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The Vanishing of Will Byers and (Y/N) Henderson

Part Four

November 6th, 1983

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November 6th, 1983

Hɐʍʞᴉus' Iupᴉɐuɐ

One Day Earlier

(Y/N) woke up with a groan, What the hell happened? She thought as she opened her eyes, Why does my head hurt so bad? Reaching up to her head, (Y/N) pressed her palm against the cut over her eye, quickly feeling her blood covered brow and the thick cut above it. Pulling back her hand, (Y/N) looked down at it with a sigh, That's not good, She noted before looking around the small room as she tried to jog her memory.

She was in Will's shed but not at the same time. It was different. It was weird. White, snowflake-ish partials were floating in the air and everything was covered in some type of slime or vine. Furrowing her brows, (Y/N) sat up, her back cracking and popping from the awkward position that she was laying on the ground in.

(Y/N) looked around groggily as she attempted to retrace her steps. Joyce sent her home early, she was driving, saw Will, gave him a ride, saw something, crashed and ran. That doesn't explain how we got here, She thought bitterly, looking over to her left, her eyes landing on a familiar figure that belonged to - -

"Will!" (Y/N) called out with a gasp, staggering over to him, trying to wake him from his unconscious state. Grabbing his shoulders, she gently shook him, his head rolling to the side as his eyes fluttered open for a moment, "C'mon kid, wake up!" She said worriedly.

"(Y-Y/N)...?" Will mumbled as her head started to pound, "Yeah kid, I'm here." She comforted breathlessly as she helped him sit up, watching as he looked at his surroundings, "W-where are we?" He croaked out, his eyes being drawn towards the vines that climbed up the walls.

"Your shed but I get the feeling that were not in the real Hawkins anymore." She replied like it was nothing, when in reality, she was freaking the fuck out. Seeing the confused look on his face she continued, "Like Hawkins but darker and -"

"Colder..." Will shivered as he wrapped his arms around himself to preserve warmth. Seeing this, (Y/N) quickly took off her leather jacket and draped it over his shoulders, leaving her with only her thick, sip up hoodie to keep her warm. Will was immediately flooded with warmth and security as he sunk into the jacket with a sigh, "Better?" She chuckled with an amused look.

"Much!" Will said with a bright smile that lit up the room as he slid his arms into the sleeves. Looking up at her, Will gasped with worry, seeing the thick trail of blood staining her face, "(Y/N), you're bleeding! Are you okay?" (Y/N) was quick to nod, not wanting him to worry about her, "Yeah, I'm fine. Just a little cut." She said, wiping the blood off with her sleeve, wincing as her sleeve roughly brushed over the wound.

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