Chapter 38

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My red hair, now a lighter shade, shined in the dressing room light. My costume was very simple, just a plain black one piece with a bit of a flowy bottom. According to Abby, because of how well I danced and connected to the music she didn't want me to wear something that took away from that.

The reason that Nick would be impressed was because he had commented once on how he did think that my boobs were great. It was one of his embarrassing moments and he let it slip by accident. We were just talking about some celebrity, I can't remember who, and we got on to the subject of boobs somehow. I think that I said something about some chick not having any boobs and me being jealous of some other girls boobs. That's when he just blurted out, and I quote, "I love your boobs. If I had boobs I'd want yours."

This costume fitted my boobs really well and even made them look bigger.

I feel weird talking about my boobs now.

Having stared at myself in the mirror for long enough, now I sound like a narcissist, I opened up the curtains and stepped out. I won't lie and say that I wasn't expecting for all of the mums to at least say wow or something along the lines of that once I had stepped out of the room. No one did but when I had gotten to my Mum she complemented me. I understand why they wouldn't do it as sometimes we don't have time to do it, we only do it when all of the soloist come out right after the other and today I was ready early.

On the bus, the girls and I had talked quietly with each other about what we were going to do about the day with Nick. The girls were so understanding about me wanting to spend time with Nick and it really made me happy. We had decided that even if I was ready early, I wouldn't be able to leave to spend time with Nick as Abby would get really mad and probably suspicious.

The plan was for everyone to get ready early and say that we were going to go outside to practice. We would walk pretty far away from the dressing room and practice the group dance about two times. From there, Nick and I would head around the corner from where we were practicing. Near that corner was the bathrooms not too far away and if Abby or Gina came to see us practice and saw that I wasn't there, I would just say that I had to go to the bathroom. Nick and I were also going to be hanging around backstage before and after the dances.

I had texted Nick while we were on the bus with the plan and the girls had also told the mums so that they could help us out and distract Abby if they had to. I trusted the mums but I was still scared that one of them would rat me out if they had to. Right now all I had to do was put on the finishing touches to my hair and makeup to make sure that it was perfect but I wasn't putting on much lipstick 'cause I'm sure that it will rub off if you know what I mean.

It was time. The girls had all gotten dressed and ready and gave me a nod.

"Miss Abby," Maddie piped up in the fairly quiet dressing room. We made Maddie ask because Abby wouldn't be as hard on her as she would be on us. "Can the girls and I all go out and practice our dances since we're all finished getting ready?"

Abby was sitting on a chair, like usual, in the corner of the room. Before Maddie came to talk to her, she was on her phone but now that was resting in her hand as she had a blake look on her face as she contemplated Maddie's question. My breath hitched when Abby's mouth opened and my heart was beating fast while awaiting her answer. If she said no then it wouldn't be the end of the world but it definitely would be an obstacle in our plans. It just means that I'd get less time to hang out with him.

"Uh, yeah I guess that'd be okay but if you see Cathy come straight back here. Don't continue to dance just come straight back here. I don't want her to see our dance. Who knows what that witch would do if she saw it." Abby finally replied, ending her response with malice in her voice. She really hates Cathy doesn't she?

"Thank you Miss Abby." I said jumping up out of my seat excitedly while trying to act normal. I just want to see Nick, my boyfriend. I don't think that I will ever be tired of calling him my boyfriend. With the nod of approval from Abby and creepy and suggestive smiles from the mums, we all made our way out of the door but not before I put my phone into the pocket of my ALDC jacket.

Once we had slipped out of the door and were on our way to were we would practice, I pulled out my phone to text Nick.

Taylor: We're out and free!!!!!! Can you come out in 10 min? I've missed you and I can't wait until I get to talk and speak to you in person!!

Finally being in the spot of were we could practice, I put my phone and jacket in the corner of the large room. Spreading out, we stretched so that we could start practicing. Sitting on the floor with my legs out straight in front of me, I reached out to grab my toes. Head down I could see the ugly carpet, the red with orange swirls weren't pleasing to the eye. What would make them choose this carpet. Not to mention that they had a blue painting mounted on the white walls. It just didn't fit.

Finished stretching, we ran through the dance twice before I checked my phone to see two messages from Nick. The first one was from 5 minutes ago.

The Awesomest Person In The World, Nick: I just got the text now. I miss you too and I can't wait to see you and kiss you! I can leave in 5. I'm using the excuse of practicing as well.

The second one was sent just a minute ago.

The Awesomest Person In The World, Nick: I'm leaving now

Strong arms wrapped around my waist and a kiss was pressed to my cheek. Me being me didn't think to think that it could of been Nick, instead I thought that it was some creepy guy that would end up taking so I brought my right leg up and hit him as hard as I could in his family jewels.

"Uhhhhhhhggggggg," A loud and painful groan rang out through the room. Freaking out, I turned around so quickly my head span and there Nick was lying on the floor, cupping his balls. I just kicked my boyfriend in the balls! I'm kind of proud but also kind of not. I mean I just hurt him really bad but whenever a girl kicks a guy in his balls, she feels a little proud.

"Oh my gosh, Nick!" I crouched down next to him putting one hand on his shoulder and one hand on his face. "I'm so sorry! You just scared me and I didn't think that it could of been you!"

In the background I could here the girls laughing their butts off. I guess it was funny but I'll worry about that after I've made sure he's alright. His brown eyes stared into mine and my heart would've fluttered if he wasn't hurt. I was more sorry than anything because I knew that he would be fine.

I didn't kick him hard enough for him to get blue balls.

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