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The Weirdo On Maple Street

Part Six

November 8th, 1983

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November 8th, 1983

The Wheeler's Household

Karen looked around the quiet dinner table with a suspicious look as Mike, Dustin and Lucas picked at their food with their forks. None of them really had an appetite at the moment, maybe it was the fact that they were hiding a little girl with telekinetic abilities.

"Something wrong with the meatloaf?" She asked causing the three boys to look at her in surprise. Mike quickly glanced over at Dustin just in time to see him give his Mom a sheepish grin, "Oh, no, I had two bologna sandwiches for lunch." He lied, trailing off in the end as he said, "I don't know why."

Lucas chuckled and followed this lead as Mike looked down at his plate, "Me, too." He said looking over at Mike's Mom as well. Nancy silently rolled her eyes and looked over at her Mom with wide, doe-like eyes, "It's delicious, Mommy." She said, like the perfect angel that she was trying to be. Karen smiled at her Daughter, "Thank you, sweetie."

"So, there's this..." Nancy started as Mike picked up his glass of milk, raising it to his mouth, "Special assembly thing tonight...for Will and (Y/N) at the school field. Barb's driving." Karen looked down at her plate and cut a piece off of her meatloaf, looking up at her Daughter with narrowed eyes, "Why am I just hearing about this?"

"I thought you knew?" She lied, looking at her Mom with fake, confused eyes. Karen shook her head as the boys watched the scene unfold, "I told you, I don't want you out after dark until Will and (Y/N) are found." She said sternly as Nancy cut her off, "I know, I know, but it'd be super weird if I'm not there." She shot back gently, "I mean, everyone's going."

Karen sighed and looked away for a moment, contemplating, " back by ten." She answered reluctantly as Nancy and her shared a small nod, "Why don't you take the boys, too?" She said, getting cut off by Mike and Lucas yelling, "No!" While Dustin just shook his head, letting out a small, "Mmm-mmm!"

Karen looked at them with a surprised and shocked looked, "Don't you think you should be there? For Will and
(Y/N)?" Mike took a sip of his milk and looked up at the staircase behind his Mom for a moment, his eyes widening as he choked on his milk. Eleven took a few hesitant steps down the stairs, flinching as Dustin banged his hands on the table to keep Karen's focused on him and not Eleven.

"Sorry. Spasm." Dustin lied with a small smile as Eleven quickly crossed the hall to get to the basement. Holly whimpered in her seat, a large frown plastered on her face as her Mom tried to calm her down, "It's okay, Holly. It's just a loud noise."

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