Chapter 6 *EDITED*

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"Taylor! You were chatting with the Candy Apples! You shouldn't of even looked at one of their kind." Abby screamed at me pointing at me with one of her large, manicured fingers. "How could you even think about doing that to me? To this team! How do you think I feel when one of my new dancers has gone behind my back and done something so horrible. I had to be told by a producer!"

No, no, no! I've seen enough Dance Moms episodes to know that this would be where I got kicked out. Thinking quickly I replied with the best answer that I could come up with. "Zack is from Candy Apples? He didn't tell me that! I'm so sorry Miss Abby, I didn't know. It won't happen ever again. I promise." I pleaded with Abby hoping not to look too desperate. Okay, maybe I did tell a little lie but can you blame me? She was furious and I could get kicked off of the team. Not that I'm officially on it anyway but still. I didn't even know that there were any of the producers there. I thought that they had all left.

"Just don't let it happen again." Abby threatened grinding her teeth still looking furious. "Good job anyway but you still have to win. Got it?" There was no way that I could guarantee that I could win, especially against Nick, so I stayed silent and just nodded my head.

"Okay, Paige and Brooke get ready. Just go out there and win." Abby shrugged them off as if she didn't care and walked over to her spot, sat down and went onto her phone. That thing must be running low on battery by now.

I went and sat down in front of my mirror and started to wipe off my makeup. "Hey Taylor, don't worry about it. Just learn from your mistakes, okay?" My mum reassured gripping my shoulders. Nodding my head, even though talking to Nick isn't a mistake, I started to do my hair and makeup for the group dance, with help from mum. Brooke and Paige were practicing their duet so I went into a corner and practiced the group.

After a while I got bored so I put on my earphones and started improv. This was actually my favourite part of hip hop. The way that you could just flow with the music and wow people with your moves that they didn't expect. Of course when ever I improvised I was always scared that I would muck up, but that didn't matter right know. As, hopefully, no one was watching me.

Kendall came up to me and caught my attention. Taking out my earphones and putting my song on pause and turned to her. "Yeah?" I asked politely a little annoyed that I had to stop. I was at my favourite part!

"We're about to go for the duet." She announced. I thanked her and made sure that I had my phone in my jumper pocket, before walking out with them. I jogged up to Brooke and Paige and asked "What are your thoughts about the dance?"

"I think that if we just do it right we'll get it." Brooke replied slinging an arm around my shoulder. Doing the same to her, I replied with "Well I think that you guys are going to do really well."

"Thanks Taylor." Both Paige and Brooke replied at the same time and we all laughed.

"Girls, do well." Abby said briefly to Brooke and Paige before turning and walking away.

"Wow, what a pep talk." I said sarcastically and left Kelly to talk to her kids. Breaking apart from the mums we walked backstage. The Candy Apples weren't there yet so we just sat down while Brooke and Paige practiced. "Hey it's Sophie!" Mackenzie exclaimed pointing over to a girl ,that looked her age, in a corner and then she ran over.

"That's her friend from a different studio." Maddie informed me as I was still looking at the spot that Mackenzie was before. Nodding my head I turned to the rest of the girls and just chatted about random stuff. Finally it was time for the duet and the girls and I cheered while they walked on. They started the dance and I could only spot a few mistakes but overall they were amazing.

When they walked off all of the girls had a group hug and we walked back to the dressing room. "You guys were amazing!" I screamed (at an appropriate tone) to Brooke and Paige.

"Thanks Taylor."

"Don't worry about it." I shrugged as we started walking out again. "I must say, I am getting very tired of looking at the same stuff all of the time. I want to see more!" I spread my arms out dramatically for effect as we were walking down the exact same hallway that I have seen about 40 million times today. A bit of an exaggeration really but close enough.

"You're so dramatic!" Nia pushed me to the side making me bump into Mackenzie, who bumped into Chloe, who bumped into Maddie, who bumped into Paige, who bumped into Kendall, who bumped into Brooke, who bumped into Mr Wall. Yes, we were walking in a straight line. We're cool like that.

"Sorry Mr Wall! We didn't mean to hurt you!" I shouted over my shoulder as I grabbed Brooke's arm and made a run for the dressing room while laughing. "HEY! We're still here you know!" Paige shouted to us as she started running again with the girls soon following behind her.

"Run, Brooke, run!" I shouted all the while still laughing and pushed her forward towards the dressing room that was now insight. "I'll protect you!" Puffing out my chest, I tried my best to spread myself out (in a starjump position) to keep the girls away.

They were coming straight towards me so bracing myself for the huge impact, I squeezed my eyes tightly shut. There was a huge breeze that went past me along with the sound of the trampling feet. Opening my eyes I was extremely confused when I didn't see any of the girls but rather saw some other competitors looking at me weirdly. Embarrassed, I looked behind me to see the girls all squeezing Brooke to death.

Well, looks like I'm not that good of a bodyguard.

Sorry about the really bad chapter.
I just wanted to say that I think that I will update usually ever Saturday. I'm at high school so there is a fair bit of homework but I will try to update on Saturdays.
Thank you so much for reading!

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