Chapter 24

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It's the day of my date with Nick and I'm extremely nervous. I'm going to Skype Eleanor a few hours before my date so that we can catchup and she can help me get ready. I might be a dancer and have to use a lot of make up but I am absolutely hopeless when it comes to everyday make up. I usually don't even bother with make up when I have to go out or go to school. With school it's just some concealer to cover up some of my pimples and stuff even though it rubs off halfway through the day.

Anyway, Abby was having us come in at 9am to do some more practice before letting us off at 1pm. We had to come back at 4am the next day to take the bus to competition. It wasn't too far away but I think it was like 4-5 hours away. We were leaving early because we had to signed in by 10 and the competition started at 10:30.

It was now 9:30 and I had just finished practicing the trio and we were now sitting in the dancers den just chillin'. The girls looked all excited and jumpy and kept looking at each other with silly little grins. It was getting kind of annoying as I could tell that they wanted to say something but they couldn't as there were still some camera men and producers or whatever they're called, running around. At 12 we were going to be allowed to go out and get some lunch so I'm guessing that, that would be when they would tell me.

Paige was nearly jumping around in her seat and looked like she would burst at any time. She scanned the area and then smiled widely when I'm guessing she didn't see anyone there. "Okay, I can't keep it in any longer. What are you going to wear on your date? Do you know where you're going? What's going to happen on the date? Will you kiss? Are you going to be boyfriend and girlfriend? Tell me!"

Okay, so maybe I was a little shocked but not that much as I kind of saw it coming. It seemed so much like something the girls would do. Brooke whacked Paige on the arm before exclaiming. "You weren't supposed to tell her yet! You know that it's important to not let anyone else know! They wouldn't be able to date if you go on blabbing to everyone."

"Oh, yeah. Sorry Taylor, I just couldn't help myself!" Paige looked at me sorrily but I could tell that in a way she didn't care. She would shout it out to the world if she could but I knew that she knows why she can't do that. "I'm just so excited for you!"

"It's fine and I have no idea what I'm going to where, I don't know where I'm going, Nick will just meet my parents and they'll talk to his parents, I'm quite sure that we won't kiss and no we will not be boyfriend and girlfriend after the date. If everything goes alright he'll need to take me on more dates before anything like that happens." I took one deep breath after it all and tried to wipe the smile from my face. I think I was smiling because of a combination of things. 1. Paige was making me laugh, 2. The other girls were making me laugh with how excited they were, 3. I was actually quite excited for tonight and 4. For some reason, whenever I thought of Nick, he made me smile.

I need help.

"Who's going to help you decide what you're wearing?" Nia asked giving me a smile that matched all of the girls. They spend way to much time with each other. "We could help you if you like?"

"Thanks guys but I'm actually going to Skype my best friend and she's going to help me with everything." The girls shoulders all sagged and they had a look of defeat on their faces before replacing them with smiles. These girls sure know how to pull your heartstrings. "How about, you guys come over and help me while I'm Skyping my friend. I'm sure that she would love to meet you." The girls smiled at me and it seemed like this was their plan all alone and I was about to confront them when Abby walked out of the studio and yelled for us to get our butts in there.

Don't you just love how nice and considerate Abby is?


"That's all for now girls." Abby informed us standing in front of puffing forms. "I want you back here at 3:30 at the latest tomorrow. Don't be late or else we'll have to leave with out you." Abby gave Brooke and I a hard warning glance before continuing. " Get a good rest. Don't go out and stay out all night and be on your a-game tomorrow. I'll seem you then."

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