Chapter 3 *EDITED*

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I'm going to skip to competition because nothing happened.


It was the morning of the competition and I was beyond nervous. It felt like my stomach had racing cars, buses and elephants, anything really, in it. I had woke at 3am so that I could get ready for the competition and be at Abby's by 4. Too early!

Pulling into a parking space, my nerves grew. Hopping out into the morning air, I saw the rest of the girls and their mums with their suitcases. Mum and I walked around to the back of our car and pulled out my plain black suitcase.

"Hey guys!" I greeted my suitcase still in my hand, once I reached the bus. I put my suitcase next to where the rest of the other girls where and who, I was assuming as the bus driver, was putting some pink and pink and black zebra striped suitcases in. Well, okay then, that's a bit too much for a suitcases for me. I gave the bus driver a small smile and walked over to the rest of the girls again taking a spot next to Nia.

"Hey!" All of them replied at different times.

"Okay, let's go! Move it girls!" Abby shouted at us pointing to the bus.

The bus ride was pretty boring and all Abby did was yell at the bus driver. All of the girls and I had to sit in the back for some reason which I wouldn't of minded if I didn't get a little bus sick. We arrived at the competition and there were a lot of people there. Most were at the front screaming for the Abby Lee Dance Company.

My eyes were wide as we walked in. All of a sudden Abby and the mums, including mine, groaned looking behind us. The girls all turn around to look at a woman, looking a bit annoyed. Moving to Paige, I whispered. "What's going on? Why are they groaning?" Instead of answering she motioned for me to watch the woman. Finally fully turning around to look at the woman, I saw Abby looking talking to her in a tired and annoyed tone.

"So," the women says looking at me still talking to Abby. Her skin was so pale on her face I was sure that she was wearing the completely wrong shade of foundation and the red lipstick really stood out against her skin. "This is your new dancer? Well good luck to all of you, you're going to need it! Well we best be going, don't want to infect my dancers with your lack of talent." Then she walked off with her team following her but I could only see the back of their heads and their jackets that had Candy Apples written on the back of them.

"Who was that?" I asked to no one in particular still staring at her as her figure got further away.

"That was Cathy. You know the one that we're going up against." Christi answered bitterly still staring at the spot that she stood at moments before.

I nodded as we walked further in to check in, of course with the cameras following and filming, and to go to the dressing room. Once we were checked in, where we pushed in to the front of the line thanks to the show producer, we walked to the dressing rooms. On the way we spotted Cathy but everyone else didn't acknowledge her so I didn't as well. Walking into the dressing room we set up the black changing curtain and makeup stands, plugging them in so that the lightbulbs would turn on. I took a seat in front of the mirror, next to Chloe, with my eyes squinted as the light blinded me for a few seconds before I started to do my hair the way that Abby informed me to a few days ago at the studio.

For my solo my hair was to be down and slightly messy. Taking my hair out of my ponytail, my curls came out making my unruly curls fall everywhere around my shoulders. I flipped it upside down, sprayed it with this special spray that helps control frizziness and curls, brushed it and messed it up with my hands before spraying it with a tone of hairspray so that it wouldn't undo. The way I had it made it look slightly messy but not like I had just woke up messy. My make up was hard to do.

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