Chapter 40

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The music ran through me and I felt the vibrations and emotions swirl all throughout me, running all the way from my head to the bottom of my toes.

My movements flowed and I found it hard to look at the judges, I was just so into this dance. This dance was for Nick, no I didn't love him but I did like him a lot. He meant a lot to me and I don't doubt that I would end up falling in love with him.

And I don't want the world to see me
'Cause I don't think that they'd understand
When everything's made to be broken
I just want you to know who I am"

I was on the floor with my back lying on it and my knees bent, while slowly turning over on to my stomach before quickening up the pace to turn over fully once more and to stand up. My arm reached out before I brought my right leg up beside me and looked at it while turning slightly on my other foot so that I was now facing the crowd.

"And you can't fight the tears that ain't coming
Or the moment of truth in your lies
When everything feels like the movies
Yeah, you bleed just to know you're alive"

My back arched with my arms going out slightly behind me while my legs bent slightly with me on my tippy toes. That's not the correct term for it but whatever. I dropped down as quietly as I could when it came to the part where it said 'to know you're alive.'

"I just want you to know who I am
I just want you to know who I am
I just want you to know who I am"

The song was coming to an end and I was slowing down. Every time the line was repeated I would get closer to the ground. The first time it came on, I was doing a slow turn while trying to make myself look as tall as possible.

The second time it was repeated, I was doing a tight turn that let me go closer to the ground with my arms bent and one on my face and the other under my chin. The last time I slowed down a lot and took my time going from one turn with my leg extended to going down to a lying position on the floor.

I took two deep breathes before opening my eyes and gracefully getting up off of the floor and walked off of stage with a smile on my face as the crowd clapped like they do after everyones performance. I walked off at the other end of the stage so I had to walk out of the door that led to backstage, run through the crowd to get to the other entrance for backstage and then go through those doors. Doing all that after finishing a dance and already being out of breath, not very fun.

As soon as I opened the door, the girls bombarded me saying that I did a good job before they pulled me over to where Nick was standing with a huge smile on his face. I loved it when Nick smiled like he was now, like he was truly happy. He told me once how on the show he felt like he couldn't express himself as much as he wanted to. That was part of the reason why he didn't have any interviews on the show because he felt like they would make him say something that he didn't want to or manipulate what he would say.

His brown eyes shone with happiness as I got closer to him and he pulled me into his strong arms. Strong, bare arms I might add. He had muscles! Hugging Nick made me feel warm and fuzzy inside and I knew that it made him feel that way too as he had once told me on one of our late night phone calls.

"You were so good! Amazing!" Nick said into my ear, pride shining through his voice. He pulled back a little bit holding both of my shoulders in his hands. "Do you really feel that way about me?"

I knew what he was referring t0, the song.

"Yes but you have to realise that even though I don't love you yet, I like you a lot. So much."

"I know that, I like you a lot too." He lowered his voice, putting his face closer to mine. "There's no doubt in mind that I won't fall in love with you though."

After one last peck on the lips, I had to go.





That's all that I saw in this dressing room.

We had on pink costumes with pink hair bands and pink lipstick. Don't get me wrong, I think that pink is an alright colour but there's just too much on me right now. All we were doing right now was practising the group number in the dressing room.

I hadn't been able to slip out and see Nick dance which was disappointing but Donna, his mum, promised to film it and send it to me. She sent it not too long before we started to practice but I didn't have any time to watch it and I didn't want to risk anyone seeing it.

"Alright girls," Abby loudly said signalling that she was about to announce something and got up off of her chair. "We're going to go out and perform in just a few minutes and I want to make sure that you girls all know how important it is for you girls to win. I'm counting on you."

Abby's hawk eyes scanned us for a few moments before giving us the signal to go.

We grabbed our jackets if we didn't have them on already and walked out the door. The mums were following behind us chatting with themselves and the girls and I all walked ahead, confident that we wouldn't get lost. Brooke was beside me again and once she had looked over her shoulder to make sure that Abby wouldn't be able to hear us, she leaned over and whispered into my ear. "What would you do if Abby ever found out? About you and Nick."

"I don't know. I don't want it to happen but I guess that we'd have to see."

It wasn't long before we made it backstage and I saw Nick and his team.

Little did I know that Abby had followed us backstage.

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