Chapter 16 *EDITED*

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I walked into the studio to see a still fuming Abby and a tired looking Paige and Maddie. I felt bad about how Mackenzie didn't get to be in this dance anymore but at the same time I was glad that Abby had chose me, me out of all people, to be the replacement. This week was going to be hard as I would have to focus on my solo, group and now trio.

Snapping me out of my thoughts Abby started talking. "Taylor, the dance wasn't working with Mackenzie at all. I think that with you we could win this dance. Since you and Maddie don't look alike I'm going to change the meaning of this dance and some of the choreography. So Taylor, you are going to be like the master in this. You control Maddie, bit like a partnership but you're in charge. Maddie is going to most of the luring part but you are going to have to seem really dark, scary and a bit crazy. I know that this might be very hard but you girls can do it. Paige, I need your performance to be amazing. If not you could mess this whole dance up. Okay, let's get this started."

Abby positioned Maddie and I off towards the right of the stage with Paige on the other. It started off with Paige acting so innocent and nice. She was doing really well and it almost made me feel really bad for how we were going to turn her evil. In the dance of course, I don't think that it's possible for her to be evil. Unless you call making me her pillow on the bus rides evil.

When Paige gets to a certain point in her dance, Maddie and I come forward. We came out in slow stride with dark looks on our faces. Mine dark facial expressions had to be better than Maddie's because I was supposed to be the leader, the darker one.

Leaning over to Maddie's ear, I pretended to whisper something to her after looking darkly at Paige. Once I 'whispered' into Maddie's ear I did a tilt with a small, dark smirk on my face. Maddie nodded with a dark smirk on her face almost identical to mine.

She did some turns and did that dance run (that's what I call the running on stage while dancing because yeah) over to Paige. She started to do some turns around Paige while Paige was still dancing. Maddie grabbed Paige's hand and started to pull out to the other side of the stage. This was my cue to run in and act like a good person, pulling Maddie away from Paige. I did it and Maddie did some more turns and tricks while I enticed Paige to follow me. I was still keeping up the nice act when Maddie turned around and-

"Stop! Stop! Stop! This is not working! That's all for tonight while I figure out what isn't working. You are dismissed but can you please send in the duo." Abby interupted and dismissed us with a wave of her hand.

Muttering a quick thank you, we practically ran out of the studio. I agree with Abby when she says that something wasn't right. I just wasn't feelling like the dance was going to be a winner. We stepped out into the dancers den where everyone else was.

"Abby wants to practice the duo." Maddie said sitting down and grabbing her waterbottle. Nia and Chloe, who were talking and joking around with a girl I didn't know, nodded and got up saying goodbye. Maddie went and replaced their spot next to the girl.

I walked over to my bag, grabbed my waterbottle and my phone to check the time. I turned it on and noticed that it was already 6:30! I took a sip of my waterbottle and my phone lit up with a text. It was from Nick, I haven't heard from him ever since the day of the competition.

Smiling, I opened turned on my phone, put in my password (No I will not tell you what it is) and opened up the text.

The Awesomest Person in the World Nick: Hey :) sorry I haven't talked to you in a while but my family went camping with some of our friends and there was no reception. Oh and well HAPPY FREAKING BIRTHDAY!!!!!!! LET IT RAIN DOWN GIFTS OF GOLD AND OTHER STUFF YOU MIGHT LIKE!

I quickly texted him back because, well, I just like talking to him.

Me: Hey it's ok I understand and thanks for the birthday wishes but why gold?

The Awesomest Person in the World Nick: Hey!!!!!! You're here!!!!!!!! And Talking to me!!!!!!!!! And gold because I said so!

Me: WOW someone's happy.

The Awesomest Person in the World Nick: I am now that you're here :P

Nick is just something isn't he?

Me: Wow, cheesy much?

The Awesomest Person in the World Nick: Only for you.

Talking to Nick was really fun and I'm pretty sure that he's high on sugar or something right now but me being me, I decided to tell him about my parents wanting to meet him to get it out of the way. Who's smart? Not me!

Me: Hey, um my parents want to meet you before we go on a date.

It had been 5 minutes since I sent the text and there was no reply so here comes the part where I start to get nervous.

Me: Just to see if you're like not a creepy stalker dude

Me: hello?

Me: Nick?

Me: Did I say creep you out because if I did then it wasn't me! It was my twin sister, Sophie!

I was distracted from my texting by Nia and Chloe coming out of the studio looking exhausted. "Can we please just go home?" Chloe muttered sitting down next to me after having grabbed her waterbottle and put her head on my shoulder. I leaned my head on her head and whispered. "Yeah, me too. I'm tired."

"Taylor," Chloe whispered.


"You just got a text."

My head shot up and I quickly looked at my phone to see the text.

The Awesomest Person in the World Nick: Hey sorry, you did nothing wrong but my mom just came and told me to do some chores and I would love to meet your parents before our date.

As soon as I finished reading it another one came.

The Awesomest Person in the World Nick: Well I wouldn't love to but I have to and I really want to go on a dater with you.

I smiled when I read the mistake him made.

Me: Really? You want to go on a dater with me? :-)

The Awesomest Person in the World Nick: Oh right well I mean that I really want to go on a date with you.

Me: Great, I'm going on a date with an idiot that can't spell. ;-)

Just as I hit send, Abby walked out of the studio and I quickly hid my phone. I didn't want her to see me texting Nick. "Alright, I want to practice the group dance again then you can all go home." She entered the studio again, closing the door. We all groaned and got up while I quickly texted Nick telling him that I had to go. We entered the studio to start practicing again.

Needless to say, we left 3 hours later.

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