Chapter 32

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"How are you feeling?" An as tired as I was Nick asked me through the phone. It was early in the morning and I was currently sitting in the dancers den waiting for Abby to come and tell us that we could leave. Competition day was yet again here. That meant getting up really early to get into a bus and battle my travel sickness.

"I'm tired but I'm still wide awake. The lights are on and they're really bright. It's annoying me." I rambled on and on while rubbing my eyes and fighting back a yawn. "Sorry I'm rambling. Where is your competition again?"

"It's in a town that like an hour away from yours. I'm actually surprised that we weren't going to go and compete against you. I think that we'll be going against you soon though, it's been too long."

"Yeah but that's going to bring so much drama though. I won't be able to see you either if we do go against you." This hiding from each other at competitions will be hard. Living far away from each other and going to competitions each week makes it hard to see each other. We've relied a lot on our phones and Skype.

"I know but at least we'd then get to see each other and we'd get to speak to each other backstage. We'd just have to make sure that there are no cameras around when we do see each other 'cause you know that I'm going to kiss you."

I just died.

I'm dead.

He's amazing.

"I'm so glad that you're my boyfriend."

I have to go now.


"Okay girls, go get ready for solos, we don't have very long so this is going to have to be very quick. If you're not doing a solo get ready for the group because there is not going to be very much time at all after the group. Get going! Quick!" Abby politely (as politely as Abby can) spoke to us before yelling at us to get going and shooing us off with her hands as soon as we had settled in to the dressing room.

For our group dance, I was going to wear a dark blue costume that I thought was really pretty and my hair was in a bun. There was another fight with the mums about why Maddie got the attention when she was rehearsing and why Chloe didn't. This was just another everyday thing now. Every single day there seemed to be an argument between someone.

Soon my makeup was done and we left to go and watch the solos. They all did very well but I do have to say that Maddie seems to do the same dances every week. She is a beautiful dancer and I know that as a dancer you're going to do some moves again in a dance but she does the exact same thing but with different music and a different costume.

Chloe does do some different things but it is pretty much the same. Not as much as Maddie but Chloe does do the same thing as well. They might be my friends but sometimes it gets boring to watch them do the same things. Maddie went first and then straight after was Chloe.

They were finished and we made our way to the dressing room. I was talking to Brooke about stuff and she started joking about Nick and I.

I hit her arm.


Serves her right.

We had to wait for Maddie and Chloe to get ready before we left to do the group dance. While waiting, I not only went over the dance but I also watched the group before us. They were hitting the music with such intensity I almost ran into the corner and curled up into a ball. They were going to be extremely hard to beat and we would have to pull out all of the stops.

They ran off of the stage when finished, their red full body costumes glistening in the stage light once more before they came off and into the wings. Walking past them to get to our positions as we were next, my stomach erupted with butterflies especially when I made eye contact with one of them. It looked like the intensity of their dance was still being reflected in their eyes.

Finally, we were called out on to stage by one of the judges. I don't know why they called us out, I thought that they would've been to busy finishing their marks or something. The music started and Maddie came our right on her cue. The rest of us soon followed, coming out on our cue's. Our bodies twisted and turned, moving with the music and creating a masterpiece. We came into our line, doing our things all in time with the music and each other. We kept on dancing and performing for the rest of the dance until it finally finished and it felt like our lungs wouldn't be able to handle anymore.

Once going back to the dressing room and getting our ALDC jumpers on, we made it back to the stage in time for the awards. Of course the solos came first and though I wasn't as nervous as Chloe and Maddie, I still felt butterflies rushing around as they started to call out the places. We got to third place with still no names called and we started gripping each other's hands tightly. It was like if we squeezed enough, we would win. Finally 2nd and 1st place was called out which of course had Chloe coming 2nd and Maddie coming 1st.

Following that was duo's and trio's which I didn't bother to pay attention to and only clapped when necessary. My stomach tingled as we waited to be called for the group. Thankfully we didn't have to wait too long and they announced the winner.


The group that was on before us came second and I'm so glad that we beat them. After going up as a group, saying who choreographed our routine and our studio name, we got to leave to go back to the dressing room and not too long after Abby congratulated us, we were on the bus ride home.

I'm sick and I know that this chapter is crap but whatever. I can hardly breathe right now.

I revised this and made some changes to it. So sorry for it being so bad but I'm finding it hard to get the story moving and I'm trying to put in a few romantic scenes as it is supposed to be full of romance.

Thank you so much for reading.

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