Chapter 25 (Date Night Part 2)

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I wrote this last week but it didn't publish till now. Sorry.


I have to admit that, that is an extremely weird thing to say. 'Let's get this started shall we?' Is not the most ideal way to start a date. Sounds like this is something that you don't want.

"So Nick, how long have you been dancing for?" My mother asked looking at him politely after the waiter had come and we had ordered our drinks.

He cleared his throat quietly and nervously replied. "I've been doing since I could just about walk so a long time." He also smiled nervously and can I tell you that, that was just about the most cutest thing ever. My parents nodded appreciatively and smiled.

"Taylor, how long have you been dancing for? From what I saw at the last competition, you sure are good." Mrs Daniels smiled at me making me blush a little from the compliment. "Uh, well thank you but I actually haven't been dancing for too long. It's been about 5 years?" I looked to my parents for confirmation and received a nod. Turning back to Mrs Daniels I answered again. "Yeah, I've been dancing for 5 years."

She looked surprised and smiled pleasantly at me. "Well that's amazing! You're so good for having been dancing for so little time." A smiled at her in thanks but 5 years is still fairly long, right? "Anyway, what brings you to America? Nick was telling me that you just moved here from Australia."

This time it was my dad who answered. "We moved here because of our business. Lauren and I are both top lawyers in our firm. Our boss was looking to expand all the way to America and we were offered the promotion and took it." It was all true and to be honest, I kind of hate them for it. They really just took it and next thing I knew, we were on a plane to America. Sure, things have turned out alright here so fair but I miss my friends and Australia, my home.

"Nick," My dad turned his attention to him. "Would you and Taylor like to go get a table for yourselves? I can tell that you two would like it if you got to talk amongst yourselves."

"That would be great thank you." Nick replied with a small blush on his cheeks and shy, yet still excited smile.

"Okay, you can go." Dad dismissed before turning to Donna. "That is if you're alright with that." Donna just smiled and said that it was fine with her. Before we got up and left Dad asked the waiter to bring our drinks and orders to the other table.

Nick and I had finally reached the table and I was just reaching for the back of the chair so that I could pull it out when Nick beat me to it. I gave him a questioning look to which he just replied with, "This isn't the most ideal first date so I'm trying to make it as good as I can."

"I know. This isn't really the way that I would want a date but there's not much that we can do about it." I sat down in the chair and Nick pushed it in. Then he sat in his seat across from me and we sat there in an awkward silence. I guess that we both didn't know what to say. "What competition are you going to tomorrow?" I asked him hoping to get rid of the awkwardness.

"Oh I'm going to the Diversity dance competition. I've got a solo as well so I'm really excited." He smiled really widely and his whole face lit up. Anyone could tell that he was really passionate about this. It was his life. "What about you?"

"I'm going to one that's far away and I can't remember the name. We're leaving at like 4 in the morning and we're getting there at like 10? I've also got a solo and a lead role in the group. I'm also doing a trio but I wasn't originally in it."

"Wow, looks like you've got a lot on your plate. Does Abby give everyone that many dances?"

"No, I think that I'm just getting it all to cause drama for the show. I think that the other girls should get the solos and lead roles rather than me but I also might be getting them so that Abby can see how well I handle pressure."

"What do you like to do other than dance?"

We asked each other questions like this the whole night. When it was time to leave, I didn't want to go. Nick was just so fun and really funny. It was 10 when I got home and I immediately went to sleep with a smile on my face.

We Weren't  (Nick Daniel/ Dance Moms Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now