Chapter 33

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I've changed the story name and cover just so you know.

"Can anyone tell what the answer to question 6 is?" The teacher, Mrs Bartolo, asked scanning the room with her eyes that weren't quite as harsh as they usually were. The answer was 4.387 but I wasn't about to put my hand. I never do and I don't like to speak up in class. I'd rather ask my friends for help than the teacher. I don't know why but I think it has something to do with my shyness around others.

Before Mrs Bartolo could pick a random student, Jett Howard raised his hand and waited until he was called upon to answer with a nod of her head. "Uh it's 4.386, I think."

Mrs Bartolo looked around the class for any objections and thankfully my friend Amber Marshall did put her hand up and correct him. I'm not trying to be stereotypical but all of the boys in my class can't seem to round up properly. They never do and my friends and I have to correct them.

Assigning us more homework to do on top of my three assignments, she thankfully gave us the last ten minutes of the class to do our homework but obviously I didn't finish. That just means that I'll have to do it tonight while I'm at the studio and waiting until I have to go back in. When we aren't having classes, we get about 30 minute breaks every so often.

With only a minute until the bell, she finally let us pack up and kindly reminded us that we only had a few days to get the homework done. I had pretty much just turned to Amber when the cliche bell ran. At my old school, they were renovating the office so the bell had to get disconnected. For a while they just had a different type of cliche bell but they then changed it to music. On the week of May the 4th, they played songs from star wars. Yeah, it was pretty cool.

I couldn't wait until I could get out of my school uniform and into my dancing clothes. I was going to a private catholic school so I did wear a uniform. I'm actually pretty glad with it because there's no way I would ever have enough clothes to wear something new everyday and as my old principal said, 'If we wear uniforms we are all equal and you can't get judged for what you wear.' It also helped out those in our school that might have money problems and not be able to afford the best clothes. It also helped to not be judged on what you wear but of course even with the uniform you can tell who is a slut and who isn't.

For those that can't tell what I'm talking about, I mean for those that role their skirts so much I can nearly see your underwear. Yeah, you look like a slut.

Anyway, Amber and I started to walk out of the school after being dismissed. Since I was going to be in a rush, I had already put all of the books I needed in my bag that seemed to be bigger than usual. I loved it on days when I didn't have to have as many books. Like on days when I have music and sport so I don't need the books for then. What I really hated here though is when they make you change your whole uniform for sport.

I'm a slow changer.

Amber and I parted ways once we reached the front doors and I walked towards the sport where I got picked up by Mum or Dad. It was a nice and peaceful place where there was a tree that overhung a park bench. If it was raining or too sunny then there was a covered area not too far from here.

I sat down and pulled out a book that I was currently reading. I didn't get much time to read since I was so busy with dance and school. Not too mention I spent a lot of my spare time talking to Nick, Eleanor or my other friends from back home.

I've really started to miss everyone back home and I think that I'm going to ask or at least see if we can go and visit them sometime.

I miss them and I want to be able to dance as team with them again.

My hip hop has really been suffering ever since we've come here and it makes me wonder if ALDC was the best choice for me. Even though I do hip hop at the studio, it's not the same and it seems really watered down compared to what I'm used to. I don't get to do any of my special tricks anymore and I've had to really push myself when I can to stay well practiced. Sometimes when Abby makes me work on my solo in a spare room, I'll sneakily stop practicing the solo and do some of my hip hop dances.

I miss having a bunch of competitions that are just for hip hop. There's none of that lyrical sh!t that we do every week and see at every competition. No offence to any lyrical dancers it's just that after doing hip hop every week to doing lyrical every week I've gotten really sick of it and I just want it to stop.

I really wish that the next solo I get would be a hip hop one but I know that the possibility of that is very slim. I don't think that Abby would ever let that happen.

A loud beep brought me out of my deep reading state and before looking at it I was sure that it was Mum or Dad texting me to say that they were here. Looking towards the road, I saw that I was indeed right and there was our car sitting across the road. I would wait over there but there's no shade or a place to sit so I just have to put up with crossing the road.

Looking left and right to make sure that the road was clear, I quickly walked -you should never run- across the road and launched myself into the passenger seat. I greeted my mum and we talked about how our day went until we got to the dance studio and it was time for me to work my butt off.

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