Chapter 31

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"Come on girls, stretch!" Our instructor yelled before leaning down and helping a girl point her leg properly and pushing her down further. Looking over to my left, I tried to see if anyone else was having as much trouble as I was. True on her word, Abby had signed me up to a beginners class for acrobatics. It was alright except for the fact that I was in a class with much younger kids. Like 5 years at the least younger. Abby wanted me to learn all of the basics and to really understand what I was doing. She also wanted me to work on my flexibility and for her, the best way to learn was with the younger kids.

"Taylor, stretch it out. You're supposed to be one of the most flexible people here." She pushed down on my back with her hand, forcing me down further and making me groan in pain. She is the worst person in the world! Do you even know the pain that I'm feeling? I hate her, I hate dance and I hate the splits.

Thank gosh that I only had to put up with that for a few more minutes.

~~~~~~~Le time skip because I can~~~~~~~~

"Alright girls moving on to pyramid. On the bottom we have Mackenzie because you didn't have a solo and you didn't stand out in the group, next we have Paige, Brooke and Taylor. You three didn't have a solo but I think that you did good in the group. Good job," At this Abby paused as we all gave her little smiles because we weren't really allowed to do full on smiles. I don't know why. "Next we have Kendall because you were alright in your solo and you did good for the group as well. Then we have Chloe I think that you were good and on top of the pyramid is Maddie." We all gave a clap and then Abby continued in telling us who was dancing for the week. I didn't have a solo but the group dance was supposed to be very complicated. We were all going to have a solo kind of thing in it.

We got into our normal stretching positions, again with me in the back. After the stretching that included more splits that made me want to hurt someone, we started on the group dance. It started with Maddie coming out with the music and doing a few turns and leaps, then Chloe would come out do some different types of turns and leaps, then I would come out and do an ariel along with a few slower turns, them Brooke doing some acrobatic stuff, then Nia doing a little bit less, followed by Paige doing some turns and then Mackenzie doing a trick.

The rest of the girls got less time as it went on as you can't spend too long doing an intro of sorts. As everyone came in, we lined up in a special position and waited until it was our count to come in. From where I was, I was going to be kneeling down before stretching out making my hands come out in front of me and having my leg come out and up towards my head before pushing myself forward to land on my feet upright. Abby did yell at me a few times for having sloppy feet and for not being very fluent with my movements but after a few attempts, I finally got it.

I wasn't sure as to what the music would sound like but I assume that there would be a lot of pauses and random loud noises or crashes. From what we had learned so far, this was going to be very complicated. The counting would have to be focused on even more so then relying on knowing the music. I have a habit of doing that.

I just like music too much.

(A/N Mum just started dancing to Blurred Lines! MY EYES!!!!)

We worked on our group dance for a few more hours trying to perfect it while changing it multiple times. I was dead beat tired by the time we were done but I still had to go to my tap class. Having had nearly a 30 minute break that was spent doing homework, I felt barely refreshed and ready for class but I trudged my way there.

Thankfully we had to wait a few minutes before our instructor came in so that gave me some time to joke around with Bethany and Ashley, making me more lively. Of course tap isn't my forte but I think that I'm doing alright with the class. I just hope that we don't have to do any tap dances in a dance competition cause I'd lose majorly. Abby would kill me and kick me off of the team.

I'd rather stay alive thank you very much.

Too bad that after the class I felt like I had died because I was that tired. Needless to say I fell right asleep that night.

Sorry that it's so short and that I haven't updated in a while. It's just been really hard as I've been a lot busier. I will try to update more and move this story along quicker though.

Thank you so much for reading.

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