Chapter 15 *EDITED*

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All of our heads turned towards where Abby's finger was pointing. Well everyone's except mine as I was too busy staring at Abby finger pointing right at me, in bewilderment. Well at least I think it was at me.

Slowly, I raised my hand and pointed with my pointer finger at Chloe who was to my right. Abby shook her head as a no so I then did the same to Mackenzie who was on my left. Again Abby just shook her head so, hesitantly I turned my hand around so that it was pointing at me. I expected her to say no and that she was just pulling a cruel joke on me but to my surprise she nodded her head at me as if I was the dumbest thing in the world.

"Congratulations, Taylor! I think that you did wonderful last week and I want you to give me an even better performance this week. If you can do that then you will be a lot closer to being a full member of the team. You are going to be competing in the 16 and up category so there will be a lot of dancers that are going to be older and who knows, maybe even better." Abby shrugged her shoulders after saying this. "Your dance will be a lyrical piece entitled "Whatever may come" and is about whatever you think it is. So you are going to come up with the meaning for the dance because I want to see how well you can interpret a dance."

The girls and mums clapped and some of the girls next to me gave me pats on the back but Mackenzie gave me a small side hug which I returned. "Alright spread apart and start stretching. Oh and by the way Taylor, happy birthday." The mums started to exit and I smiled at Abby in thanks before I walked towards the back of the studio and started to copy Nia, who was next to me and the rest of the girls and Nick who were in front of us.

Looking up slightly I could see that the mums were sitting in the room that looked down upon us. Mum gave me a quick thumbs up when she saw me looking before returning to talking to Holly who was next to her. uWe soon quickly had finished stretching and Abby stood up in front of us. She had been sitting down at the back of the studio doing something, I didn't really care about.

"Okay so to start this off, I want Brooke and Taylor to be the ones that are in love with Nick. I have chosen you to because you're the oldest and lets face it, it would look weird if Mackenzie was in love with him. It would look even weirder if he loved her as well." Abby visibly shuddered once she finished saying that making all of us laugh. I guess that the mums must of heard as well because we suddenly heard cackles that I guess they thought were laughs getting louder every second.

Abby looked up annoyed at them before looking at us and saying, "Ignore them." We all laughed slightly before we got to work. Abby put us into our positions with Nick, Brooke and I up front, Maddie and Chloe behind us and Nia, Kendall and Mackenzie behind them. It was uneven because they would be changing positions constantly throughout the dance.

I was to the right of Nick who was in the middle and Brooke was on his left. We started off with Brooke and I looking away from Nick as if we didn't know who he was and we had never seen him before. The other girls would come up to Nick and they would do some tricks acting as friends. Then I would turn around after Nick accidentally bumps into me and we would start to dance together until the girls came up and pulled him away from me making him back up into Brooke.

We were just about to continue with the dance when Abby stopped us. "Stop! Stop! Stop! This isn't working so we're going to change this. Taylor and Brooke, I want you to start offstage. Nick, I want you to start with the girls and you'll be doing what you were doing before. When Taylor and Brooke come in I want them to do an ariel and you look at Brooke first." Abby started to give us instructions so we started again with Brooke and I to the side of the studio.

We ran the dance again starting with the girls and Nick doing tricks until it was our cue to come in. I did my ariel at the same time as Brooke and then Nick went over to her and they started to dance. Abby stopped it again and taught us the rest of the dance.

"Alright, that's the all for now. I want to practice on the trio now. You may all leave except for Maddie, Mackenzie and Paige." Abby announced letting us go. We all nodded and thanked her. I gave a small smile to Paige, Maddie and Mackenzie on the way out.

"Hey, good job Taylor. You're an amazing dancer." Nick told me when we had gotten to the dancers den and grabbed our water bottles out of our bags. "Thanks you're an amazing dancer as well." I smiled tiredly at him before Brooke started whining.

"I'm tired, exhausted and all other words that describes what I'm feeling!" She complained loudly flopping down ungracefully on one of the benches. Feeling tired as well I decided to be weird and sit down on top of her. "Get off of me you troll! You weigh a tonne!" She shouted jokingly while pushing me off.

I put on my ugliest crying face and started to fake cry. "What? I thought that you were my friend. Am I really that fat! Oh my gosh, everyone hates me!" Still keeping up the act, I ran over to Nick who was laughing quite a lot. "Nick, am I really that fat? I thought that I was just chubby! Everybody hates me!" I cried harder still keeping up my act.

"Oh Taylor, come here. Mean, old Brooky didn't mean it. You look okay, not that bad but you don't make my eyes bleed." Nick said wrapping his arms around me and trying to hold in his laughter. "OLD! I'M NOT OLD!" Brooke screeched in a non annoying, yet still loud, way. Let's just say that it didn't make my ears bleed.

I cried some more and leant more into Nick. "That old hag is scaring me! Nick, help me please." Nick started shaking from trying to control his laughter. From what I could tell, he was failing. "Come on Taylor, lets get you away from that meany." Nick started walking towards the opposite side of the dancers den and sat down with me on his lap. "It's alright you aren't that heavy." He said loudly and coughing halfway through to try and hid his laugh.

Suddenly, I heard some yelling coming from the studio that Maddie, Mackenzie and Paige were in. Then we saw Melissa storming into the den and into the studio. "How dare you say that to my daughter!" Melissa screamed at Abby I'm guessing. She wouldn't do that to any of the kids. I don't think so.

"She's not picking up the choreography quick enough! She doesn't look right for the number! She's not good enough for it. Maddie would of been able to do it at her age!" Abby shouted back at her. Yeah, Melissa was definitely talking, or well yelling, at Abby.

Melissa stormed out with Mackenzie following behind her but she looked really sad. Everyone sat up from their positions -mine next to Nick as I had moved off of his lap- and we ran towards Mackenzie who had tears in her eyes and was in Nia's arms.

We all had a group hug and Mackenzie finally calmed done after a few minutes. I crouched down so I was eye level with her. Softly I asked her, "Are you alright?" She nodded slowly and gave me a small smile before replying. "I"m fine but I'm just sad because Abby started yelling at me because I couldn't pick up the choreography fast enough. Mom got mad because Abby was so frustrated that she started yelling. I don't even like the dance that much. It's really creepy and I don't even want to here the music. I don't think that I'm old enough to be able to pull that off."

"Well, I'm just glad that your okay." I smiled and gave her one last hug before standing up straight again. The door to the studio opened up and out stepped Abby. "Taylor, I want you to be in this dance. I think that you'll be able to pull this off. Hurry up, we don't have long." As quickly as she came, she left.

"Well, guess I better go." I said smiling at Mackenzie and gave her one last hug. Lets hope that this doesn't end up like how it did for Mackenzie.

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