Chapter 43

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"What are you going to do now?" Nick asked me, turning his body around to face on the couch. We were just watching TV to kill time before we were going to go to the shopping center and then the movies. "Are you going to join another studio?"

I linked our fingers together and turned to face him just as he was. "I am going to join another studio but I don't know what one. Mum and I were going to try and find some good ones tonight. I think that we're going to try one that focuses on my hip hop though."

Nick nodded along. "Yeah, that's a good idea. I know that there's this studio that about half an hour away that those something like that but I don't think that it's like what you're wanting."

"Yeah but I don't really want to have to travel that far. Mum and Dad are already so busy with their new firm that they don't really have the time to spend travelling half and hour nearly everyday. I did hear that there was an actual hip hop school somewhere around here though but I don't know. I want to still improve on my technique in dances like lyrical, ballet and things like that as well as my hip hop."

"I get what you're saying." Nick nodded once again and looked at the clock on the wall. "I think that it's time to go now. We don't want to end up being late to the movie."

We stood up, got our stuff and Nick wrapped his arm around my shoulders. Ever since the incident, he's been more touchy-feely and I'm grateful for it. I know that it's not the end of the world and that this is a first world problem but it's still hurtful. Nick seemed to know how I was feeling and just what I needed.

I still hadn't told him that I loved him and I did feel a little guilty that Abby knew before he did. I don't know when I will tell him but I do have to admit that I was hoping that he would tell me first. It's cliché I know but I can't help but wish that he'd say it first. I'm a pathetic wimp and am too scared to say it first. Knowing my luck, I'd probably blurt it out to him in the least romantic way possible.

"Hey, Mom!" Nick called up the stairs to, obviously, his mum. She was the one who was going to take us to the shopping center and we were going to walk to the movies which was right next to it. "We're ready to go! Can you please take us now?"

I smiled, I loved it when he used his manners. It was attractive when someone used it, don't judge me.

"I'll be down in a second, you can grab the keys and wait in the car if you want." His mum, Donna, called back down from somewhere in the house. Nick replied with an okay, grabbed his mum's keys and led me out of the door and to the car. We both sat in the back and started chatting about nonsense.

Nick's brown eyes filled me with a warm feeling every time that I looked into them. He was so attractive and I was so lucky to have him in my life. I can't believe that he wanted to date me. I'm so lucky.

"Okay guys," Donna announced getting into the drivers seat of the car. I hate american cars, there drivers seats are on the wrong side. "Let's go."

Soon, we had arrived at the shopping center and Donna left with a goodbye and telling us what time she would be back to pick us up. "Where to next?" Nick turned to me asking as he held my hand tightly.

"Let's just walk around and wreak havoc on this place." I jokingly said swinging our hands before tugging him along to the entrance. Nick laughed after me and walked to catch up.

The first store that we went into was 'Forever 21' which I still had a gift card for that hadn't been used. There were a few things that I liked in the store but I didn't exactly want to try them on in front of Nick. I don't want to be one of those girlfriends that drag their boyfriend to go shopping for clothes with them, boring them out of their minds. Nick insisted that I try some on though. At one point I was wearing a dress that was a dark and bright blue that was kind of hugging. Nick came up to me when I showed him it and told me to buy it because and I quote 'made my boobs look great.' Sometimes I hate him.

Being a little bored in the store, Nick decided that he would choose some clothes for me to wear. I gave him my size and he spent about 10 minutes walking around the store picking out clothes while I waited impatiently in the dressing room. He came back with the ugliest clothes I had ever seen. They looked like they belonged on a set of a disney TV show. Honestly, they needed new wardrobe people because the stuff that they were wearing now were so ugly.

One of the items of clothing was a long sleeved, baggy t-shirt that was covered with this fluffy stuff that looked like wannabe fur. It was orange and Nick had paired it with a pair of tights that were white and had little pictures of sundaes on it. The orange clashed with the blue, pink and red on the sundaes. It was the ugliest thing I had ever seen.

When I showed Nick he and I both laughed our butts off. The next outfit was a bright, lime green dress that was floor length. I have absolutely no idea what these designers were thinking when they designed these clothes. The dress was the ugliest thing that I had ever seen. Nick could not contain his laughter as I came out. He was falling off of the chair that he was sitting on. This went on for a few more times before we finally left the store in a fit of laughter after buying the blue dress that I had tried on.

We soon went to another store that was one of those cheap reject stores. There we were trying on these masks and hats. While trying to find a mask that I wanted to try, Nick tapped me on the shoulder. I turned around to find Nick in a stupid goblin mask and wearing a pink tutu. Laughing I pulled out my phone, "I have got to get a picture of this."

Nick laughed once I was done and took off the mask before pulling me close and giving my a quick kiss. He knew that in public I only like to kiss really quickly and not often. In private though that is another story.

I smiled brightly just like Nick was when we were done and stared into his eyes. They were full of warmth, wonder, maybe a little lust and something that I was hoping was love. Nick shoved the mask onto my head, bringing me out of my reverie. Way to kill a mood, Nick.

We spent the next ten minutes laughing and trying on funny clothes and masks. When Nick turned to me after having one of those stick-on-moustaches. The face that he pulled made me loose it. He actually looked a little like a retarded pedo. I came up to him still laughing as he was too as ripped off the moustache.

He winced as I pulled it off quickly. "Ow, I think you're abusive." He stated rubbing his upper lip as he looked at my smiling face. Nick then gave me the puppy dog look. "Kiss it better?"

I rolled my eyes at him and wrapped my arms around his neck. "Poor baby." I muttered before connecting our lips. The familiar tingles ran down my spine to my toes. Our lips moved slowly with each other and was a fairly light kiss. I slowly pulled away, slightly breathless and once again looked into Nick's beautiful brown eyes.

"I love you." I whispered.  

Nick looked at me in shock and wonder and I almost stepped away from him in embarrassment and rejection until he tightened his hold on me. "What?" He whispered still looking bewildered.

Shutting my eyes quickly for strength, I opened them once again and in the little confined section of the store, I whispered. "I love you so much, Nick. I know that it's probably too soon for you to feel the same way but I love you. I love you so much, Nick."

He smiled the brightest that I had ever seen him smile, filling me with hope that maybe he felt the same. "I love you too, Taylor. I love you so so so much. I've been waiting for the right time to tell you for weeks now. I love you so much, Taylor and I don't know what the future holds but I want it to be with you. I know I'm only 15 but I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I love you and it makes me so happy to be with you and know that you love me too."

The rest of the day was spent in the movie theatre not even bothering to try and watch the movie that we had paid for but rather smothering everyone near us with our PDA and I can honestly say that I didn't care.

Author's Note: I was gonna leave it there but I decided to be nice to you.

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