Chapter 35

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"Sometimes I wish that dance didn't take up such a huge part of my life so that I could spend more time with my family, friends" Nick's voice went lower and softer as he said that he wanted to spend more time with me. We were having another one of our late night talks where we seemed to try and make the other persons heart flutter more. We'd say the cheesiest things to each other and wait for the other to crack and hung up or beg for the other to kiss them.

I've been lucky enough to win a few times. He's such a sweetheart that he pretty much makes me melt at just the thought of him.

Tonight I don't think that there was going to be a winner, I think that we'd fall asleep before we got to the begging part.

I glanced over at the clock, 12:30 am. "I know how you feel and it doesn't help that we live so far apart as well. I never get to see you and I never get to talk to you face to face. It sounds really stupid but I miss you."

Nick groaned on the other end of the line. "Taylor, you're going to make me lose if you keep talking like that and it doesn't make you sound stupid 'cause I miss you too." He let out a deep breathe while my eyes fluttered shut. I would be asleep soon. "Tell me one thing about yourself that I don't know."

Taken a little by surprise, my eyes shot open. " I don't know what to tell you. You have to ask me or else I won't be able to think of anything."

"No you have to choose. Just tell me one thing that I don't know about you, it just has to be one thing."

Taking a deep breathe and closing my eyes, butterflies fluttered in my stomach as I was about to answer. "I don't think that I want to be a dancer when I get older. I might want to be a dance teacher but I think that I'd like to do something more with music and I've also thought about being a scientist. They're so different I know but I just love both of them and I can't decide."

It must of took a little bit of time to register what I was saying in his head because it took him a bit of time to answer. "I can't say that I was expecting that but I think that you can do it. I'm just gonna come out and say because after that for some reason I just want you to kiss me. You've won now when are you going to claim your prize?"

That cheeky devil.


"You're doing great but when you come to here," Gianna demonstrated the position while looking at me. "Extend your leg more and don't forget to tense."

I nodded, moved into the same position as she was in and applied the corrections. Gianna nodded when I did and motioned for me to continue on my solo. We were just putting some finishing touches on it while we were waiting for Abby. She had called us into an emergency meeting but she sure was taking her time.

Brooke and I had just started mucking around when the mums started forwarding in with the camera crew behind them. Everyone immediately got into their spots as Abby came in. Brooke and Nia stood beside me with their hands beside them.

"I'm guessing that you're all wondering why you've been called here?" At this we all nodded our heads and Abby continued on. "I've just gotten word that the rotten Candy Apples will be competing against us at our competition this week."

At this, we all gasped or looked at each other in disbelief, I only did it for the cameras though. Sure, I was a little shocked but I was more excited because that meant that I would get to see Nick. Christi started talking about how Cathy was stalking us and how we should file a restraining order on her. No one really seemed to be thrilled so I had to keep my excitement to myself. I would get to see Nick! We'd been so busy that we couldn't see each other and could only talk to each other on the phone.

Of course I wasn't too thrilled that there was going to be a lot of drama but I'm happy that I get to see him again.

"So this means girls, that I expect for every dance we come first. If you don't you are going to suffer the consequences." She looked right at me with those mean eyes that reminded me of a predator looking at its prey.

Oh boy.


I'm so sorry that it's really short but I'm at my friends house and I'll be staying there for a few days and I'm falling asleep right now. Thanks for reading.


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