Chapter 30

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(2 months later)

I've been at the Aldc for two months now and things have gotten considerably worse. Abby did start to lay off the solo's as soon as I was a part of the team. I can't really complain about that though as I've I'v gotten so much more than some of the other girls.

So much has happened in these two months. I've become an official member of the team, I'm actually going to an American school now, I've become super close with many of my new friends while still holding strong connections with the ones that are still at home and Nick and I have finally started dating.

I can still remember the day when he asked me.


Giving my hair one finale brush, I decided that I was ready for my date with Nick. Just thinking of Nick brought a smile to my face. We've been on quite a few dates and when we can, we seem to be texting or calling each other. It's become a part of the daily routine and every bus ride to a competition, we talk to each other. He's such a sweetheart as he knows that I get bus sick and doesn't hesitate to text me. Even at 3 in the morning when he has to get up hours later for his own competitions.

My hands ran over my shirt smoothing out the none existent wrinkles on last time before walking out of my room and towards where I knew my dad was. Since we both don't have licences, we have to rely on our parents. I can't wait until I have my own licence.

"Are you ready to go?" I asked looking down at my dad sitting on the couch that was stretched out into a semi lying position. "Yep, just let me grab the keys and put on my shoes. You can go and wait in the car if you want." He moved to sit up and I quickly said goodbye to my mum and walked out the front door.

The radio seemed to provide much entertainment so it felt like we had gotten there in no time. I still get nervous around Nick but I'm defiantly a lot better. He still gets my heart racing and my palms sweating. Thankfully he hasn't held my hand when I'm really nervous though the first time that he did, I nearly shot a brick out of my butt.

I wasn't really sure about what we were going to do on the date. All I knew is that I was going to meet him outside this ice cream place that wasn't too far away from where we both lived. We always met in places that were easy enough for both of us to access. We make sure to take turns so that one of us isn't always travelling further than the other.

Soon enough as I started to lean against the wall of the store, had Nick showed up with a charming smile. "Shall we?" He gestured with his hand to walk to the right away from the the ice cream shop before holding it out to me. Yes! Hand holding time!


All we were doing was walking in a direction while holding hands. I didn't care about anything else except the fact that I was Nick and his hand was so warm. I can confidently say that I really like Nick. Let me correct that, I can confidently say that to anyone but Nick.

"Let's take a seat here," he suggesting pointing our conjoined hands at a shady and secluded bench. It was next to a children's playground that was so small I could hardly manage to imagine little kids playing on it. By the looks of it not very many people could either as there were only two or three kids playing there.

"I'm really glad I met you, Taylor." Nick spoke lowly sending shivers down my spine and into my toes leaving them feeling hot and tingly. Over these two months, Nick's voice had started to break and get lower. I thought that he had an amazing voice before but I see that he was proven wrong. When he wasn't having his adorable little voice breaks that painted his cheeks pink, his voice sounded so much better. Lower, huskier and dare I say it, sexier.

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