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The Weirdo On Maple Street

Part Two

November 8th, 1983

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November 8th, 1983

Hɐʍʞᴉus' Iupᴉɐuɐ

After escaping from the Beast, (Y/N) and Will took refuge in Castle Byers. It's once homey feeling was replaced by what (Y/N) could only assume, was the reincarnation of death.

Will shivered, pulling (Y/N)'s jacket closer to himself as he slept. (Y/N) had let him rest, while she took watch for the night.

Seeing him shiver, she reached over and picked him up, pausing when he began to stir. When he stopped moving, (Y/N) placed him on her lap and wrapped her arms around him.

Will snuggled into (Y/N)'s sweater making her sigh, "What the hell am I gonna do?" She whispered to herself. We gotta get back home.....well our real home, She thought.

"Yeah, no shit." She said to herself again, starting to doze off, normally
(Y/N) is someone that didn't get tired often but ever since she got to, she was loosing energy quicker than Dustin after a long campaign.

Leaning her head back against the wooden wall, she closed her eyes and let out a long breath before something outside of Castle Byers startled her.


Her head shot up. The hell was that? She thought as she stood up as best as she could in the small fort and placed Will in her spot so he would stay warm while she was gone.

Her heart was racing as she grabbed Jonathan's knife and walked slowly towards the door. She whipped the blanket door open and looked outside. Everything looked fine.

I must be hearing things, (Y/N) thought as she got out of the tiny fort and stood up to her full height, letting the door close behind her. She looked around to see what made the noise. To her right; trees. To her left; more trees. In front of her; more trees - wait....

(Y/N) squinted her eyes at an object a few yards away from her, hiding poorly behind the trees. Was it the Beast? looked like a person.

They were dressed in a black, dirty cloak that was covered in the little flakes that floated around the sky. A hood covered their face, leaving the person's appearance to (Y/N)'s imagination.

Why would anyone else be here? She thought as the hooded figure continued to stare at her. Slowly lifting her empty hand up, she stupidly waved.

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