Chapter 9 *EDITED*

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"What do you mean by you want the trophy? My dancer won it!" Abby shouted at Cathy. I think that everyone in the room could tell that something bad was going to happen. Probably the people in Russia could hear them and tell that something bad was about to happen.

"No, my dancer won it! I bet that they mucked up the scores or something! I'm going to go check and prove to you that Nick won!" Cathy screamed pointing her finger at Abby with a mad look in her eye, before she started to walk away to find the judges.

"No, Taylor won it and I will go and show you right now!" Abby yelled as she started fast walking, well fast for Abby. Cathy looked furious when she turned her head and glared at Abby before she started doing this kind of run walk thing hoping to get to judges first. It wasn't like fast walking but at the same time it wasn't running. It was actually quite funny to watch two grown women fighting like that.

"Well that's not something you see everyday." Kelly remarked breaking the akward silence that had fell upon us. Cracking a small smile I looked over to Cathy's team and mums. "Well congratulations on half winning." One of the mums from the other team that was standing closer to Nick, said to me.

"Thank you. So if the scores are right, which it probably isn't, who gets the trophy?" I asked rubbing my arm which is what I do a lot when I'm nervous. "You can keep it if you want." Nick said rubbing the back of his neck which he seemed to do a lot.

"You could keep the trophy and I can keep the certificate, if you want that is?" I wasn't looking at anyone else. To be honest I was really scared about what Abby would do if did give him the trophy but I was also scared about what Nick would say if I didn't.

"No, you keep the trophy and I'll have the certificate. It's not like anyone will notice if I don't have it. I insist." Nick still protested glancing over at the woman next to him before looking at me.

"I don't believe it! It was truely a tie. Even all the way and you were 2 points off of perfect! This is an outrage!" I guess that Abby and Cathy were back and I doubt that they would be happy with our agreement.

"Well I don't care about what you think Abby but we're keeping the trophy." Cathy sternly said to Abby. I wonder who was going to burst her bubble? Not me please.

"Actually Cathy we made an agreement. Taylor will keep the trophy but Nick will keep the certificate." The women that was standing next to Nick said. You know the one that was talking to me just before. The look on Cathy's face was priceless. She looked like someone had just told her that she had just given birth to 20 kittens with human faces. Abby only looked slightly better.

"Well now that, that's sorted, let's go girls." Abby walked away after saying that dryly. "Come on guys lets go. We don't want their non talented selves to be around us." Cathy remarked before leaving with a sour expression.

Walking shyly to Nick so that I could thank him for letting me have the trophy, I had a small smile on my face though I was half looking at the floor. He stood in front of me smiling and before I could say anything he gestured for me to turn to face the women next to him. It wasn't until I was facing her front on that I realised that she looked like Nick. I looked behind them and myself to discover that it was just Nick, the lady and I.

"Taylor, this is my mom. Mom this is taylor, you know the girl that I was talking about." Nick introduced motioning to us when he said our names. No doubt I was blushing when he said that he had talked about me. "Nice to meet you Mrs Daniels." I put my hand out to shake her hand politely when she pulled me into a hug. Do all parents do this?

"No need to call me that. You can call me Donna and it's so great to finally meet you." Mrs Daniels, ! mean Donna said after she pulled out of the quick two second hug. "It was nice meeting you but I have to get going. I don't want Abby to get any more mad at me. I just wanted to thank Nick for giving me the trophy." I smiled up at him hoping to seem charming.

"Don't worry about it. You deserve it." Both Donna and Nick said at the same time making me smile wider. "Well, both of you deserve it." Donna finished smiling fondly at both of us. "I really need to go though. I'm really sorry but it was great to meet you." Abby would be mad if I came too late. No doubt, she just wanted to go home right now. We both smiled at each other and I started to walk away after one final goodbye.

"Taylor, wait!" Nick rushed in a cry as I heard footsteps running up to me. I turned to see him putting his arm out so quickly I would've thought that he just had a spaz attack. Grabbing my shoulders when he finally got close enough to me, he quickly gave me a kiss on the cheek making both of us blush. "See you later." Breathlessly Nick said with a silly but also nervous grin on his face.

"Yeah see you later." I said just as breathlessly a little shocked and happy that he did it instead of me. I quickly ran to the dressing room to find the girls and the mums packing up. Before they packed up the curtain where we got dressed I quickly changed and started helping mum with the suitcase. It was funny how much stuff we had to bring to one competition.

Grabbing our suitcases we rolled them outside to the bus and got on. Picking a seat near the front but far away enough so that I was near the girls and away from most of the cameras and mums, I pulled out my phone and put in my earphones. I went into itube and clicked the first thing on the top 100 before settiling in me seat. I made sure to keep the sound on at a good level so that I could hear everyone a little. The music stopped for a second indicating that I had just recieved a text.

The Awesomest Person In the World, Nick: Hey! What are you doing on friday? I was wondering if you wanted to go on a date sometime that day?

Nick wanted to go out with me! I can't believe it but I guess that I should because he had already asked me. Wow, I'm so pathetic. I quickly looked over to mum who was sitting on the other side of the bus but near me. "Mum am I doing anything on friday? You know who asked me out."I hinted hoping that she was smart enough to know what I was getting at.

"No we're not but I want to know when and where. Oh and I have to meet you know who." Mum agreed looking a bit happy but sceptical. No doubt there was going to be a lot more said when we got home. Mum wasn't that type of mum that would just say yes as soon as I asked. She was tougher and stricter than that. She would only be saying that because she didn't (A. want Abby or anyone else to notice or (B. she just didn't want to do it now.

'Thanks mum." I smiled and sat properly in my seat before I texted Nick back.

Taylor: Yeah that would be great but mum has to meet you and you have to tell her when and where. You also have to meet her as well.

The Most Awesomest Person in the World, Nick: Yeah that's great I'll see you later and I'll tell you all of the details when I see, or text/call, you next.

Smiling I leaned back in my seat when I heard Paige shout for me. "Coming!" I yelled and seat hopped my way to them with a smile on my face until we turned a corner making my body hit the side of one of the arm rests on the chair. I hate buses.

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