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The Vanishing of Will Byers and (Y/N) Henderson

Part Six

November 7th, 1983

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November 7th, 1983

Hawkins, Indiana

A large radar dish sat ominously on the roof of Hawkins National Laboratory. It's use was unknown to the people of Hawkins.

A dozen agents sat in rows with huge, bulky computers and radio equipment situated in front of them. A skinny man sat down at the end of the table, placing a large headset over his ears.

A parents voice was heard, " - going to the store - "

A teacher, " - be home by - "

An office worker, " - meeting with Tom in ten - "

Nobody knows it but they're listening in on the town. They're spying.

The skinny man spun the dial and switched over to an active feed. A familiar voice rings in his ears, "Lonnie. It's Joyce -!"

"Lonnie isn't here right now - " A feminine voice slurred. It was Cynthia. Lonnie's girlfriend.


The Byers Household

"Who is this? Cynthia? This is Joyce -!" Joyce paused as she was rudely interrupted, "Joyce, Lonnie's Ex-Wife. I need to speak to him - - This is an emergency!"

Joyce sighed and pinched the space between her eyes in frustration, "No, not later, now bitch -!"

The phone line went dead. Joyce was practically shaking with anger. That bitch! She thought with anger.

In the living room Jonathan was working on missing posters for both his brother and (Y/N). Since Mrs. Henderson knew that Jonathan was good with that type of stuff she asked if he could make some and drop them off later today.

"Mom, you need to stay calm." Jonathan said in a calm voice but he flinched when his Mom talked or more like yelled, back at him, "I am calm!"

Joyce slammed down the phone a picked it up again, dialing the number that she had hated for years. The phone rung and rung until -

"Hey, you've reached Lonnie, I'm not here at the moment but -"

Joyce's rage rised and then finally she heard a beep. It was her turn to talk, "Lonnie, some teenage whore just hung up on me. You don't call me within the next hour I'll report you for not calling child support -!"

SAFETY IN THE UPSIDE DOWN (Stranger Things x Henderson! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now