Chapter 8 *EDITED*

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"Girls, that was not what I call an Abby Lee competition team dance! What was that? Paige and Chloe, forgetting a step is not acceptable! Brooke and Kendall you were way too fast!" Abby bellowed waving her arms around in disbelief and rage. Of course the camera men were filming everything that they could and were loving it. "I guess that this is all up to the judges. If we don't beat the Candy Apples then you girls will be sorry. Everyone will!" Abby was giving us all the stink eye while saying this. Let me tell you. I was extremely scared of Abby right now.

"It's time for judging now. Oh and girls, this competition is a bit different. The group awards are first, then it's the duos and trios, then finally the solos." Abby had calmed down a bit, but she still scared me. Abby immediately left the dressing room once she finished her rant.

Walking down the hall, I was a nervous wreck. Could you blame me? We had just been yelled at by Abby and I don't know how we did on our dance. What if we were horrible? No, I don't think that we were horrible, just not the best. Oh, who even cares. I didn't even like the dance so there was no way that the judges would. Abby is a good choreographer but she's really bad when it comes to hip hop. Sorry but from the dance that she made us do, it seems to be true. The cameras were following our every move down the hall and let me tell you it was really annoying to have them in my face.

"Taylor! Hurry up! We have to go!" Abby called to me snapping me out of my thoughts and making me notice how far behind I had drifted. After running to catch up to them, the girls and I walked backstage and waited until we were called to go on stage. We were placed at the front to the right with the Candy Apples on the other side and a bit further back. When everyone was on stage they started playing music. As soon as the music started everyone around me started dancing and the announcer of the awards started yelling into the microphone about how everyone should get up and start dancing and some other nonsense.

"Why are they making us dance!" I shouted over the music to Kendall who was doing some weird dance. "We're supposed to dance like crazy because we're kids! It looks good and it's really fun!" She shouted back not stopping dancing.

Looking around the other dancers and the crowd I got really self-conscious. Mackenzie came up from behind me and grabbed my hands spinning me around. "Come on! Dance with me!" She laughed twisting a funny way. Still holding onto my hands she started doing that twisty turn thing that most of us did when we were younger and playing freeze with our friends. You know the move right?

Deciding to give it a go I started twisting the same way that she was. It started to get more fun as I started to let go. Next thing I know I'm doing all of these crazy dance moves with Mackenzie, the other girls started joining in. Smiling broadly I did a spin (not one of the spins I would do in my dances) and landing with myself facing the opposite direction, I locked eyes with Nick.

'Hey,' He mouthed looking at me with a happy gleam in his eye. 'Having fun?' I gave a not so obvious thumbs up and continued dancing like crazy, but with Chloe in front of me and I was looking over her head so that I could see Nick.

I started doing a really weird move and I bet that I looked horrible. Laughing Nick started copying me but changing it a bit so that it wasn't obvious. "Okay, okay, that was awesome dancing everyone! Now let's get ready for the awards! Are you ready?" The announcer shouted as we all sat down and the music stopped. Everyone but me seemed to know how to respond and they all shouted 'Yes's' or 'Hell yeah's'.

"Okay, so starting off with the group awards, in 10th place we have act number 3, 'Don't let me go'." He kept announcing the awards and everytime he was about to announced a place there were a bunch of claps from the crowd and the people on stage. "In third place we have number 55 with 'Let go'." He was about to announce 2nd and 1st place now and I was freaking out. "In 2nd place we have number 196 with 'Go for it'!"

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