Chapter 37

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I can't breathe.

It's like all of the air in the world has been sucked away and I'm left suffocating.

Jeez, why is he so good looking?

Why is he so amazingly charming and sweet?

How is he mine? How could I have gotten so lucky?

There Nick was, looking as good as ever, in his Candy Apple Jacket while holding his dancing bag. To anyone else he looked bored but with the small glances that we gave each other every few seconds I could tell that he was excited and trying so hard not to smile.

I had to try not to smile at the thought that I was the reason for his smile.

At least I think that I was.

Or hoped that I was.

We had just walked out of the bus and towards the entrance, where there was a crowd formed on two sides so that there was a path, when Cathy came out of the building and walked down the white stairs that matched the colour of the building.

"Look at what the cat dragged in." Abby muttered to the group just as Cathy was about to reach us. I wasn't paying too much attention until I realised that if Cathy was here then so was her team which meant that Nick would be here.

My head snapped up and I soon saw him. His brown hair now had highlights, his black shirt clung tight to his body underneath his jacket and his eyes shined as soon as they met mine. I threw a small and discrete smile his way and also one to Donna.

"Abby, aren't you looking good today?" Cathy's nasally voice loud and clear, interrupted my gazing at my boyfriend. "So what are you doing at this competition? Stalking us?"

Cathy's team seemed to laugh as if on cue but of course the kids were not involved. Nick sent me a look that was half apologetic and half annoyed. It was such a weird look, I had to hold my breath so that I didn't laugh.

"Why would we stalk you? If anything I think that you're stalking us." Abby retaliated looking behind her for backup while laughing at her. "Anyway ding bat, you might want to let us through so that we can go and beat your butts at the competition."

Abby moved forward to push past Cathy's group and when Cathy refused to move out of the way, Abby grabbed her arm and shoved her to the side. Once she was halfway through and realised that we hadn't followed, she gave us a look and motioned for us to follow. Putting myself so that I was purposefully last, when I moved past Nick I let my hand drop a little and brush against his. For that split second that we touched, I felt him move his hand closer to mine.

Today is going to be a good day.


'Don't mess up your mascara, Taylor. Just get it done quickly so that you can go and see Nick.'

I was semi rushing through my makeup so that I could finish quicker and see Nick. I don't get to see him very often so I'm going to make sure that I get to talk and see him today. My plan was that we were going to meet up at some point nearing our lunch break that was going to be before the awards and to, of course, meet up backstage.

Last night Mum and I had straightened my hair so that today, we wouldn't have to go through as long of a process to get it took look good. Mum was just running the straightener through my hair a few more times and applying an anti-frizz spray. Once my hair was fine, Mum braided a small section of my hair that went across the top of my head. This was so that it didn't fall into my eyes as much as it usually would.

My makeup and hair was ready so all I needed to do was get into my costume and practice a few times. This time Nick and I weren't competing head to head although he was dancing as well. He was doing some kind of duo with some chick named Hadley. At least it wasn't a romantic kind of dance.

No, I am not jealous.

After all I'm dating him and she's not so ha!

Chloe walked behind and out of the dressing curtain and I hoped in before anyone else. Opening the curtain, I looked at my self in the mirror that was set up.

Nick will be impressed.

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