Chapter 25 (Date Night Part 1)

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I smiled at myself in the mirror, then looked at the girls and my laptop that showed a smiling Eleanor. "You look really good, Taylor." I heard Eleanor's voice come through the speakers in the computer. "I can't wait until I see the look on his face when he sees you. I should call everyone over just so that they can see it for themselves!"

"Ha ha," I sarcastically said rolling my eyes at her. "Very funny. You do know that I'm not going to bring a computer down with me, right? That would just be weird."

"Aww! That's no fair! I helped you get ready and you look gorgeous!" She exclaimed smiling at me with that creepy smile friends do when your crush is behind you. There's no need for that as I'm quite sure that he wouldn't be behind me.

I'm not very up myself but I do have to say that I do look good. I was wearing a grey top with a pink dream catcher printed on it, semi short but still fairly long, about mid thigh length, light denim shorts with a few rips in it, Pink vans that were not mine (Brooke brought them over) and for accessories I had a multicoloured bracelet and my hair was put into a fishtail. I looked casual but not too casual and I'm glad that I had shorts on. Everyone knows that first dates are not dresses.

I don't think so anyway.

"She's right. You look really good." Nia agreed with the girls all smiled and nodding their heads. "Do you want us out of here before or after Nick?" Brooke asked me wiggling her eyebrows at me suggestively. I stood where I was and thought. "I don't mean to offend any of you when I say this but I think that it would be best if you go. Just so that 1) we don't freak Nick out and 2) so that you don't fill me in with a lot of information on how to act and have me freak myself out."

I could see that they all wanted to stay but they also respected my decision. "You guys don't have to go right now, I don't think." I looked over at my clock. 5:45pm. "Or maybe you do."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"Are you ready?" Mum asked me adjusting her brown dress while we waited for dad to grab his keys and then we would travel about an hour to this restaurant that Nick had picked out. We were meeting half way so that neither one of us had to travel too far. Mum and dad weren't really too bothered by the hour drive as a lot of their friends lived an hour or a half away.

"Yeah," I breathed trying to calm my nerves. My anxiety was getting the best of me and I felt my chest tightening and I felt the urge to throw up start as well. I really wanted to go on a date with him but I was nervous. I haven't been on a date in ages. I did have a boyfriend last year, it was halfway through the year and I was 14. I promised that 14 would be the minimum age to date and I was insecure so when my now ex-boyfriend asked me out on a date, I said yes. I really wish that I had never said yes. It's almost like I lost my boyfriend virginity to someone I didn't love or could see myself loving. In a relationship, I want a relationship. Not just an Instagram bio relationship.

I made this very clear to him and he did obey. In the beginning we didn't go on very many dates as we were only 14 but it started slow and started to get better. We went to the movies a few times and then it grew into going out on proper dates. I guess that he got bored of me because after dating for 6 months, I found out that he was cheating on me. Not with one girl, no with 6 other girls. I was his first girlfriend of the batch and then he just added on more. I didn't love him or anything but it did hurt to know that he cheated. This is why I'm a lot more nervous to go on the date.

"Okay, I found them. Let's go." Dad suddenly made his appearance in his checkered shirt and denim shorts. We all went to our car with Caitlin following. The plan was that Mum and Dad would talk to his Mum and really if they agreed, Nick and I were going to sit at another table away from them. Not the ideal first date but what can you do?

The car ride seemed to go by fairly quickly as the radio was on some good music channel and I was looking out the window. A strike of homesickness struck me, making my chest squeeze tightly. The whole scenery was completely different. I grew up in a small town and to get to another town there would be trees everywhere along the road.

There wasn't here.

They were all buildings.

We got there in no time and we all hoped out of the car. Walking towards the Italian restaurant, it had a red, white and green sign with 'Peppi's Italian Restaurant' written on it. The whole wall where the door was, was fully glass. You could see all of the tables, chairs and fake plants inside. It didn't look too bad.

I tried looking around to see if Nick or his Mum, even though I could barely remember what she looked like, was anywhere near here but I couldn't spot them. We walked into the Italian restaurant and a quick scan told me that he wasn't here yet but we were a little early. Dad said our last name to the person at the counter thing and he led us to a table that seated 6.

"We'll have your waiter here shortly. Here are your menu's." The obviously Italian man with a thick moustache said setting down the menu's at where we were seated. "Thank you for coming."

I looked around the restaurant nervously, scanning the cream walls and red ceiling. "I'll just let Nick know that we're here already." I quietly said rubbing my palms together to get rid of the sweat that was building up. I pulled out my phone and sent him a quick text letting him know that we were here. I was hoping that it didn't mean that he hurried up too much. So that he didn't get all panicky.

"Has he replied yet?" My mother asked me leaning towards me so that I could hear her better. The restaurant was fairly loud but that might of been because of the party that was going on behind us. "No not yet. He would be here soon though I imagine."

"He won't be long." My mother assured me. We all did some small talk but I mostly half listened to my parents conversation while my nerves grew. At 10 past 6, Nick and his Mum were walking towards out table, being led by the same man as before.

"Hello," Nick's Mum, Donna greeted us as they got here. Mum stood up and have her a hug and they said formal greetings which was soon followed by my dad. Nick walked to the other side of the table where I was sitting. Not knowing what to do I just sat there awkwardly with a shy smile. He smiled back and gently tugged on my hand as a signal for me to get up.

I stood up and was engulfed into a small but yet at the same time, excited hug. He looked good, wearing a light blue plain t-shirt and dark buggy jeans. I have no idea why he was wearing jeans, it was pretty hot out. All in all he looked good enough to make my breath hitch a little and for my heart to race. "You look great." He said with a bright smile as he looked me up and down and extended his hand as if to say 'look at you'.

We sat down right next to each other with our parents sitting across from each other. "Well let us get started on this shall we?"

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