Chapter 34

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"And I'd give up forever to touch you
'Cause I know that you feel me somehow
You're the closest to heaven that I'll ever be
And I don't wanna go home right now"

I felt the music flow through me and let the emotion that I always felt when listening to this song come through on my face. It was Kellin Quinn's cover of Iris by the Goo Goo Dolls. This was one of my favourite songs and I just loved everything about it.

Getting slightly lost in the music, I let my eyes flutter shut with a content smile on my face. Knowing that Abby would yell at me if I didn't open my eyes and that there was a turn coming up, my eyes opened as I once more let the music flow through me and my movements.

"And I don't want the world to see me
'Cause I don't think that they'd understand
When everything's made to be broken
I just want you to know who I am"

I was on the floor with my back lying on it and my knees bent, while slowly turning over on to my stomach before quickening up the pace to turn over fully once more and to stand up. My arm reached out before I brought my right leg up beside me and looked at it while turning slightly on my other foot so that I was now facing the mirror.

"And you can't fight the tears that ain't coming
Or the moment of truth in your lies
When everything feels like the movies
Yeah, you bleed just to know you're alive"

My back arched with my arms going out slightly behind me while my legs bent slightly with me on my tippy toes. That's not the correct term for it but whatever. I dropped down as quietly as I could when it came to the part where it said 'to know you're alive.'

"I just want you to know who I am
I just want you to know who I am
I just want you to know who I am"

The song was coming to an end and I was slowing down. Every time the line was repeated I would get closer to the ground. The first time it came on, I was doing a slow turn while trying to make myself look as tall as possible which I was pretty used to seeing as I danced with boys a lot and they were pretty tall. Being short was not that fun.

The second time it was repeated, I was doing a tight turn that let me go closer to the ground with my arms bent and one on my face and the other under my chin. The last time I slowed down a lot and took my time going from one turn with my leg extended to going down to a lying position on the floor.

The music run out as I was still in my position on the ground with my eyes closed as I let out a deep breathe. There was a moment of silence before an applause filled the room. It was only a small one but the sound echoed around the room as I got up off of the floor.

"Taylor, that was amazing. You can blow this competition away if you dance just like that and remember to point your foot more when you bring it up." Abby said from her spot at the back of the room before giving me that warning look that says 'You better apply those corrections or you're dead.' Getting up from her and walking towards me, she opened her arms up for a hug with a big smile on her face.

"I'm so proud of you." She mumbled as she squished me in the gigantic hug. You wouldn't think that Abby was much of a hugger but she pretty much hugs you every time something really good happens. If you have a good dance day then she will hug you, it's pretty surprising because she yells all of the time.

I walked over to the corner of the room where some of the other girls where sitting and took my seat stretching out my leg just like the others were. We usually watched each other dance or we hung out in the dancer's den. It all depended on what the schedule for our dances was. Take today for an example, Abby decided that we were going to practice the solo's then the group dance.

This week, only Maddie and I had a solo but Paige and Nia had a duo. There faces when Abby announced that they were having one was one of excitement and everyone in the room had huge grins on their face. The two were so excited and it made us all so happy to see them like that. It was also great because they don't usually get dances.

We sat down and watched Maddie go through the dance. Her's was amazing but it seemed like it was the same thing as last week and the week before. I've often wondered if she ever gets bored of it. I know that I would, in fact I'm already getting bored of the dances that I'm doing. Sure, Abby changes it up every so often but it's still in the same genre. I really want to be able to do hip hop again as a solo or something. I was thinking about this last night and I decided that if Nia and I did a solo then it would be so cool if it was hip hop. I feel like Nia's the only one in the team that can do hip hop.

It wasn't too long before Maddie was finished with her dance and Miss Abby called us up for the group. After this the duo was going to happen. Thankfully, this week our group was a jazz number so it was going to be different to all of the other weeks that we've done something.

It wasn't too long before we were all out of breath and had the group done. It was really fast and sure I was used to fast but that didn't make it very easy. Especially when all of my dances have been slow ones, it's a bit hard to get used to the fast pace of it.

Most of the girls and I were out in the dancer's den when I decided that I was going to be an introvert to the people around me and talk to Nick.

Taylor: Hello my weird little friend

Awesomest Person In The World, Nick: Hello my weird and pretty little girlfriend

Taylor: I'm not weird, I'm perfect

(A/N I say this to my crush all of the time. He likes my best friend :( Oh well, forever alone)

Awesomest Person In The World, Nick: Perfect for me

Awesomest Person In The World, Nick: And you are weird but I like that

Since I'm so weird I decided to text back this.

Taylor: I would say that you're perfect for me but old enough to pee, old enough for me

Awesomest Person In The World, Nick: Aw and here I was thinking that I was special :(

Being the good girlfriend I was, I replied back with.

Taylor: You're not special

Awesomest Person In The World, Nick: Say that agains and I will break up with you -__-

Taylor: You're not special

Taylor: You're extraordinary

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