Chapter 39

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"Yeah, I'm fine." Nick groaned looking up at me off while lying on the floor painfully holding his no-no area. "You have a good kick. I hate it."

"Well, then at least you know that I can handle myself in a fight," I smiled innocently at him looking at his gorgeous face that was no longer scrunched up in pain. "And that I can and will hurt you if you make me mad enough."

I'm the worst girlfriend in the world.

Okay, maybe not the worst.

"Help me up?"

Grabbing onto his hand and pulling him up, I felt the familiar tingles shoot up my arm. Once standing, Nick gave me his smile that never failed to make my heart race. "Let's go to our meeting place now."

Around the corner, out of site, Nick and I sat on the floor with our backs against the wall, holding hands. "I've missed you so much. I haven't been able to see and touch you for two weeks!" Nick pulled me closer to him as he said that. I had missed him too. It wasn't enough to just get to see him for a few hours a week. I kind of wish that we would both go to the same competitions every week but that would cause too much drama.

"I've missed you as well. It sucks living far away from each other and going to different dance studios. I don't get to kiss and hug you as much as I want to." At this, I looked up into his gorgeous and melting brown eyes before lowering my gaze to his lips. Understanding what I wanted, Nick leaned down and softly pressed his lips onto mine. The way he kissed filled me with warmth, happiness and sent tingles all over.

I like him a lot. I really do.

It was a soft and gentle kiss. We couldn't exactly make out with all of these people here. Plus, Abby or Cathy could walk through here at any moment. The thought of getting caught was exciting and terrifying.

"What is your dance about again?" I questioned him once we had broke apart from our kiss and caught back our breaths.

"It's a tribal one so really we're just pretending to do a tribal dance. It's called Tribal Affairs"

"Aren't you doing it with some chick? Haley?"

"Yes it's a duo and her name is Hadley." He chuckled and smiled. "You don't have to be so jealous.

I scoffed. "I'm not jealous, I just didn't remember Haley's name."

Nick just shook his head, placed a hand on my head in a loving way and smiled down at me with adoration in his eyes. At least that's what I think it was.

"You're so beautiful, Taylor. I know that you don't believe that but I think that you are. No, I know that you are."

I leaned up and kissed him, again feeling the warmth and happiness flow through me. Knowing that he thought that I was beautiful even with my flaws made me feel happy and confident. I knew that my confidence wouldn't last for long but for now I was.

"Nick, you are amazing. I don't think that I've ever met someone as nice, sweet and talented as you. I'm so happy to be your girlfriend and for you to be my boyfriend. It's also a bonus that you're pretty easy on the eyes." I laughed placing a hand on his cheek, being careful to not smudge his tribal makeup. He leaned down once again and pecked my nose. I've never liked my nose and Nick knew that so when he did kiss it, it was his way of telling me that he thought that it was fine and looked good. It was the small things that Nick did that made me smile and my heart flutter.

We sat down and talked for a little longer watching as people walked past and spared us little looks. We had only been talking for about ten minutes when I got a text from Brooke telling me that Abby was on her way and wanted us back. Standing up I held my hand out to help up Nick. "I have to go now but will you be backstage or in the crowd to watch me?"

He took my hand and pulled me into a tight hug. "I wouldn't miss it for the world."

"Good because it's dedicated to you."

"Then I just have to watch it."

With one last hug and kiss, we departed and I went back around the corner towards the girls who were looking at me with suggestive eyes. "So, how'd it go with lover boy?" Paige asked moving her eyebrows in a suggestive way.

"Oh shut up," I pushed her back gently with my hand, laughing. "We didn't even do much besides talking."

"Oh yeah, this looks a lot like just talking." Brooke said coming up to me with her phone where a picture of Nick and I mid kiss was displayed.

"Don't we have somewhere to be?" I asked and gestured back towards the dressing room and started my way there. The girls soon caught up to me and were walking ahead. Leaning in close to Brooke I whispered, "Can you send that to me please?"


Nick was backstage and I wanted to do nothing but kiss the hell out of him but the camera crew was back here as well and I wanted to do nothing but strangle the hell out of them. They were nice enough but I wanted to talk to Nick. I needed to talk to him once more before I went on stage.

He looked so good. Before when I had seen him, he was wearing his studio jumper but now he wasn't and was shirtless with only some kind neck piece covering his torso. I don't mean to brag about my boyfriend but dang he is hot.

Only Maddie and I were given a solo so all I had to do was wait for her then soon after when they got into my age group, I would go. Brooke was in a duo with Nia though but they hadn't had much time to prepare and learn the dance so I wasn't expecting it to place very well. I also kind of hoped that Nick would win but that's really only because he's my boyfriend.

The camera men had soon decided that they had filmed enough and excited out of the door that led to backstage. As soon as that door was shut I moved my butt over to Nick and gave him a hug. I doubt that I would be able to get a lot of time with him in the upcoming weeks so I was going to enjoy the time that I had with him.

We sat backstage on the chairs provided, holding hands and I was kind of snuggled into his side. He was so comfy and all that we did was share a few kisses and talk. When Maddie went onstage, I decided that I would do a little more warming up and stretching as well as running through my dance. Maddie was towards the end of her age devision and I was towards the beginning of mine so there wasn't too much time from her dance to mine.

While I warmed up, Nick went over and talked with his other team members. Maddie's dance soon finished and she did good as usual. Same kind of dance, same moves, different music. I was starting to get bored of her dances.

Nick came over to me moments before the girl who was on before me started. "You are going to do great and I can't wait to see what it is that you have in store for me. You are going to win for sure, you're too talented not to."

I leaned into him, gave him one last kiss and whispered, "Thank you, this is dedicated to you just so that you know. I really don't give a damn about what Abby thinks or where I place, all I want to do is impress you."

Kissing me as well, he whispered something that gave me the biggest confidence boost in the world. "No matter what I will always look at you like you are my world. You are going to do great and do me proud."

Not soon after, the girl finished and my name was called. Taking one deep breath, I moved into my position on the stage, the lights temporarily blinding me.

You'll love this dance, Nick.

I know you will.

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