Chapter 26

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My head felt light but heavy at the same time. The sun was shining right into my eyes but I was too groggy to move. The motion of the bus was making my head pound and it was way too hot. My neck felt stiff but yet, I didn't want to move it from its position.

I groaned once again as the bus turned a corner. It made my head feel like it was two times heavier but like it was full of air. This is the worst part of going to a competition. The bus ride. Last time it wasn't too bad because it didn't take too long but this was taking forever and the sun was just rising. We were riding right into it and it annoyed the hell out of me.

I lifted my head up as slowly as I could. Looking around I think that I was the only one awake. Everyone seemed to be sleeping. I reached for the water bottle in front of me and took tiny sips of it. I didn't want to upset my stomach as it would be so embarrassing to get sick in front of everyone. I had no doubt that the camera crew would film it. That would be super embarrassing.

Pulling out my phone I saw that it was only 6 am. Too early! Seeing as no one was awake yet, I decided to go on to my dirty little pleasure. Wattpad.

It's the best except when people don't know how to write and use grammar. Have you read Milk? I couldn't read through it all. It's gross.

I started to read some of the stories that I had wanted to finish for ages. I just haven't had the time because of moving to America and all. There's also no time after dance. I knew that the girls worked long hours but I didn't know it would be this hard. I think that at on point or another, I'm going to run out of energy and burn out.

I was reading and playing games for ages when I saw that some people were starting to wake up. I quickly switched off my phone to keep my secret a secret. Soon everyone else seemed to wake up and we pulled up to a petrol station to quickly grab something to eat. Mum got me a blueberry muffin and an iced tea. I'm glad that we actually stopped so that I can get food. It will help with the car sickness.

After what felt like ages, we finally made it to the competition. When Abby instructed us, we got off of the bus and grabbed our bags. Mum was nice enough to wheel my suitcase for me while I held onto her handbag. We checked in and were immediately rushed by Abby into our dressing room.

"Girls, get ready! We don't have long. Solos first." Abby yelled before sitting down on a chair that was on the other side of the room. We all got out out makeup and hair products and started applying them. My makeup was as simple as you could have for stage makeup at a competition and my hair was up in a low bun. When we had all gotten changed and were ready, we all stalked of towards the stage.

Kendall was obviously going first because she was the youngest. She was off in the corner practicing while we were all waiting for her to get called. There was going to be a lot of pressure on Brooke to win as she was going against me and to be honest I kind of wanted her to win. At the same time, I wanted to win. Winning was fun but it still wasn't everything. If I didn't win then I might be kicked of the team because I'm not a full member.

Kendall was finally called to stage and we all wished her good luck and clapped and cheered as she walked on stage. Kendall was amazing! She's just perfect when it comes jazz. I wish that I was as good as she was at jazz. Ballet and Jazz were the hardest dances for me.

Kendall finished and there were a few more girls and boys in her age devision so we had to wait. It finally got to Brooke and I's division. We were going to be one of the first few dancers so we quickly prepared ourselves and waited for our names to be called. Brooke was going first and she was soon called. We did the same to her as we did to Kendall and watched.

I had seen Brooke dance before on TV but she was so much better in real life. She was way more flexible than me and her dance was really good. Just by all of the tricks that she was doing, I could tell that I was going to have to work really hard if I wanted to get a good score.

Brooke finished and we all congratulated her before I was called. Butterflies erupted in my stomach and I suddenly had to pee really bad.


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