Chapter 5 *EDITED*

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Having only just recovered from the heart attack I had after kissing and leaving Nick, I ran towards the girls that were waiting for me about halfway down the hall from the dressing room. Running to them I finally caught up with the girls with my heart beating rapidly in my chest.

"Great job Chloe and Maddie!" I cheered right behind them as I arrived behind them.

"Thanks. So how did it go with lover boy?" Paige smirked at me making the girls all snicker.

"Well it went alright." I said casually already walking ahead of the girls. "He asked me out on a date."

"WHAT!" Kendall screamed joining me at my fast pace.

I just smirked at her as we reached the dressing room that is always filled with drama. "Ooh! Taylor's got a boyfriend, Taylor's got a boyfriend!" Mackenzie started the chant with the others joining in. Thankfully there were no cameras following us when the girls were mentioning anything about Nick, or me hanging out with.

"Good job Maddie and Chloe!" All of the mums chorused together as if they had practiced a million times. "Now what's this about Taylor having a boyfriend?" Mum looked over at me weirdly, almost happily?

"I don't have a boyfriend!" I defended throwing my arms up in the air to prove a point. "A guy just asked me out and I said yes."

"She's growing up so fast." Mum said smiling at me though I could tell by her eyes that she was a little worried for me. I wonder why? Maybe it's because I am going out on a date sometime with a stranger. Yeah that's probably it.

"Mum! Don't. I'm going to run over my solo before Abby comes in here and makes me death!" I rolled my eyes but smiled slightly as I guess it was pretty funny to have my mum fuss over something so small.

"Okay, well while you do that, the girls should start getting ready for the group." Melissa smiled warmly at me then she ushered the girls to go and get changed.

As if timed perfectly, Abby walked in looking sceptical until she looked over at Maddie. "Maddie, you were flawless! Amazing job." Then she looked over at Chloe sceptically again. "Chloe, you did well but is it enough to come first? I don't know."

Deciding just to block everything out, I started practicing in the far end of the room where there was no one else was. After running through it sloppily, I went and grabbed my phone and earphones and put them in turning on the music that I was to dance to.

"Taylor when you are doing the tilt, bring your leg up further! It looks like your dragging it on the ground compared to these girls." Abby cried breaking through the sound coming from my earphones. She stood up (for once) and came towards me. "Stop, stop! Listen, Cathy has put one of her rotten little apples in your age group. You have to beat him. He is extremely flexible, so when you do your tilts, stretch your leg higher. Now start over." Abby screamed going back to her spot and staring at me with her hawk eyes.

Now that it was nearing my solo, I could see just how stressed out she was. I started over, and as I said before I'm not that flexible, so I found it really hard to bring my leg up more. It didn't feel like it looked right.

"Obviously you can't do it up any higher so just do it how you were doing it before. We'll have to work on your flexibility. You better win this. I don't just want you to beat Cathy's dancer, I want you to beat the whole competition. If you come second or anything less, you'll be sorry." Abby threatened pointing a finger with a manicured nail on the end.

Abby's threat made me even more nervous. Did I mention that I had an anxiety disorder? No, well I do. I've been trying to keep calm this whole time but now that it was nearing my solo, my anxiety was starting to go sky high. Nodding I practiced the things that Abby wanted before going to touch up my makeup.

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