Chapter 11 *EDITED*

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"So about that Nick guy, what's going on?" Mum asked trying to ease herself into the subject before interrogating me. She'll play good cop and bad cop with me. I can tell.

"Not much, we just met, talked and he asked me out on that date." I replied cautiously, you never now if you'll upset Mum when you talk to her. Not that she's mentally unstable but she's a little strict. She just wants whats best for me.

"Honey, how much do you actually know about this kid? He could be older than he looks! What if he's part of a gang that fools girls like you into meeting them and they get raped or kidnapped!" Mum exclaimed looking at me briefly before putting her eyes back on the road as she pulled into our new street and then our new driveway.

"Let's go inside and see what Dad has to say." I doubt that it will be any better than what Mum has to say. She'd probably manipulate him. They were so much in love he would do anything for her. I think so anyway. We hoped out of the car after it was stopped and parked and headed to the front door of the place that I'm staying. I refuse to call it a home even though I now live there. It was like my home back in Australia but different. It was still a two storey house, still had a small garden at the front, kind of a big backyard and really the only good part was the pool.

The house was even the wrong colour! It was a stupid blue instead of white. Not the posh clean white that made it seem like we loved to be clean, now was it the white that made me cringe. It was a lived in white, a dirty white, almost cream. It wasn't the same as my home that some new stupid family is now living in. Downstairs, where the TV was supposed to be, it was a nice shade of light blue. It was soothing and wasn't in your face. It wasn't the same as my home, it was just a house.

We walked up the stairs to where Dad was sitting in his lounge, watching TV. I walked over to one of the couches and sat down waiting for the talking to begin. "How was the competition? How'd you go?" Dad ask sitting up more so that he could see me clearly.

"It was okay but I think that Mum has something to talk to you about." I would explain everything that happened soon. "Taylor met a boy and has arranged a date. They only just met!" Mum exclaimed as she too came to sit onto a separate brown, leather couch.

"Taylor, what do you know about this boy? I want to know about this." Dad said not looking too interested but curious. It's no surprise that they were shocked that I had taken an interest in a boy let alone go on a date with him after just having met him. Mum let more towards me as she started speaking again. "Taylor, this is the first time that you have met him. What do you really know about him. What did you tell him?"

"I gave him my phone number and told him some things about me." I said slowly and unsurely as I started to get what mum was telling me. "Do you really know him?" Mum asked quietly looking at me intensely with worried eyes.

I paused thinking about it, did I really know him? Who is he exactly? He seems nice and he is kind of cute but do I really know who he is? I think that I know the answer to this. "I don't think that I do. I know a little bit about him but I guess that I just wasn't really thinking. Mum and Dad I am so sorry for not thinking about it." I stood up and hugged Mum and then Dad.

"It's okay Taylor but you need to think more about these things." Dad said after I had hugged him as I walked back to my seat. "How about on Friday instead of going on the date we meet up somewhere and you can talk to his parents and I can talk to him? Then later on if you think that we can, we can go on that date the next week or something?" I asked hoping for the best. I do want to see him but think about it, I only just met him.

Mum and Dad looked at each other seeming to communicate without words. They just know each other that well and I hope that someday when I'm as old as them (48 and 51) and married, I will know as much about a person as they do. They both looked over at me and Mum finally spoke. "I think that, that will be great."

"I'll go text him or something. Thank you guys so much." I said standing up with a big smile on my face and making my way to my new room. "Oh and Dad, we came first and I tied for first in my solo." I said over my shoulder raising my trophy before entering my room.

I got ready for my shower and wiped off my make up. After I got out of the shower I got changed into my pyjamas (they had bambi on it! :D) and went out to the living room. "Mum, where did we put the subway?" I asked with my hair in a horrible bun that was kind of a soaking wet mess. Good enough for me.

"The subway's in the fridge." Mum answered and I realised that she was eating some subway herself. I walked to the fridge, got out my meatball sub and put it in the microwave and pressed the 10 second button 3 times. While it was heating up, I grabbed out a plate. When it finished, I put it on the plate before I headed downstairs and seated myself on the couch, turning on the TV. There were a bunch of shows on that I didn't know so I just settled on a random one.

When I finished eating I grabbed my plate and went upstairs. I put it in the sink before I went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth. I came out and went to the living room to say goodnight to my parents. After I said goodnight I went to my room passing my sister, Caitlin, on the way.

"Goodnight." I said quickly and she returned it.

I hoped into bed after turning my lights out. I was so tired and all I wanted to do was sleep. Resting my head on the pillow I closed my eyes and waited for sleep to come. Thankfully it soon did.


Hey guys, sorry that I haven't uploaded anything for 2 weeks!

I was at the performance tour thing and then on the way home I was way too sick to write.

Really sorry for the bad chapter, I'm still a little sick so really sorry.

Thanks for reading!!!!!!


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