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The Flea and The Acrobat

Part Three

November 11th, 1983

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November 11th, 1983

Hopper's Trailer

"Hey, Chief!" Callahan called out, pounding his fist on the door of Hopper's trailer as Powell stood on the steps behind him. After a moment of silence, Callahan looked back a Powell with a questioning gaze before knocking again, "Hello? Whoa - !" He yelled in surprise as the door whipped open, the barrel of Hopper's gun pointed at his face.

Hopper's frantic look disappeared slightly as he took in the sight of Powell and Callahan, "Hey!" He panted, walking out of his trailer before slamming the door shut behind him so they wouldn't see the mess he had made. Powell raised a brow and looked at him in concern, "Jesus, Chief. You alright?"

"What are you guys doing here?" Hopper asked quickly, completely blowing off his question as he looked around anxiously, worried that someone was listening in on them. Powell was quick to reply, "We tried calling, but - !" Hopper sighed through his nose, wanting them to get as far away from him as possible until he sorted this whole thing out, "Yeah, the phone's dead."

Looking over at Callahan, Hopper raised a brow, silently asking him to tell him what they were doing there, "Hey, so Bev Mooney came in this morning all upset." Callahan said, "Said that Dale and Henry went hunting yesterday...and they didn't come back home." Hopper's body tensed up as Powell butted into the conversation, "She thought they were on another binger, but she's not so sure now."

"I think this whole missing kids thing has everybody on edge." Callahan commented, not noticing Hopper's concerned look, "Where was this?" Hopper asked quickly. Callahan raised a brow, "At the station." He answered, not getting the question that Hopper had asked.

"No, no. Where did Henry and Dale go hunting?" Hopper elaborated in a stern voice as the gears in his head started to turn. Realizing his mistake, Callahan back tracked, "Oh. Uh, out near Kerley." Hopper felt his stomach drop to the floor, his head becoming as light as a feather, "Mirkwood." He mumbled to himself.


"Okay," Hopper said quickly, looking off to the side for a moment, "You go back to the station. I'll take care of this alright?" Callahan was quick to jump in as Hopper moved to open his door again, "Are you sure?" Hopper looked over this shoulder ans glared at him, "Yeah, leave it." He said before walking into his trailer, getting stopped by Callahan again, "Hey, uh, they found Barbara's car."

"What?" Hopper exclaimed, quickly turning around to face them again. Powell was the one to reply this time, "Barbara Holland's car. Seems like she ran away after all. Staties found it late last night as a bus station." Callahan let out a chuckle, "Funny right? They keep doing our job for us." He said, not knowing the impact that it had on Hopper. Hopper nodded slowly and walked into his trailer, "Yeah, it's funny." And with that, he slammed the door shut in their faces.

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