Chapter 23

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I didn't have anymore classes for another hour so I guess that I was just going to have to sit around and wait until we rehearsed my solo. I spotted Maddie sitting on the opposite side of the room, playing on her phone. Bored and kind of curious to know what happens around the studio, I shuffled through the bags lying on the floor and managed to successfully make it over to her without falling over.

"Hey," I greeted making her lift up her head and look at me. "Do you mind if I sit?" Maddie shook her head and nodded to the space next to her. "No, of course not." I smiled gratefully and took a seat making sure that there was a reasonable amount of space between us.

"Um, I was wondering if you could tell me more about the studio. I know that I've been here for two weeks but I just wanted to know things like why if Abby runs a successful studio, why does she audition other people? Why would she have picked me and not someone else in her own studio?" Okay, maybe I was going a bit overboard but it was something that had clouded my mind for ages. Sometimes as well in those few times that I did watch the show.

"Well, none of us are quite sure why she does. I think that she mostly does it on the competition team because most of the studio is known for us now that the show has come out. We do have a lot of dancers here so it is pretty confusing but I guess that it's just the way that Abby is and I'm actually glad that she chose you. We're all really happy that you're a part of this team. Just be careful about the moms because they get jealous easily." She smiled at me a nudged my shoulder in a friendly way.

For the rest of the time Maddie and I just talked and joked around until I was called to do my solo and I went off to my next class, jazz.


I was breathing heavily but trying to cover it as we walked out of the class. Thankfully, Bethany and Ashley were in the class and they made it easier. It's hard to be new in class and I am dreading the time when I have to go to school and be the new girl.

The class wasn't too bad but when we were practicing some moves or steps I could feel their judgemental gaze on me. It was stressful and sometimes it made me so angry, I just wanted to snap. I guess that you could say that I'm very self-conscious. I just don't have very good confidence and sometimes that holds me back. I can't even order at McDonald's without freaking out.

Abby was having us rehearse a little more for our dances and then we would be allowed to go home. I walked over to the den where the other girls on the team were stretching and the film crew were setting up to film. One of the producers nodded for me to go and join the other girls.

I sat next to Brooke and pulled out my phone so that I could check my hair. The bun was a mess so I took it out and grabbed the brush out of my dance bag. "Here, let me do your hair." Brooke offered/begged and since I was tired I said yes. She took my brush from me and started to comb out the tangles in my hair before pulling away a section of my hair at the front and braiding it across the top. Then she pulled the rest of my hair into a tight, high pony tail. "There all done." She proudly said and I could feel the smile radiating off of her face. "Thanks, it look great." I thanked her after looking at it on my phone.

"Alright girls, before you go in we're going to have you girls all talk. I want you to talk about how you guys feel about having Taylor on the team. Just act as if we're not here and we'll start with," One of the directory/producery people said to us before pausing so that he could come up with a name. "Kendall asking Taylor how she feels about being on the team."

We all nodded before he walked behind the camera and nodded for us to go. Kendall turned to me and asked how it was being on the team. I had to think quick because I knew that they wanted quick answers. "It's pretty great to be on the team but it's also a little weird because you go from knowing everything about your old team to knowing only so much about the new one."

"Are you liking it here?" This time it was Paige who asked me this. It seemed as if the girls new exactly what to say and do and it made a lot of sense as they probably had done this a thousand times before. "I am liking it here because you are all so nice but I do kind of miss my old studio. It's really hard to not only move studios but I've moved countries as well. I'm just glad that you are all so nice because it's made the move a lot easier." I gave them a grateful smile as the guy that told us what to do signalled for us to do one more.

"What do you think about Abby?" Nia questioned me leaning in a bit more from her seat a little bit down from me on my left. "Tough one, but I think that Abby is going very easy on me but I'm sure that if she wants to keep me around then she's going to become a lot tougher." I nervously laughed at that and the girls gave a small smile to me before the man let us go in to the studio where Abby was already sitting.

"Girls we're going to finish this up and then we'll rest up for the competition.Get into your positions and get ready." Abby hardly looked up from her phone before she was at it again. Only tomorrow stood between now and the competition day. Tomorrow Abby was having us come in earlier so that way we had enough sleep for the competition but while everyone else was packing and getting ready I would be on my date with Nick. I haven't had a date in ages and to say I was nervous would be an understatement. I was nearly sh*ting bricks because of how nervous I was but I was also really excited. I could tell that it was going to be a good night.

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