Chapter 42

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We pulled away from each other slightly, smiling at each other. At moments like this I felt like I was almost in love. To be honest I felt like all that Nick and I had to do was talk and learn new things about each other just a little bit more and then I would be able to honestly say that I loved him.

Nick was just amazing, everything about him was. From his beautiful, caring nature and personality all the way down to his extraordinary dance ability. The fact that he was as gorgeous as a god was an added bonus.

"WHAT ON EARTH ARE YOU DOING?" A bellow interrupted Nick and I's moment. In horror I realised that I recognised that voice as Abby's. As quickly as I could I turned around to face Abby in shock, probably hitting Nick in the face with my hair.

"Uh........I," I couldn't form a sentence, my brain just went blank. Abby's face was furious, all puffed out looking twice the normal size and a dangerous shade of red. Her hand reached out so quickly that I almost didn't see it coming in my dazed state and grabbed on tightly to my bicep. Tugging me to her, I nearly lost my balance and fell over.

"Girls, follow me!" Abby growled dangerously towards the other girls sending terror running through my veins. They seemed to be in shock for a few seconds before complying to Abby's command. As Abby started to pull me out of the door, I looked back at Nick who had the most terrified, nervous and sad expression that I had ever seen on him. I quickly sent him an 'It's going to be okay,' expression even though I wasn't so sure. I'm positive that Nick knew that I was lying but he just sent me a small nod before he disappeared from my view.

Abby was storming out of the backstage entrance not giving two hoots about who was in the way. Her grip on my arm had not loosened and I was positive that it was going to bruise. All I really wanted to do was get out of her grip and run into either the girls, Nick's or my Mum's arms. They were a safe place and right now I didn't feel safe.

"Miss Abby, can you please let go? It's hurting." I managed to speak up but I don't think that it was too loud. Abby just turned around and gave me the biggest death glare that I had ever seen. I sunk back into my heels as Abby started moving again before giving up as she tightened her grip on my arm.

We made it to the dressing room and Abby practically threw me in. The mother's were already there as well as the camera crew. They were not going to waste the opportunity to get this, they were going to film every second of it. There would be nothing that I could do to stop it going up. We had a contract.

"Taylor! What's going on, Abby? You can't just throw her around like that!" Mum got out of her chair and defensively came up beside me and pushed me behind her.

"WHAT'S GOING ON IS THAT THIS LITTLE ROTTEN BITCH HAS JUST BETRAYED EVERY SINGLE MEMBER OF THIS TEAM! INCLUDING ME!" Abby was furious. She was screaming at my Mum and gesturing towards the girls and herself.

"Do not yell at me like that or treat my daughter that way!" Mum yelled right back at Abby getting right in front of me this time. "Now tell me what she did to get you to act this way, like a little kid!"


She did not just call my boyfriend, Nick, gay! I don't care how disrespectful this may seem but I am not going to sit here and have her insult my loved ones.

Finding my voice, I stood up for myself and Nick. "DON'T YOU DARE CALL NICK GAY! NEWSFLASH ABBY, IF HE WAS GAY HE WOULDN'T BE WITH ME. YOU'RE JUST JEALOUS THAT I CAN ACTUALLY GET A BOYFRIEND AND I'M ABOUT 20 YEARS YOUNGER THAN YOU!" She looked shocked for a few moments but I wasn't done yet, I was just getting started.

"I AM NOT A SLUT! I AM A FAR MORE DECENT PERSON THAN YOU ARE BEING RIGHT NOW BECAUSE I WOULD NEVER TREAT A 15 YEAR OLD THIS WAY! I did not betray the team! I had the teams blessing to date Nick! I asked everyone here if that was alright. I asked everyone here but you because I knew that they would except it! They wouldn't be selfish like you are being now." My voice cracked and got quiet towards the end as I tried to stop the tears from flowing.

Abby seemed to have a look of hurt on her face but I could still see the anger lying underneath. "If that's how you feel then you can leave the team." Her face was serious as she said it and when I didn't reply straight away, she gestured towards the door. Mum had put her arm around me by now and my tears were almost about to overflow. This team had become such a big part of my life and now I had the choice to leave it.

"I'll give you a choice," Abby voice cut into my internal turmoil. "You can either break up with Nick and never see him again and stay on the team or you can leave the team right now."

Leave the team that had become a huge part of my life or stay and leave the person that I love.

'Wait,' I stopped all of my thoughts. 'Love?'


I did love, Nick.

It suddenly made sense to me.

Every time I danced, I thought of Nick. I often found myself just plain thinking of Nick. It didn't matter if I was at home, reading, at school or I was dancing, I was thinking Nick.

I loved Nick.


Cue the girly screams!

I was brought back to reality by my sudden resolution. Turning to Abby, I said. "I'm not going to leave, Nick. I love him."

"What?" Abby seemed to be in shock. "After all that I've done for you, you're going to betray your team and leave for some guy?"

I nodded my head deciding to bite my tongue and not comment on how Nick was not just some guy. He was my boyfriend and I loved him.

I gave one last teary eyed look at the girls who had tears in their eyes and gave me small smiles to let me know that they support my decision. I looked up at Mum and she gave me a look to say the same thing.

Mum and I quickly grabbed our things and left as Abby started to cry in the corner. We were leaving before there was even the awards.

I pulled my suitcase out of the door and as I did, it felt so real and it dawned on me that I was really leaving.

I was leaving for good.

The tears ran down my cheeks and I heard someone tentatively call my name. "Taylor," Nick called standing up straight from his position of leaning against the wall on the other side and to the right of the dressing room. Without needing me to tell him, he opened up his arms and I ran into them.

Even though I was crying violently in his arms and I later felt the other girls all hug me and Nick, making it a group hug, I knew that it was going to be alright because I had people that loved me and it wasn't the end of the world.

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