headless Nick and when we find him he smiles at us

"Hey guys, I'm happy that you've come"

"No problem Nick, anything for a friend" Harry says smiling

Being a little hungry we search for food but what we find is not what we expected

"I-i don't think we'll be able to eat that" Ron says pointing at the food

"Do you think there will be music?"

As soon as Hermione says that music starts playing around the room...but it's not the kind of songs that muggles or witches and wizards listen to

"Now I actually regret not going to the Halloween party with Lauren" I say

"See, you talk about her when she's not around"

"Hermione now's not the time. As much as I like Nick I want to leave this party" Ron says

"But he'll be sad...look, let's stay for another hour and then we'll leave" I suggest

The others nod and we start talking to a few ghosts to pass time. Some time later it's time for Nick to make his speech and ghosts without heads riding horses enter the room right as he was about to start. They start arguing and we take that as our chance to leave

We exit the room and start running up the stairs, towards the Great Hall when Harry stops us

"What's wrong?"

He starts running again and we follow him. We stop in a corridor on the second floor and look at the boy who lived

"Can you please tell us what's happening?" I ask out of breath

"Didn't you guys hear a voice?"

We look at each other and shake our heads

"I honestly didn't hear anyth-" Hermione stops herself mid-sentence and points at the wall

Turning around we see a sentence written on it in what seems to be blood

The chamber of secret has been opened, enemies of the heir...beware

Soon the corridor starts getting crowded with students coming back from the Halloween party and, a few seconds later, with professors and the headmaster too

"Everyone go back to your dormitories, all except you four" Dumbledore points at us

After a trip to professor McGonagall's office where we explained why we were there we make our way back to the Gryffindor tower and go to bed

Hi guys 👋
What's your favourite Harry Potter movie? Mine is "The Chamber Of Secrets"
If you want vote and comment 👀
Love you lots 🌸

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