Chapter 17 *EDITED*

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"Oh my gosh, look at her butt. Oh my gosh, look at her butt. Oh my gosh, look at her-" I slammed down on the stop button on my alarm clock, groaning as I then opened my eyes. I really wish that I hadn't had to wake to that song. I don't hate Nicki Minaj or anything, I just don't really like that song, it's catchy though.

Sleepily, I looked over to check the time, 8:30 am. I've been trying to get up earlier so that I can get into a routine and it won't be that hard when I go to school. Groaning again I got up and went into the living room.

"Good morning, Taylor Jane." Dad smiled at me drinking his morning coffee that either Mum or him made. If your wondering why Dad calls me Taylor Jane, it's because my middle name is Jane and Dad just has called me it for ages. I guess that it just stuck with him.

"Good morning." I mumbled my voice still not normal after being asleep for so long.

"Good Morning, honey." Mum smiled at me with her coffee in her hands. They drink that a lot. I wonder if they're addicted?

"Morning," Rubbing my eyes I walked into the kitchen. "Are we doing anything today?"

"You aren't but Dad, Caitlin and I are going to go look around. Caitlin, wants to go look for a job and we want to go check out other stores that are our competition. I'm pretty sure that you don't want to follow us around." Mum replied as I was looking through the pantry to see what food there was.

"Yeah, I don't want that. Like at all." I replied not really interested in what she was saying and what was in the cupboard. "We'll be back in time to pick you up for dance. Will you be alright here on your own?" Dad questioned joining in on the conversation from his spot on the couch.

"Yeah, I'll be fine." I said grabbing the peanut butter jar and walking over to where the bread was on top of the bench. Grabbing a slice and quickly spreading a fair amount of peanut butter on it. I cleaned everything up and walked back into the living room.

"What time do you leave?" I questioned before biting into the bread. "In a few hours, maybe even 9:30." Mum replied eyes on the TV that was playing an American morning news show. I finished my food and stood up muttering an 'okay' before heading to my room. I quickly got changed into a baggy shirt and some shorts. I call it, lounging-around-the-house-where-no-one-will-see-you-wear. Very fashionable.

Grabbing my phone I turned it on and decided to text Nick. 'Okay, what to text him.' I thought. 'Let's just start with a simple 'hi.'

Me: Hi

It wasn't to long before I got a text that made me speechless and think about getting Nick's head checked.

The Awesomest Person In The World, Nick: Hey!!!!!!!! Guess what??? I LIKE THE D!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'M GAY!!!!!!!

That's weird and I have no idea how to reply to that. What are you supposed to say? 'I saw it coming' or 'good for you'? I don't think so.

The Awesomest Person In The World, Nick: Sorry, that was one of my friends but I actually do have to tell you something........ I have a girlfriend and we're about to get married.

What? Something is wrong here. I scrolled through my contacts and picked his, quickly calling him. He picked up on the third ring and I heard a lot of rustling and moving around.

"Hey, I like the D!" A male voice called out that definitely wasn't Nick. It sounded younger by quite a few years.

"No I don't. I told you I have a girlfriend. Her name is Ariana and she's really pretty!" Another male voice called out that seemed fairly young but closer to Nick's age. In the background I heard the faint voice of Nick. "What are you guys doing?"

"Nothing!" The two anonymous voices called at the same time.

"Yes, you are." I heard Nick say slowly as if the two anonymous people were very stupid to try to trick him. Maybe they were but still.

"We're just taking pictures." The second anonymous person said closer to the phone.

"No your not. Hey, are you calling someone?" Nick questioned raising his voice in an accusing way towards the end.

"What? No, of course not." The first anonymous voice said failing at lying.

"What? Who are you calling?" I heard Nick's voice say clearer so either he had come closer or he was talking louder.

"Some dude named Taylor." The first voice replied.

Ouch! That hurt. I know that it can be a boy's name and it is usually spelt that way but hey, I'm a girl. This reminds me of a time in my math class. They were calling out my name to go to a group so that we could walk to another class to do a survey and I started walking over from behind this guy. There was one guy that asked who I was and the guy that was next to him replied with, 'Oh, it's that boy over there at the back.' and pointed over to this other dude on the opposite side of the room.

"What! She's not a guy! What have you said to her?" Nick asked coming closer to the phone quickly. There was more rustling as I'm guessing Nick tried to get to the phone.

"Don't listen to anything they say! I'm the real Nick and I'm gay!" The first voice called out again.

"No I'm not! I just have a girlfriend names Sarah!" The second voice shouted again.

"I thought that your girlfriend's name was Ariana?" The first voice asked as they obviously paused their wrestling match to wait for an answer.

"I have many girlfriends!" The second voice replied after hesitating, trying to come up with a lie to cover up his slip up.

"Taylor, don't listen to anything they say of have said. I'm not gay and I don't have a girlfriend!" The real Nick yelled struggling to get to the phone.

I couldn't help myself and I laughed. A loud laugh that made my whole body shake. I probably sounded like a dying cat. Or moose. Maybe both.

"Hey, we made her laugh- at least that's what I think she's doing-! High five!" One of the anonymous voices shouted happily and then I heard a smack indicating that there was indeed a high five. It was followed by another smack and two boys yelling out in pain.

"Oh course she's laughing! Don't be so mean! Now get out or you'll get more of that." Nick exclaimed followed by two bye's directed my way and the sound of footsteps.

"So," I dragged out. "Who are your friends?"



Hey guys I just wanted to say that I know I used the word gay a lot. I do not mean anything bad by this. I support anyone that feels that way as love is love and we are all people.

When one of the boys were saying that Nick was gay, it was meant as a joke. If you really liked a guy and he told you he was gay, it would come as a shock. That is what this was supposed to mean.

I'm so sorry that this was poorly written but I do apologise if I offended anyone.

I Love every single one of you.


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