Chapter 12*EDITED*

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I updated early so you can all thank me! *Spreads arms out and twirls around as you throw gifts at me but then fall down as one hits my head*

Schools out so I might be able to update more but I might be too lazy.

Anyways onward with the story!


I woke up feeling refreshed and a little sore. This always happened to me after a competition. I looked to my desk where my clock was. 11:07 o'clock it said, pretty normal for me on the weekend. I like sleep, not morning. Sometimes I like but most of the time I don't.

I hoped out of bed slowly because you know I just woke up. I looked at myself in the mirror in my room and cringed. Taking my hair out of its messy ponytail I put it into a new one without brushing it. I would come back and do that later. I walked out of my room and into the living room where sadly my parents were.

"Hey, how was your sleep?" Mum asked sipping on her morning coffee, or it was her 'I felt like a coffee and want one' coffee. She drinks a lot of coffee. She should own a coffee store rather than lawyer place. "Okay," I mumbled lying down on the couch, putting my arm over my eyes as soon as I lied down. "What's for breaky?"

"There's stuff in the cupboard, get it yourself." Dad replied not lifting his head up from his iPad and coffee for very long. Groaning I lifted myself up and walked into the kitchen. Looking in the cupboard I found nothing that I felt like eating. "Mum, there's nothing there!" I shouted to her groaning once again. I do that a lot.

"There's fruit, you can have toast or even cereal! There's something!" Mum shouted back to me. Groaning once again I grabbed a choc chip bar and quickly snuck it into my room. Mum has a no eating in your room policy. I'm such a rebel, fear me! I'm weird in the morning.

Sitting onto my bed I checked what time it would be in Australia on my iPad. A bit after 9pm and it's a...... Monday night. Well it's worth a shot anyway, I clicked the kik app and waited for it to load. I was thankful that Mum and Dad had gotten the wifi installed before we got here. Clicking on one of my best friends, Eleanor, I quickly typed.

Taylor: Hey I miss you!!!!!!!!!!

It had been 10 minutes before she replied.

Eleanor: TAYLOR!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOUR ALIVE!!!!!!!!!! I miss you so much!

Taylor: I miss you too, how's life been? Still taking English lessons 'cause you need to take more. You're*

Eleanor: Ok but we all miss you! All of the guys and I really want you back home When will you come and visit? Keep your English lessons to yourself.

Taylor: I don't know it will take a lot of time before I can even get half as much money as I'd need to fly there.

Eleanor: So on another topic, have you met any cute guys yet? ;)

Taylor: Maybe................................................................ actually they are everywhere!!!!

Eleanor: Hold on need to pack my bags because I'm moving to America!

Taylor: Glad to see that your the same Eleanor :) but seriously I kind of did meet this guy

Eleanor: SPILL...... please!

Taylor: His name is Nick and we met at a dance competition yesterday actually. We're going on a date but my parents want to meet him and his parents first.

Eleanor: That's so cute! What does he look like?

Taylor: I'll send you a pic when I can words can't describe how cute he is.

Eleanor: I have to go because you know, it's a school night. Love you and miss you lots!!!!! Bye!

Taylor: Love you too, miss you as well. See ya!

What Eleanor just said made me think about school. There was going to be school the next day but I don't think that there would be for me. I don't know. I decided to go see what was happening so I walked out to where my parents were still on the couch and watching some weird show on the TV.

"Mum, what am I going to do about school? It starts tomorrow." I asked getting their attention and making them look at me rather than the TV.

"Oh, get your sister, we have to talk about this." Mum replied looking at me with a thankful expression. They probably forgot all about school. I walked to Caitlin's room and knocked.

"Come in," I heard faintly through the door before opening it.

"Mum wants to talk to us about school." I said to my big sister, Caitlin. She was three years older than me and had finished school. I walked back out to the living room and she followed after me.

"Taylor, your obviously still in school so what we are going to do is to homeschool you for but you must put a lot of work into it. You are only going to get homeschooled for about the rest of this term and then it's to a normal school. We want to make sure that you know everything that will be taught and we want to make sure that you are prepared.

"Caitlin, we are going to let you have that gap year that you asked for but you are going to have it here. After that you can go to whatever university you like and you can even go back home for it. We just want the best for you and that's why this is happening." Mum explained everything with Dad nodded along in agreement. They didn't move us here because they wanted what's good for us. They just wanted to expand their lawyer firm.

"Mum, why did we have to move? It's not fair, I miss my friends." I asked sadly because I knew that Caitlin was thinking it too. Call it a sister intuition.

"Honey," Mum reached over and patted my hand. "It was a once in a life time chance for the business. We are going to make twice as much money now. Think of all the holidays that we can go on now. I know that it's hard on the both of you. It's hard on us too but we just have to get through it." By now she was holding Caitlin and I's hands in her own. Dad even got out of his chair and put his hands on our shoulders.

"It'll all work out, I promise." He said and I just hoped that he's right.


It was currently 11:59pm on Sunday the 19th and I was lying in my bed with the covers pulled up to just above my nose, leaving my eyes uncovered. I was waiting for it to become 12:00am so it would become Monday the 20th. Finally the digital clock beside my bed changed to 12:00 and I was officially 15. Should be a big celebration ? We don't celebrate a 15th birthday very extremly.

My phone buzzed quite loudly next to my clock and I rushed to grab it and make it quiet again so that my parents didn't wake up. I looked at my phone and noticed that it was a text from Eleanor.

Eleanor: Happy Birthday from all of us!!!!!! We love and miss you so much!!!!! Have fun dancing!!!!!

I beamed at my phone as I sent a quick text back to her saying thank you. For some reason her text made me feel like everything would be okay.

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