Chapter 36

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"You're all so lazy! Move quicker! Keep up and for goodness sake, get your feet off of the ground!" Abby screamed after having angrily shut off the music. "We're never going to win if you keep making the same mistakes."

Abby walked towards and grabbed Brooke's arm, her grip wasn't hard, and pulled her towards a spot near the edge of the room. "Brooke when you get here and do your jump, get off of the ground! I've seen you time and time again get hardly off of the floor. I could do better than that!"

Then Abby repeated the same thing to Nia, showing her a spot in the dance that she wasn't happy with. Abby had just moved onto Paige when Kelly came crashing in through the door. "Why are you picking on my kids?" Kelly had a look of disbelief and anger all over her face. "Why are you only picking on them?"

"Excuse me dingbat, I'm holding a class here and no I wasn't only picking on your kids! I was trying to perfect this dance now get out!" At that Abby pointed a finger to the door and sent Kelly a glare that was so scary I was sure that Kelly would burst into flames.

She didn't.

"No I will not get out! I am protecting my children! How dare you go and single them out! Especially in front of their friends!" Kelly was screaming her head off now.

Calm your tits.

They're flying around like a bunch of seagulls seeing a bag of chips.

I hate it when they steal my chips.


"Shut up! I am not attacking your child so get your stupid a** out of my studio!"

"You want us to leave? Fine then, we'll leave." Kelly threw her hands up in the air. "Girls lets go, I won't let you be treated like this anymore." Moving over to her kids who stood side by side, she put a hand on the small of their backs and pushed them towards the door, with tears in her eyes.

We only had a few days until competition and she was leaving during rehearsal. Really? Come on Kelly, you're not usually this stupid.

Kelly, Brooke and Paige had left the dressing room and the studio was silent. I moved over towards Chloe and further away from Abby. "What are you girls doing? Go run the dance again. You need to know this even better now because we might need to reblock the number."

So we got on with the dance.


It was competition day and I was excited and nervous. Kind of happy as well but that was only because I didn't have to get up too early today. Plus I was going to see Nick for the first time in ages. I'd last seen him two weeks ago and I can't until I get to see him again.

I'll probably make a fool out of myself though.

Oh well, at least I'm dating him so he has to expect it.

Smiling to myself slightly, I pulled my suitcase over towards the bus. "What's got you so happy today? Let me guess, you get to see lover boy." Brooke smirked at me and wiggled her eyebrows, her and Paige came back the next day after the fight. The other girls that were all grouped together next to her all laughed and did that little thing that girls do when they're excited. You know, you smile like crazy and kind of move around.

Yeah, they were all doing that and smiling at me creepily. If I wasn't so excited to see Nick and so embarrassed about what they were saying, I would give them a death glare and a shove. I settled for just a shove. "Shut up but the answer is yes."

"Alright girls get onto the bus, we have a long way to go." Abby announced when she got near to our group. I hope that she didn't hear anything because she would freak out. She'd probably kick me off of the team.

We all boarded the bus and all of the girls and I went to the very back. I don't know why Abby makes us sit there as I personally prefer the front but alright. I don't usually be anti-social and on my phone all of the time when I'm around my friends but I quickly pulled it out and did what I did every time I was on the bus, text Nick.

The Awesomest Person In The World, Nick: I'm on my way to see you and I can't wait. I'm so excited and this will sound weird but get those lips ready.

Nick and I had already had our first kiss. We had it not too long after our first date and it was magical. We were just walking to a park that wasn't too far from the coffee shop that we had just ordered some food from. It was Nick's favourite place because it was a quiet place and it was owned by this really nice lady. While we were there, we met her and she was the sweetest thing. Her name was Mary and she was fairly old, 63, but had that normal grandma look about her. Classic grandma short hair, fairly plump and she wore glasses, Mary looked like a grandma you would find in a cartoon. She was so nice, loud and she started talking about Nick and I having the cutest babies and how we were going to get married one day and she would make the cake. It was a bit full on but I love her.

Anyway, we had just ordered some drinks and cakes and were making our way to the park right across the road from the dainty little red and white shop. I was holding the tray with the drinks and he was holding the bag with the food. He was talking about how he loved the little shop because it reminded him of the one at home and there was the park across from it.

Nick apparently came there all of the time and showed me to his favourite spot. It was a large tree that over hung a large area. It was shady enough and I bet that it would give you some shelter to the rain. It might have been nearing lunch time but the tree made the area so shady it looked like it was early morning. It was a fairly hot day but there was a cool breeze so it was comfortable. The wind blew the leaves making a rustling sound as Nick and I sat down at the base of the tree.

We sat and ate and just enjoyed ourselves. Nick made me laugh too many times to count and I couldn't wipe the smile off of my face. Mid-laugh, Nick pulled a strand of my hair, that was blow into my face by the wind, behind my ear leaning in closer with a small, content smile. "You're beautiful, Taylor. How did I get so lucky?"

He leaned in closer and my breathe hitched. It wouldn't be my first kiss but it would be our first kiss. His eyes flickered from mine to my lips and then back to mine. Bravely, I leaned in further, looking to see if what I was doing was alright. He gave me a small nod so I took a chance and brushed my lips against his. They were so warm and my body tingled at the new sensation. Nick's eyes fluttered shut and he pressed his harder to mine. Our lips stayed still for a few seconds before we started moving. It felt so natural with him, almost like I knew exactly how to move my lips in a way that didn't make him coil up in disgust. My body tingled and I felt warm.

We pulled away for air and somehow my hands found its way to his neck and his right hand on my face with the other on my waist. His thumb moved up and down stroking my cheek and looked at me with wonder and amazement. "You're amazing. You take my breath away. I wouldn't say that I love but so far I know that I eventually will."

Just the memory of his kisses left my body tingling and a large smile on my face. "Taylor, come play this with us." Maddie said gesturing to some game on her phone. We started to play the game once I had moved over towards her but my mind was only focused on one thing.


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