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Holly Jolly

Part Two

November 9th, 1983

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November 9th, 1983

The Byers Household

Joyce grunted as she gripped both sides of a large box labeled "X-Mas", dragging it across her living room floor until she was in the centre of the room. Quickly opening the box, Joyce grabbed the large ball of tangled, multi-coloured Christmas lights, her hands quickly getting lost in the sea of wires and bulbs. Joyce nodded to herself and went into her shed to get a hammer for the nails she had bought so she could put the lights up.

Sweat collected on her brow as she mercilessly hit the head of the nails, using a chair to give her some height. Rushing over to her couch, Joyce pushed it up against the wall and stood on the cushions, pulling a large painting off the wall before throwing it to the floor, hammering some more nails in the wall. Rushing back over to the box, Joyce grabbed the lights again and started to drape them over the nails that were now sticking out of the wall.

Jumping back onto the couch, Joyce continued to put the lights up before jumping back down, going to walk over to the other nails she had set up only to find that it wasn't long enough. Joyce sighed and glared at the lights, blaming them in her head for being too short before going to grab her car keys.


Melvald General Store

Joyce reached into her cart and pulled out box after box of Christmas lights, both interior and exterior, creating three large stacks before putting a new wireless phone on the counter as well. The Cashier raised an eyebrow as he stared at Joyce with pity, it felt like he had lost both of his best employees,
(Y/N) and Joyce, "Joyce - !" He began, getting cut off by the fuming Mother, "Just ring me up, Donald." She growled with a glare.


Hawkins Laboratory

"And you think these missing kids may have crawled through there?"

"Well, that was the idea." Hopper grumbled, shining his flashlight into the pipe that led to where Mr. Clark found the piece of fabric. The Agent behind him shook his head, "Yeah, I just don't see how that'd be possible." Hopper stood up to his full height as the Agent kept talking, "We've got over 100 cameras. Every square inch covered, plus all my guys." Hopper looked around, spotting a camera attached to a tall white pole near the pipe.

"No one breaks in here. Certainly not some kid or teenager." He said with a tiny scoff as Hopper raised an eyebrow at him, "These cameras, you keep the tapes?" The Agent looked flustered at the question, turning his head to look at Powell and Callahan who had put their hands on their hips in sync, giving the Agent a look.

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