Chapter 4 *EDITED*

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"Come on Nia," I whispered.

Nia walked out with a smile on her face and got into her position, having to wait a few seconds for the music to start. Once it did, Nia started and I thought that Nia did really well, as you could see that she was enjoying it. She stumbled on a few of her turns and she had a few moments where it didn't really flow too well, but otherwise she did amazing. With her dance finished, she walked off.

"Nia, you did amazing!" I complimented her as she got off of the stage and walked towards where we were all standing.

"I stumbled on some of my turns though. Abby's gonna be mad." Nia said to us when she finally got to us after smiling gratefully at us after all of the compliments we gave her.

"Yes but you still did it greatly!" I exclaimed grabbing her shoulders that was covered in her white costume."There are just a few things that you need to work on. No ones perfect but that's okay."

"Taylor, you're a really good friend. Thank you so much though." Nia smiled at me before smiling wider at something behind me.

"What are friends for?" Brooke said putting and arm around my shoulder while smiling at all of us.

Paige and Chloe both smiled mischievously as they looked passed my shoulder and motioned for me to turn around. Obeying their command like a genie, I huffed loudly while turning around annoyed by the way that they were acting. I could faintly hear the girls small laughs as all of the colour drained from my face before my cheeks turned a light shade of red.

"Well, it's nice to see you too." A smirking Nick said standing in front of me with his arms crossed across his chest. "To be honest, I was expecting a better reaction from you. I'm very disappointed, Miss whatever-your-last-name-is."

"Oh, sorry Mr whatever-your-last-name-is. I didn't mean to disappoint." I teased after finally getting over my embarrassment.

"All is forgiven Miss whatever-your-last-name-is." Nick said with a handsome smile finally uncrossing his arms.

"Thank goodness! You had me worried that I would have to live with the guilt of disappointing you my whole life!" Our banter was interrupted by Kendall clearing her throat as if to remind me of something. "Oh right, Nick these are my team. That's Kendall, Brooke, Mackenzie, Paige, Nia, Maddie and Chloe." I said pointing to everyone of them as there name was spoken.

"Well, I came here to tell you that I have to go back to my team. I have to go get ready for my solo and they're probably wondering where I am." Nick's smile faltered slightly when he said the last part and I could clearly see his body tense a little.

"Oh alright, well we probably have to go back to our dressing room as well." I smiled gesturing towards the group of giggling girls behind me.

"Yeah, well I'm guessing that I'll see you later?" He questioned swaying his hands in a questioning way. What? It happens.

"Definitely." Nick smiled at me one more time before waving to the girls and leaving through the big brown chairs.

"Hey, Taylor, we're going to head back to the dressing room. We want to get there before the moms and Abby do." Chloe said bringing me back to reality.

"Huh, oh yeah. Let's go." We started walking and Nia was radiating nerves. "Nia, don't worry you did fine. It could of been worse right?" Maddie put her arm around her after giving her the pep talk.

"Thanks Maddie. You're an amazing friend." Nia hugged her all the while still walking along the hallway with us.

"We all think that you did fine." Mackenzie chimed in still seeing how nervous Nia was. It felt really good to see how they were a like a family just like how I was with my crew. I couldn't wait until I was part of the team and I had more family and new friends in this new country. Don't get me wrong, I really miss my friends from back home, but I was never one for making new friends. These girls made me happy.

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