Chapter 18 *EDITED*

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I laughed quietly awaiting for the answer that I would receive excitedly.

"Haha, yeah uh my friends." Nick replied nervously and I imagined him rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly. I have no idea if he does that but it would be so cute if he did. "Sorry about that. I was rehearsing and my phone was out here in my bag. They must've gotten to it and called you and everything."

"Who are they?" I questioned hoping to find out which voice was which.

"Oh, just some of friends. Actually you've met them, Zack and Lucas."

"Oh yeah. I remember them! Actually, I got in trouble for talking to Zack." I replied enthusiastically, remembering how Abby got mad at me for saying hi to him. I'm actually pretty glad that I could play the whole 'I'm new here so I don't know anything' card. If I had been there for a while I bet that Abby would have put me on probation or she would suspend me. I'm still on probation but I think that'll be on the team soon. I hope s0 anyway.

"You got in trouble for talking to Zack?"

"Yeah, some of the camera crew or something told Abby and she kind of flipped out a little." I was trying to be as nonchalant as possible.

"Wow. How did you feel? Were you okay? Are you alright now?" Nick asked quickly and worriedly. That is so cute!

"Of course I'm fine now. I played the whole 'I'm new here and innocent' card." I smiled slightly at how worried Nick is.

"Are you sure?" He just won't give up will he?

"Nick, I'm fine!" I laughed trying to come up with a new subject to talk about. "How are things at dance? Actually, now that I think about it, shouldn't you be at school right now?"

"Oh, well we have a day off today. Something to do with the plumbing. Gross, I know." He shuddered slightly. "So I thought that I would come into dance instead."

"Very dedicated." I said a little mockingly with a smile still playing on my lips.

"Hey! I happen to be very dedicated to the things I care about!" He defended while laughing.

"Oh yeah? Like what?" I teased.

"Well if you would stop teasing then I might tell you." Ever since this phone call started I haven't stopped smiling. "Okay, well I am very dedicated to dance, my family, my friends and if your lucky maybe I'll be dedicated to you."

My heart stopped. Is he flirting? Oh. My. Gosh. "Well, I guess that I'll have to hope that I'm very lucky." I quietly said my heart finally beating.

"Yeah, I hope so too." Nick replied just as quietly as me.

"So," I dragged out slowly searching for a topic."Tell me more about yourself."

"Like what?"

"Do you like music?"

"Like music? I LOVE music! It's a big part of my life." Nick sounded so excited and I smiled widely.

"You love it too! That's great! I absolutely love music! I don't know how I would live without it." It's all true. Pretty pathetic, but it is true. Wouldn't be alive without it.

"Do you play an instrument?" He asked and I could feel him smiling widely.

"Yeah, I play the guitar. I've been playing since grade 1."

"Wow, that's so long! I've always wanted to play some instrument." Nick did sound amazed. Pat on the back for me.

"Maybe I could teach you sometime?" Was I flirting? I sure hope not because I suck. I might as well shoot myself in the head.

"Are you flirting with me?" Nick asked teasingly. Oh shoot! He's on to me! What do I say now? Blood is rushing to my cheeks making them go red. Or pink. I look into the mirror in my room. Yep, they're red.

"Oh, I hope not because if I was then I would probably send you running to the hills." Let's just go with this.

"I doubt that." Just from his voice I could tell that he was smiling. Thinking back to the competition, I remembered how his smiled looked. His teeth were white but not too bright. His lips would curve up and if you made him laugh or smile hard enough, his nose scrunched up making him look incredibly cute and hot.

"You really shouldn't." I laughed before hearing a rustling sound and a voice. I couldn't make out what was being said but I assume that someone was talking to Nick.

"Hey, Taylor." Nick said slowly.

"Hey, Nick." I replied just as slowly.

"Are you mocking me again? Not happy." Nick tsked me but continued. "I have to go back and practice my trio. We're competing at a competition this week and we're spending all of the time that we can practicing."

"Oh, okay. It was nice talking to you and everything. I hope that you do well with your dance." I'm sad that Nick's leaving me. Cue the tears. Not really, why would you think that?

"I really have to go now. I wish that I could stay and talk to you but I can't." He sounded sad and I could just imagine the pout that would be on his face.

"Alright, see you later." I still smiled at the thought of him pouting.

"I'll call you later. Bye."

"Bye." I expected him to hang up but he was still on. I heard him breathe deeply a few times before his beautiful, soothing voice spoke once again.

"I can't wait for out date. I'll see, call and be amazed by you later. Goodbye, Beautiful." Then he hung up.

Oh Nick, what do you do to me?


Hey, guys!

Thank you so much for reading.

Sorry it's so short.

I'm on holidays right now so I might be able to update more.

Love you all so much


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