Chapter 27

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My name was called. It was just called so why wasn't my music playing? I'm in my position ready to go and they haven't played my music yet. I kept in my position, smiling at the audience trying not to let my nerves show. When are they going to play it?

The audience was silent and I could clearly hear a heavy door open and close. My breathing was getting deeper as I tried to calm myself. My music had never skipped or stopped playing in rehearsal. Should I start now? Should I keep going? It felt like I had been on stage for hours. While I might like performing, I don't like standing there all alone and getting judged.

Well by the audience, it's the judges job to judge but you know what I mean.

"Taylor," I heard a voice hiss/whispered. "Don't turn and look at me but your music won't play. You're going to have to dance without it." The voice belonged to Abby and I leaned back a little while still in my position, to hear her better. "On the count of 3, go."


I suddenly couldn't remember the counts.


I suddenly didn't know the dance.


It all suddenly came back to me and I started.

1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, 6, 7,8.

I was keeping in time, I think?

'Ok Taylor,' I said to myself in my head. 'Facial expressions. Do the right expressions.'

I got to the point in my dance where I was going to do my turn sequence. The crowed started clapping and cheering me on to fill the erie silence.

Two turns down.

I wish that the audience would shut up so that I could focus.

Four turns down.

I kept turning before realising that I did one too many turns. Quickly moving on with the dance, I focused my mind. Only think about the dance. The dance it all that matters.

My face hurt from trying to show off the facial expressions properly and they probably looked fake. This dance was not going to let me win. The dance on its own was amazing. The dance with the music was spectacular. It didn't work too well without the music to help along with expressing my emotions. The lyrics explained them perfectly. Without it, it looked incomplete.

I just had to try really hard to make the dance as good as it could be. Apply all of my corrections, even though I was going to do that anyway, and I was going to make sure that my technique was perfect.

At this point, the music was supposed to get slower and more emotional. I was supposed to do some stopping and starting here. I did a complicated turn and trick then stopped. The audience clapped even louder obviously thinking that I was done. Then I started to move agains cutting the applause short. I stopped again and they clapped again but a bit quieter not wanting another mistake like before.

Finally I moved again before landing in my finishing position with only very few in the crowd clapping. I got up off of the ground in the most graceful way possible and started to walk off when the applause finally started now that they were sure that I was done.

I finally made it backstage where the girls were. I saw one of the producers of the show go up to the man that handled the music and grab the CD that was lying on the table, next to the player thing. "Thanks for that. It's great for the show." I heard the producer say with the man replying with a 'No problem.'

So that's why my music didn't play. They probably didn't even put it in and just played it off like it wasn't working! I was red. How dare they tamper with my dance. Not only could I get reduced in points but something could of gone wrong. This isn't about not being able to get first place or anything, it's about the fact that they didn't even care that maybe not having music might stress me out so much. I have anxiety and I'm prone to panic attacks. They know that and that's what made me so mad.

The girls all rushed up and hugged talking about how good I did. I tried to get my mind off of the music incident as we walked and talked towards the dressing room. I was really nervous about what Abby was going to say. I've seen episodes when Abby either gets mad or proud when uncontrollable things happen. Like a wardrobe malfunction, I've seen episodes where sometimes they've gotten in trouble and sometimes they haven't. I know that I'm skating on thin ice around Abby. If I make one mistake, I might not be allowed to be on the team and I desperately want to be.

We entered the room where my Mum came running up to me. "Oh Taylor! You did so well! I'm so proud of you!" She spoke in that Mum voice that they all have and squeezed me tight. "Mum, I can't breathe!"

"Oh sorry, honey. You just did so well and I'm so proud!" Mum led me over to our place at the mirrors and started to take my hair out of my bun when Abby walked in. Butterflies erupted in my stomach as I watched her, trying to read her.

"Taylor," She had a serious voice and expression. "Good job. You kept dancing but you did too many turns! How can you not count? I thought that you were smarter than that! You're 15 for goodness sake! You should know better!"

She motioned for me to come closer so I did. She put a hand on my shoulder and said in a voice that I've hardly ever heard her use with the rest of the girls. "You're an amazing dancer but you can't make little mistakes like this. You'll end up like Kelly if you do."

End up like Kelly? That could be considered a compliment or an insult. I would love to end up like her in the sense that she is an amazing mother but I don't want to be like her. I want to be my own person. Wow, all of that stressing out must of busted my brain cells. I'm starting to talk crazy.

"Excuse me!" I heard a disbelieving shriek come from Kelly.


Sorry for not updating last week. I was way too busy with assignments to do anything. I know it's still not the best but I am really busy and stressed right now.


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