Chapter 28

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"How dare you! That is a horrible thing to say!" Kelly stood up from her spot and yelled at Abby, pointing her manicured finger. I'm waiting for the day when I'll have manicured nail and I'll get to get into someones face and be all like 'Oh, hell no!'

"I'll tell you what Abby! I would hate to grow up like you! What kind of person says that to a kid?" Low blows flying left, right and center. Holly came up behind me and placed a hand on my shoulder while lightly tugging me back. I guess that she could feel a fight coming on. The rest of the girls all seemed to be on the furtherest side of the room as well as Jill and Melissa.

The camera men were lapping up the drama, their camera's rolling as they moved to get into the best positions. No doubt, this would make it onto the show. It's kind of sick how they would do and use anything to get ratings. I feel that it's fair enough to want to get ratings and create a good TV show but sometimes they go too far. The well being of the people should be more important than all of the reviews and ratings.

"How dare you yell at me! I'm right in saying that if she makes stupid mistakes like that, she'll end up like you! A nobody who doesn't have a job and just looks after their kids all day!" Abby retaliated, standing up as well and moving towards Kelly.

"You are a horrible person and a b**ch! I am not a nobody and I would rather have my kids than be like you." Kelly was obviously getting extremely agitated and offended. You could feel the tension in the air and I don't think that a knife could cut through it, you'd need a chainsaw.

"I'll tell you what's horrible. Your children's dancing! Have you seen their feet? I've tried to correct them a thousand times but your kids are just too dumb to listen!" Their shouts were getting louder and louder as they continued to scream insults back and forth. Abby's comment on Paige and Brooke was unnecessary and it made my blood boil to here it. She shouldn't insult my friends like that.

Right when more screaming was about to occur, there was a loud knock on the heavy, wooden door. The sound cut everyone off and Abby sent one last glare at a still fuming Kelly before going and answering the door. There seemed to be a judge or competition director at the door holding some papers. "Hi, my name is Julia and I'm the competition director," Knew it. "I just wanted to formally apologise for what happened with," She glanced at the papers in her hand. "Miss Farewell's dance. We apologise and will try to make sure that it doesn't happen again."

Abby smiled at the lady and took her apology before shutting the door. We all stared at her afraid of how she would react. "What are you all looking at? Go and get ready for the trio and group!" She didn't need to tell us twice, we all seemed to spring to life together and rush about. Mum shoved my costume for the trio in my face and push me towards the changing curtain.

I slipped off my costume from before, having a bit of trouble when I got a bit tangled in it, and slipped on the dress. I couldn't do the corset by myself so I held it up to my chest and tried to cover up my back as I walked out and turned towards Kelly. She was going to help me with it and do any alterations to it incase something broke.

Wow, it was tight but I must admit that it made me look great. All I needed to do was my makeup and hair and I'd then have the whole look. My makeup was dark and I had to wear a black wig. It looked so fake and it didn't go well with my complexion. Abby took one look at me and ordered me to take it off.

There were a few complications with the wigs and in the end, we didn't end up using any. If the music didn't work again then the whole dance wouldn't work. The music was key to the dance and it definitely made it easier for people to understand. Without it, it was just too hard to figure out. I really hope that we do really well with it.

Finally we were called. Paige and Maddie took their place on the stage while I waited for my cue. The music was all happy in the beginning then I finally came out and it turned dark. We were turning and twisting, making scary and dark faces while we lured Paige to come to us.

Maddie was behind Paige and she now was facing me. I slowly started to walk backwards before the music built up and she turned to Maddie suddenly scared. I made my move and grabbed her while she kicked and screamed before throwing her into the wings of the stage. Then Maddie and I ran after her, there was a blood curdling scream before Paige rolled out onto the stage dead with blood oozing from a cut on her neck. The other girls had quickly put it on while she was offstage.

It was silent while Paige got dragged off of the stage by her feet until the crowd finally started clapping and cheering. I'd hate to jinx ourselves but I think that we rocked it. The dance was so amazing and we didn't make too many mistakes. I think that we'll place with this.

Now it was time for the group dance. I got changed into my costume and did my makeup and hair. Today has been a long day and all that I want to do is go home and sleep. We had some down time so I checked my phone only to see a text.

Awesomest Person in the World, Nick: Hi, I know that you're at a dance competition and everything but I just wanted to wish you luck and say that I'm sure you'll do great and look as beautiful as always. I'll see you some other time. :-)

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