Chapter 1 *EDITED*

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Putting a nervous smile on my face I handed over my headshot and information to Miss Miller, then walked to the middle of the room.

"What's your name and why are you here?" Miss Miller asked looking at every bit of me. She looked disappointed in what she saw. I know that I'm not the skinniest but I needed muscle for my style of dance. I also didn't wear the two piece dance wear, I wasn't comfortable enough of that and my stomach wasn't that flat.

"My name is Taylor Farwell and I am here because I would love to be able to dance on your competition team Miss Miller. I love dancing and being on this team or even being a part of your company would make me the happiest person alive." I replied trying to make it sound sophisticated but not like I'm trying to kiss up to her. Not really working.

"Hmmm, yes and how old are you?" Miss Miller asked taking down some notes.

"I'm currently 14 but will be turning 15 this Sunday, Miss" ( It's currently April.)

"Good, now what type of styles of dance do you normally do?" Mis Miller asked leaning forward in her seat.

"I do most styles of dance but I major in street hip hop. I can still do the styles like lyrical and contemporary, but street is the one that I'm best at." I was starting to relax but was still so nervous.

"What was the last studio you were at and why are trying to audition here instead of staying there?" Miss Miller asked while I was hoping that this was going to be one of the last questions.

"The last studio was called 'Make a Move' and I left because we had to move from Australia, where I'm from, to here and after looking around we found your studio and figured that it was the best place for me to go." I hoped that I didn't sound too desperate, I just want this spot so badly.

"Ok now, since you can do both hip hop and lyrical or contemporary, do you think that you can do two dances? One of hip hop and the other of your choice?" She asked. I could tell that she was testing me on this one, so praying and hoping that it would go right, I nodded my head and didn't correct her when she said hip hop not street. Yes there is a difference. "Good proceed."

Setting down my iPhone I pressed song Thrift Shop (clean version) and skipped all of the What What parts. Letting the music take over me I pulled all of my best tricks. Some of them were head spins or just simple hip hop moves. I got lost in my dancing and just felt so happy doing what I love. It didn't matter that I was auditioning in front of Abby Lee Miller. Nothing did all of my thoughts and worries were gone for that minute that I was dancing. Once I finished I was praying that Miss Miller liked it.

Grabbing my phone I put on song Free by Rudimental and Emeli Sande. Taking another deep breath I started. I gave it all of the emotion that I could muster. Doing tilts and any other tricks that I thought would work. As I ended, I was breathing heavily and staring at Miss Miller wondering what to do next.

All of the people that were helping Miss Miller audition clapped for me and even Miss Miller did! I felt really happy but only let out a small smile. Enough to tell that I was pleased with my performance but not to look too proud of myself.

"You may go now. Thank you." Miss Miller dismissed.

"Thank you Miss Miller." I bowed my head in gratitude before starting to walk away.

"Oh Taylor, you can call me Miss Abby or just Abby if you like." I was surprised that she's letting me call her that. I hope that it means that she likes me.

"Ok, Thank you Miss Abby," With that I walked out feeling pretty proud of myself.


About 30 minutes after my audition the person that was calling the numbers came out. "Ok, can I have numbers 12, 123, 124, 135, 137 and 142 come with me please. Everyone else you may leave. I'm sorry but you did not make it through."

Following the lady with everyone else that was called I felt a bit bad that I had got in and others didn't. Some of the other kids were crying and it made me feel guilty but I was so happy to have gotten through.

"Alright ladies, I will choreograph a group routine for you all and whoever stays in until the very end wins. Spread apart a we'll start."

Finding my spot, I listen intently to what was being shown and said. The dance was pretty easy to pick up on, but I had to focus on everything. Not making any mistakes, I continued dancing as people were eliminated. Getting into the end pose, I realised that it was just me and another girl. Starting the number again, I got lost in the music but I still focused on my steps. The music finished and number 137 and I were still in.

"Number 137 I'm sorry but you are eliminated. Congratulations number 142, you are a part of the competition team." Abby announced.

I turned to number 137 and held out my hand for a hand shake and said "Good job." She just looked at it and walked away. This really did hurt my feelings but I was just too happy to care right now.

"Thank you so much Miss Abby," I said as she pulled me into a hug.

"Just don't disappoint me and you'll be fine," Abby said looking at me. Gulping and pulling away, I nodded my head to say yes. Now it was time to tell my mum.

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