Chapter 2 *EDITED*

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Walking out I was so happy, I had just won a spot on the ALDC competition team! I was standing in the parking lot looking for my mum's car. When I spotted it, I slowly walked over. Reaching the car , I pulled open my door and hopped in.

"So, how did it go?" My mum asked.

Putting on a sad face I replied with,"I, I did get in."

It took a minute for mum to realise what I had just said. When she did she was beaming. "That's great! I'm so proud of you. Maybe you'll make a few friends so that you're not alone." Mum was right, I would make friends with the girls. Suddenly being here wasn't as bad, it was still bad though, obviously.


It was the next morning and I was standing in front of the Abby Lee Dance Company. This would be my first time meeting the girls and dancing with them. I think that I'm more nervous then I was auditioning. Taking a deep breath my mum and I stepped in and went up to the front desk.

"Taylor, so nice to have you here. We'll be doing the pyramid soon. Can you and your mother wait outside until I call you in. It's studio A." Abby smiled as she greeted us.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Taylor's mum, Lauren." Mum said to Abby as they shook hands.

"Nice to meet you too. Now if you would like to make your way to studio A with me."

Following Miss Abby to the studio, I waited outside while she walked in. After about 2 minuets, Abby pushed open the door, beckoning us inside. Taking a deep breath I entered. I could tell that all of the mums didn't want us here and I felt bad for my mum. Looking over to the girls, it was hard to read their expressions.

"Ok everyone this is Taylor and her mum Lauren. They will be on the team with us, but they are not a full member yet. So let's get started." She stood in front of a few pieces of paper stuck to the mirror in the studio, forming a pyramid. Abby pulled off the first piece of paper revealing the headshot that I had given her on the day of the auditions. "Taylor you are on the bottom because you're new here, Nia last time you didn't dance your best (This is just for the story. The order that I put them in is just for story purposes. I do not have anything against any of them. I am not trying to be mean.), Paige, you really need to improve your dancing skills, Brooke you danced okay. Next is Mackenzie, you were very good. Then we have Chloe, great job you came first in your solo. Finally we have Maddie, your dancing was beautiful.

"This week we are going to a competition in, you guessed it, Ohio. This means that Cathy and her rotten little apples will be there. We must beat them so that Cathy doesn't have anything to talk about. No doubt she will. Taylor, Maddie, Chloe and Nia, you all have solos and Paige and Brooke are doing duo together. The group dance is going to be hip hop. I expect you to win. Moms you can go, be nice to Lauren. Girls spread apart and stretch."

When she had said hip hop my face lit up. This could be my chance to impress Abby and be a part of the team. I started stretching just like the other girls. One bad thing was that I wasn't as flexible as the girls. I was going to work really hard on it though.

Miss Abby started to teach us the group dance. I found that the moves were very watered down and was the type of hip hop that I didn't like. It was the one where there wasn't very much technique and it was all pretty slow and it kind of seemed like you were a wannabe. I was still going to try my hardest though.

"Good job Taylor. Everyone try to do it like Taylor." Abby screamed at us. I wish that she didn't scream at us but I took the compliment.

"Okay we're done here. Taylor I want to work on your solo. Everyone else is dismissed."

Everyone left and I turned to face Abby. "Ok, so your solo is called 'Young and beautiful.' It's about a girl that has insecurities and is wondering if her boyfriend will love her when she is all old and wrinkly. You must perfect this solo as Cathy has entered one of her students in your age devision. Do you understand?"

I nodded yes and then we started. In half an hour I had finished my routine. I just had to perfect a few little corrections like my feet and facials. I was finally dismissed and went to what was called the dancers den. There I saw Paige and she was taking selfies on her phone. Taking a deep breath I walked over to her.

"Hey Paige I'm Taylor, I just wanting introduce myself." Butterflies were fluttering around in my stomach as I was really nervous that she might not like me.

"Hey Taylor, come sit down. Can I ask you some questions?" Paige replied. Oh well at least she didn't reject me.

"Yeah sure I don't mind. Ask away."

"Okay so where was your last studio and how old are you?"

"My last studio was in Australia and it was called Make a Move. I'm also 14 but I'm turning 15 on Monday."

"Okay well happy birthday in advance. What is your favourite style of dance?"

"Thank you and I love street hip hop. I can still do the other styles but I like the street more."

"Ok cool. Would you ever be friends with the kids on the Candy Apples team?"

"That's a hard one but if they were really nice then yeah maybe."

"Ok good because we're kind of friends with them."

"That's so cool." I gushed. All new low for me, gushing. Ew.

After Paige asked me more questions, the others came in. We sat around and talked and got to know each other. Well I got to know them. We all decided to go to where the mums were after Maddie got called in to practice her solo.

"Hey guys, what are you doing?" One of the mums asked.

"Hey mum." I greeted my mum.

"Hey Taylor! How's your solo going?" Mum said back.

"Oh pretty good. I finished it, I just have to fix a few things."

"Let us introduce ourselves. I'm Christi,Chloe's mom, that's Kelly, Brooke and Paige's mom, Melissa, Maddie and Mackenzie's mom and Holly, Nia's mom." So it was Christi that spoke before.

"Nice to meet you." I said to all of them.

"So are you all friends?" I asked quietly towards my mum as I was kneeling behind mum on the seat to the back of them.

"Yes honey, don't worry." Mum answered.

"That's good." I said happily. I didn't want there to be any fights between the mums, where my mum was concerned.


Hey so I have some important things to say.

Ok well I've changed a bit if the times. Kalani is not here yet but she most likely will come later. I know that I've started it a bit late and Kelly and her girls aren't there anymore. They will end up leaving later but not now.

I hope that I've cleared it up a bit.

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