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Holly Jolly

Part One

November 9th, 1983

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November 9th, 1983

The Byers Household

Jonathan groggily opened his eyes as sunlight poured into his room, hearing his Mother's voice from the other room, "Will, (Y/N)?" Jonathan quickly sat up as his Mother continued to plead, "Babies? Please...(Y/N), Will..." Jonathan gasped and quickly rolled out of bed, slipping on a random shirt, that he had blindly reached for on the floor, before sprinting out of his room, rushing over to Will's closed door.

"It's me. It's me, just talk to me. Just talk to me, please...." Jonathan reached for the door handle and opened the door, gawking at the sight of his Mother, sitting on Will's bed, rocking back and forth as she pleaded to the copious amounts of lamps and speakers that were scattered around her, "Mom?" He called out in a worried tone, startling the Woman.

Joyce jumped, her head whipping over in Jonathan's direction, "Jonathan! C-Come here, come here!" She stammered, waving him over. Jonathan slowly walked towards his Mother, staring at the lights in confusion, "Mom, w-what is this?" Joyce patted the bed a couple times and scooted over, her back aching from how long she has been sitting there, "Come here. Come here."

"What's going on?" He asked as he sat down beside her, Joyce quickly grabbed his hand before directing her eyes towards one of the lamps, "It's Will and
(Y/N). It's them, they're...." She paused for a moment, brushing a strand of hair away from her face, "They're trying to talk to me." She whispered as if someone was listening.

"They're trying to talk to you." Jonathan said slowly, trying to knock some sense into his somewhat crazy Mother. Joyce nodded, her breath trembling, "Yes, through.....through the lights." Jonathan shook his head, "Mom - !" He protested before she cut him off with a panicked look, "I know. I know. Just, watch." She ordered, pointing at the lamps before looking out into the room as Jonathan looked down sadly, "Will, (Y/N)? Jonathan's here, Will, you're Brother's here."

"(Y/N), can you show him what you guys showed me baby?" Joyce asked, waiting for an answer as Jonathan's stomach dropped in his torso. One lamp illuminated itself with a small flicker of light. Joyce gasped and pointed at the lamp excitedly, "Did you see that?" She said in an airy tone. Jonathan quickly grabbed this Mother by the shoulders and held her in front of him, "It's the electricity, Mom." He said, trying to reason with her, "It's acting up!" He stammered as Joyce went to protest, "No." She said sternly.

"It's the same thing that fried the phone!" He continued as Joyce's voice trembled. She pushed Jonathan's hands off of her, "No, it is not the electricity, Jonathan! Something is going on here!" She yelled turning away from him to face the lamps again, "Yesterday, the wall - !" She exclaimed, tears rushing down her face as Jonathan cut her off, taking a quickly glance over at the wall she was pointing at, "What? What about the wall? Mom, first the lights and now the wall?" He yelled their voices getting louder and louder.

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