Chapter 22

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Hey, I'm finally writing again. Sorry about the wait but I wasn't happy with the story and now I think that I'm semi ok with it. Let's continue.

It was another day at the Abby Lee Dance Company and it was nearing the day of the competition. We had gotten the costumes yesterday and today we would practice with them as we had to wait for the adjustments to be made. I was currently in class at 3pm and we were learning tap. The best ways to do it, techniques and how to do new steps, things like that.

I was in the corner, on the right, waiting for my turn to go with my group and perform this mini routine. There were others in the class that I had never seen before but the were roughly my age. Maybe a little older. We were all split into groups and had been taught some knew stuff that we had to do. It was fairly boring and easyish work.

Finally, it was my groups turn to go. We walked to the centre of the room with all of us in lines. I was in the back row on the right, next to a girl that I think's name was Ashley. She was really the only one I had talked to and was friendly enough. The whole group was full of girls with only 3 boys in the whole class. It's sad that there aren't more boys dancing. Even if I didn't dance I would be more interested in someone who danced rather than did nothing.

We did our thing and got some corrections by the teacher, Sabrina. A young lady in her 20's with blonde hair that always wore Lorna Jane clothes. I don't know why but they make us call them by their first names. Probably so that we were on a friendlier level with them. She dismissed us and we walked to the other side of the room, where everyone else was, with our tap shoes clicking and clacking on the way.

There were only a few more minutes of the class left where we had to watch the last group and then Sabrina talked more to us about ways to improve, etc. We were dismissed and I was fairly tired as we had the class for an hour but we didn't really do much.

I was drinking out of my water bottle while getting ready to fix up my appearance and go into studio A, where we would start shooting in about half an hour. "Hey, I haven't really introduced myself but I'm Ashley and this is Bethany." A voice introduced to me which led me to looking at the two girls standing in front of me. One, who I recognised as Ashley, with dark brown hair, brown eyes and tan skin. Italian or Mexican. The other was an asian looking girl with a beautiful combination of light and dark skin, black hair and brown eyes. Both of the girls were extremely pretty which made me feel a little self conscience but never the less, I smiled at them. "Hey, I'm Taylor. It's nice to meet you."

"Oh wow, I just love your accent! Where do you come from?" Bethany, the girl that I hadn't seen before being introduced to, gushed. Ashley and Bethany both had an American accent so I'm guessing that they were born and raised here. Feeling slightly uncomfortable, as I had just met them, I replied so quietly that I'm sure that they wouldn't be able to hear me even if they had super-sonic hearing. "I'm Australian."

"You're what? Sorry but I couldn't hear you." Ashley asked again leaning in a bit more and making me feel dumb. A bit louder this time I repeated what I said. "You're Australian! That's so cool. Is it true that you really ride kangaroos and emus to school?"

What. The. HELL.

That was a horrible question but doing what any good Australian would do I answered with the truth.

"Yeah we do and when we go out on excursions we take a crocodile. We also have pet koalas and dingoes."

Okay, my answer had a little untruth to it but if you count living on a farm, having dingoes around that eat your cattle and are a bit of a problem as a pet then I wasn't really lying.

Bethany hit Ashley on the arm while exclaiming angrily. "Why are you so stupid? Oh course they don't!"
I was struggling to contain my laughter as I saw the confused expression on Ashley's face before she finally got that what I was telling her was a complete lie. We are actually civilised.

"You tricked me!" Now it was Ashley's turn to lightly slap me on the arm in a way that you would to your friend. "I didn't mean to be rude but I just wanted to know if you guys did!" Bethany placed her arm around my shoulder and brought me in close, squeezing me a little in the process.

"Yep, you're going to fit right in."


We were practicing the group dance again, this time with the costumes. The girls had simplish white dresses on while Brooke and I had the coloured clothes. Nick had a cream, pirate looking blouse on and long, black pants. Abby was pondering over whether Nick should have it off or on, as we ran the dance.

We would run through the dance with his shirt on then we would run through it with his shirt off. I would like it much more if her wore a shirt. It would make it less awkward. "Alright, I'm still not sure as we need him to stand out but not too much. I still want him to have that Prince Charming look to him but he needs to stand out and we only have two days until the competition." Abby stood up and told Brooke, Nick and I to stand next to each other. She started playing around with Nick shirt. Untucking, pulling, tugging, tightening and even unbuttoning it a little. All through this I was trying not to laugh at the look on Nick's face. He looked so uncomfortable, he was pursing his lips together, looking up at the ceiling, rocking back and forth on the balls of his feet.

"There we go! I've got it." Abby finally announced stepping back and to the side to appreciate her work, leaving us a clear view of what she had done to Nick. Nick's shirt had been somehow loosened so that you could see a fair bit of his chest but only enough still be considered classy. I guess that it looked alright but I wasn't about to stare and examine him. That would be really weird.

"Well, what are you waiting for! Get into your positions! Come hurry up!" Abby yelled swinging her hands in a 'Get Going' motion. We all quickly walked away from him and into our positions before Abby played the music. All throughout the dance Abby yelled corrections and things like that to us. She really needs to stop yelling at the part where I get lifted because she nearly gives me a heart attack and sometime I am going to fall and die. I can see it coming.

"That's enough for now. Get out of your costumes and I'll work on Brooke's solo, then Kendall's and then Taylor's. You can all have a break but no mucking around." Abby warned giving us a pointed look before dismissing us. When we got into the den, I walked to my bag, got my water bottle and checked my phone. Almost non surprisingly, there was a text from Nick. We had been talking a lot more now, every few days.

The Awesomest Person In The World, Nick: Hey, I can't wait for our date. Just so you know it'll have to be semi casual. :)

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